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Curiosity Café Procedures
How we do Things
Day 1-Part 1 1. Behavior Expectations
Behavior and Trust I trust that you will be able to manage your own behavior. I trust you will bring your best effort and work very hard. I trust you will honor and follow the procedures I teach you. I trust that you will be honest with me. Discuss
Why Procedures? Procedures are a part of life. They allow operations to run smoothly with minimal confusion, low stress, and less wasted time. Many places have set procedures. Procedures make your life easy. Once you know the procedure, all you have to do is follow it. Who can give me some examples of procedures in the real world?
SLANT Sit Up Tall Listen Ask and Answer Questions Nod Your Head
Track the Speaker
2. Morning Procedures
First Thing in the Mornings
Monday—Computer Lab Tuesday—In the Classroom Wednesday—Art Thursday—Music Friday—P.E.
Entering the Room Enter Room with High Five Welcome.
Acknowledge my greeting and provide an appropriate greeting yourself. Take out all folders and binders out of your backpack and neatly place in or by your desk. Place snack in your cubby or desk. Place bagged lunch in the bin. Put Your backpack on hook in back. Fill back hooks FIRST and fill from RIGHT to LEFT. Read. Wait for my instructions NO RUNNING! ONLY ONE MINUTE TO DO THIS!
Part 2 3. Behavior Management Procedures
Behavior Management Classroom Rules $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Fines & Fees SLANT You are Responsible for your own behavior! You choose your own success! You solve your own problems! …But we all are here to help! Responsibility Managers & Bonuses We will laugh, have fun, and we will learn! Discuss
SLANT Sit Up Tall Listen Ask and Answer Questions Nod Your Head
Track the Speaker
Paychecks Each week you will earn money based on:
Work ethic (completing work) Behavior Being prepared for class You will receive a paycheck on Tuesdays. You must put your full name & date on check. Paycheck amounts: Incomplete Work= $10 Fine Poor Choice with Behavior/Unprepared=$5 Fine Discuss
Responsibility Managers/Bonuses
On Tuesday, all students who received 0 Fines will be put on the back board and will be our Responsibility Manager’s for the next week. You may also receive a bonus (extra money) for making the list! Each day I will pick three students from the list on the backboard to be the Responsibility Managers for the day. They will have a cone placed on their desk. These individuals need to make sure to coordinate all responsibilities for the day. Discuss
Keeping an Orderly Binder
Notebook Order: Assignment book Lined Paper We will go over more of the Binder Order on Monday.
4. Movement Procedures
In-Class Transitions Transitions are when we go from one activity to the next or move from individual work to group or pair work and vise versa. Assume the SLANT position and listen for my directions or Read. Quickly and Quietly get up and move to the appropriate new spot.
Entering Classroom in the Middle of the Day
No need to line-up outside. Come in and immediately head to your desk. Start on Do-Now or Read If someone is sitting in your seat, sit quietly by the cupboards, read, and wait until your desk is free.
Lining-up and Walking Outside of Class
Students will line up quietly and focus on being as quiet as possible. I will give you a number to count by or to think of words that rhyme with other words. You must follow my directions on this! Girls along the Whiteboard Wall. Boys line up along the Cupboards. Students will follow two simple rules in line: Stand Directly behind someone Face the direction you will be walking. When walking, you will stay quiet by focusing on the task I gave you. Discuss Tour School
Lunch Line-up Row by Cupboards: People who are buying Lunch. Must be in Alphabetical Order. Row by Whiteboard: People who brought lunch. Two Responsibility Managers will take the Lunch Tub downstairs. Follow same rules as regular line-up procedure.
Part 3 5. End of the Day procedures
Class Dismissal On Regular days, we will get ready for dismissal at 2:17pm On Tuesday will pack-up right after lunch and dismiss at 12:25pm
Preparing for Dismissal
Put all work away in appropriate folders. And put folders away neatly. I will excuse students to get their backpack based on Assignment Board completion. QUIET TIME (No Talking) Stand behind your chair Close Eyes and reflect on what you learned for the day. Straighten Desks on Tape Clean up trash around your area and keep in your hand until dismissal You will see me at the door and I will excuse the whole class and give a good-bye high five. Discuss
Day 2-Part 1 Tour the Classroom
Write Five things you notice on an index card about your section. Discuss
6. Organization Procedures
Checking out Classroom Materials
Responsibility Managers are in charge of all classroom materials, including: classroom library books, scissors, staplers, and other items that may be borrowed. Books that are “checked out” will be recorded in the check-out binder. This binder will be located by the class library. Students fill out sheet and we organize Discuss
Needing a Sharpened Pencil
In order to prevent lost instructional time, there will be a cup holder full of sharpened pencils in my office. Raise your hand and ask if you can go in my office and replace your dull pencil with a sharpened one.
Keeping an Orderly Desk
All desks must remain clean. Extra pens, pencils, markers, and crayons must be stored in the pencil box or kept in your cubby or backpack. Cubby items must fit in Ziplock bag. Your Ziplock bag must have your name labeled with a Sharpie. Two pencils and a pen may remain outside the pencil box. Only textbooks, reading books, approved folders, and a binder may be in your desk cubby. Any other items must remain in your backpack. Discuss
7. Communication Procedures
Coming to Attention Whenever I ask for your attention, you will show me SLANT: Sit up Listen Ask and Answer Questions Nod Your Head Track Teacher
Please Raise Your Hand If you have a question or need help.
If you want to add a comment to a class discussion. If you need to get up out of your seat. Show Video
Participating in Class
We will take notes on information and your thinking. Each student will be expected to participate in class discussions and respect job responsibilities assigned. We may use our whiteboards together in discussions. Students should be engaged and working hard every minute while in the classroom. Discuss
Part 2 8. Homework & In Class Work Procedures
Assigning Homework All assigned homework for each subject will be written on the Smart Board. Students will be given five minutes at the end of each lesson to write the homework down in their planners. Discuss
Collecting Work Please Turn in All Work into the Turn-in Basket.
If you do not complete homework, it is your responsibility to go to the Success Room if you really want to be an empowered student. Discuss
Incomplete Assignments
You must attend the Success Room during lunch recess for incomplete assignments including in-class assignments, excludes absences. Fill out Success Room Form and attach a $20 check to form. If you don’t have a $20 check when you give the form to me to be initialed, you will go to the Success Room at lunch for the rest of the week. I initial and take the form and money from you and hold it for the next day. If you bring the due work the next day, you don’t have to go to the Success Room, but you lose $10. If you still don’t have your work completed, you take the form and your binder with the incomplete work to Success Room at lunch. Mrs. Wilson initials the slip and takes the yellow copy. You take the white part of the form home to be signed by guardian. The next day you return the signed sheet and the completed work, and I will return the remaining $10 to you. If nothing is returned the next day, I keep the remaining $10. Discuss
9. Other Procedures
Restroom Breaks Only one girl or one boy may go to the bathroom at a time. Raise your hand for permission. You will not be able to go to the bathroom during instruction. You will be allowed ONE emergency bathroom break a week. When you go to the bathroom, you must sign out with your name and time of leaving, and when you return, you must record the return time. Discuss
Nurse Office Raise Your Hand.
You fill out your first and last name on the Health Office Form. Take the Form to the Nurses Office. Discuss
Library Procedure-Done during Reading
You need to bring your library books each week. If you are not actively looking for a book, you must be seated with a book to read. You MAY NOT sit next to anyone when reading, unless you are at the “Students who do not have a book” table. Last Checkout Call will be 5 minutes before the end of our library time. At the end of the session, you are responsible for following our lining up procedure. Discuss
Exchanging Papers to Critique
Quickly and quietly exchange papers with a partner. If there are only three people in your group, exchange in a circle.
Effort You will be expected to write in complete sentences.
You will be expected to speak in class with complete sentences. You will be expected to share your thinking. Think and share about how you think. You will be expected to reflect on your behavior and learning. You will be expected to work very hard and to persevere! You will be expected to have FUN! Discuss
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