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Amanda Sanchez, Ph.D. DNA Global Forum 2017

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1 Amanda Sanchez, Ph.D. DNA Global Forum 2017
Executive Director Prescott, Arizona


3 What has changed today? This Generation Previous Generations
Top universities around the world making their courses available for free Rapid expansion of the Internet globally Digital native generation What has changed today? Previous Generations Very little could be done for these young people Limited higher education opportunities (constrained by number of physical spaces on campus) High cost of higher education

4 What does this shift mean for the global Church?

5 A wholistic, accessible approach to higher education

6 Biblical worldview Socratic dialogue Academic Mentoring Structured lesson plan format

7 Coram Deo

8 Week 1: The Transforming Story
Workshop Objectives 1 Students will Understand that in order to make sense of the world, they must begin with the transforming story, beginning with creation and ending with the consummation at Christ’s return. Recognize God’s historical purpose of redeeming, healing, and blessing the nations. Examine several age-old questions such as “What does it mean to be human?” and “Where is history going?” in light of three major worldview categories: animism, secularism and Biblical theism. Answer how these worldviews shape the way people live and, ultimately, how they shape whole cultures and nations in radically different ways. Assigned Readings/ Video Watching 1 Reading: Christ and the Kingdom by Darrow L. Miller : Video watching: Part 1 A True and a Powerful Story (10:45) Part 2.Man's Rebellion and God's Mission (11:35) Part 3 The Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ (13:13) Part 4 The King and the Return of the Kingdom (18:50) Pre-Class Work 1 After completing the reading and video watching, answer the following questions. Write down your answers in Word and submit your document via Canvas prior to the next meeting. What does it mean to be made in God’s image? Take a few minutes and reflect on the three forms of evil discussed (moral, physical, and Institutional). How do you see each form of evil being manifested in the world around you or being manifested in your own life? What are the names that Darrow uses for the task that God gave to Man? What is Jesus’s call upon our lives? Read Matt 28:18 and Identify the task that Jesus gives to His Church. Week 1: The Transforming Story Workshop 1 [15min] Discuss pre-class work [40min] KWAT discussion (See guided notes below) [10min] Quiz: Complete the quiz for this lesson on Canvas [30min] [Application from the Coram Deo lesson] Write a short essay (minimum of 250 words) about the application question below and submit it via Canvas: Application Question: In the final video, Darrow says, "Here in the United States, we’ve taken the glorious gospel, and we’ve put it into a materialistic storyline....We’ve done this all over the world. In India, we’ve taken the precious gospel, and we’ve put it into a Hindu story. In Korea, we’ve taken the precious gospel, and we’ve put it into a Confucian story. In Africa, we’ve taken the precious gospel, and we’ve put it into an animistic story. We have not been telling the whole story." Reflect on your culture and how the gospel has been reduced and put into your culture's story.

9 “Gosh am just loving this lesson more and more as we continue learning,,,from watching the videos,our online discussions,,our own class discussions as we answer the questions and doing the quizzes. well ave learnt that am of value and i have a purpose to fulfill here on earth,i just love Coram deo classes,our mentors are great learning about God is my greatest conclusion is THE LESSON HAS BEEN SUPERUB!!!!” A female student in Nairobi

10 “Coram Deo is all i needed and is all we all need, as a church or a community, we need it very much, for learning how the world sees you, how the church sees the world, and also how wrong we have been living in our society, we were made to be in the presence of God, and that's what i want, in all that i do i want to always stay in the presence of God. For that reason i cant afford to say thank you for everyone who has made this course, it changes lives, no one will participate in this course and remain the same.” A male student in the Soweto slum of Nairobi

11 Certificate Program


13 Big Picture Goals - Wholistic discipleship
- Biblical worldview formation - Hands-on application through internships, service-learning, and sacrificial service - University-level education - Employment and demonstration of servant-leadership in students’ chosen careers Big Picture Goals


15 Learn More

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