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Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school

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1 Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school
Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

2 The contribution of education to a democratic culture
Pestalozzi Programme Summer School Academy of Bad Wildbad, Bad Wildbad, Germany Competences for a democratic culture: From onlookers to engaged and active citizens The contribution of education to a democratic culture What does it mean? What should we focus on? A point of departure in the presentation is that democratic culture is or should be a major characteristic of both our societies and our education. But what does this mean, and how do we as individual teachers or as partners in a system of education ensure its presence? Jón Torfi Jónasson,

3 This session Introduction On the ideas of democracy
How do these relate to education How does this relate to teacher voice, also the manifesto, On professional development as a cultural (thus the form of the summer course) rather than a technical issue Conclusion Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

4 Introduction Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

5 Introduction - preamble
Four parts: The participating group My role (as a teacher) Voices – student voices, teacher voices, your voices, my voice Important questions Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

6 Who are we? Briefly about the group assembled. About 80 people from 40 countries traditions and cultures – mainly teachers, and trainers, academics, administrators, some school heads, some psychologists, … We come from different cultures, different sectors, and have (at least somewhat) different basic philosophies or perspectives, we understand terms or concepts differently and we will come up with different answers to the questions posed. But all of us want to constructively clarify the issues and contribute to a powerful edifying discussion and – as we are here – we have probably somewhat similar ideas, vision, ambitions, … We have to communicate – among our selves and with others – thus respect for language and the way we use it becomes of paramount importance. Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

7 What might be the main questions we should tackle?
Introduction What might be the main questions we should tackle? For the conceptual issues: The meaning of democracy – and its relationship to education? For the implementation challenges: how do we do it? What do we teach and how? Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

8 What might be the main conceptual questions we should tackle?
Introduction What might be the main conceptual questions we should tackle? What we are talking about? Briefly here Why is it so important? Very briefly What are the related questions? Another, but very important discussion Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

9 What might be the main issues for implementation we should tackle?
Introduction What might be the main issues for implementation we should tackle? How do we do it? I will emphasise this Are we „allowed“ to do it? Only discussed in passing What are we talking about? What does it mean? What does democratic culture mean? Very important Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

10 On the ideas of democracy
Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

11 On the ideas of democracy
What is the democracy - or democratic culture - we want to foster? Many different discourses Political (science) discourse - governance, participation Educational discourse – deliberation, equality, communication, competencies Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

12 On the ideas of democracy – the political (science) discourse
What is the systemic democracy we want to foster? Many different ideas: models of democracy Liberal, republican, and discourse theoretic models of democracy - of governance (Habermas, 1994) [Issues that come up, not discussed here, see e.g. from 2007 on why democracy ] Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

13 On the ideas of democracy – the political (science) discourse
Why is democracy so important?– Very different answers depending on different models and perspectives - some classes of reasons It has an inbuilt safety valve Representative governance is expedient – There is also a clear division of labour Deliberation leads to better solutions – a pragmatic rationale Deliberation leads to ownership of ideas and solutions Democracy – especially a democratic culture, fosters an egalitarian, respectful social environment! Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

14 On the ideas of democracy – the educational discourse
Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

15 On the ideas of democracy – the educational discourse
On Democracy by John Dewey 1937 Democracy is much broader than a special political form, a method of conducting government, of making laws and carrying on governmental administration by means of popular suffrage and elected officers. It is that, of course. But it is something broader and deeper than that. The political and governmental phase of democracy is a means, the best means so far found, for realizing ends that lie in the wide domain of human relationships and the development of human personality. It is, … a way of life, social and individual [… and implies] the necessity for the participation of every mature human being in formation of the values that regulate the living of men together: which is necessary from the standpoint of both the general social welfare and the full development of human beings as individuals. Written in 1916 Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

16 On the ideas of democracy – the educational discourse
Democracy and democratic culture is mediated through education. Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

INTRODUCTION A BACKGROUND ASSUMPTION: COMPETENCES ARE NECESSARY BUT NOT SUFFICIENT A FURTHER BACKGROUND ASSUMPTION: ALL CULTURES ARE INTERNALLY HETEROGENEOUS, CONTESTED, DYNAMIC AND CONSTANTLY EVOLVING THE CONCEPT OF COMPETENCE EMPLOYED IN THE CURRENT MODEL THE WORKING METHOD USED TO IDENTIFY THE COMPETENCES TO BE INCLUDED IN THE MODEL 5.1. Audit of existing competence schemes 5.2. Decomposition of existing competence schemes 5.3. The identification of competences for inclusion in the model THE MODEL 6.1. Values 6.2. Attitudes 6.3. Skills 6.4. Knowledge and critical understanding 7. CONCLUSION Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

18 On the ideas of democracy – the educational discourse
“Council of Europe has long been active in the fields of education for democratic citizenship and intercultural dialogue” “the competences which citizens require to participate effectively in a culture of democracy” (CFDC, fw) Section 1 “also explains why the phrase “culture of democracy” is used in the present context rather than “democracy”: this is to emphasise the fact that, while democracy cannot exist without democratic institutions and laws, such institutions and laws cannot work in practice unless they are grounded in a culture of democracy, that is, in democratic values, attitudes and practices. “ (p. 9) Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

19 6.4. Knowledge and critical understanding
THE MODEL 6.1. Values 6.2. Attitudes 6.3. Skills 6.4. Knowledge and critical understanding Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

20 Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school
Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

21 How do these ideas about democracy or a democratic culture relate to the conduct of education?
x Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

22 How do these ideas about democracy or a democratic culture relate to the conduct of education?
They relate to What we aim at, what education is for What we present, teach - content How we conduct our daily classes How we conduct our schools How we conduct our systems of education The participation and voice of the participants Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

23 Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

24 How do these ideas about democracy or a democratic culture relate to the conduct of education?
Take into account important documents – what do people mean? COMPETENCES FOR DEMOCRATIC CULTURE Council of Europe Living together as equals in culturally diverse democratic societies Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

25 Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

26 How does this relate to student and teacher voice?
Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

27 How does this relate to student and teacher voice?
The voice of participants in education A voice of governance An educational voice That of the students That of the teachers Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

28 Students, pupils, “a class of 30”, …
The terms we use: Students, pupils, “a class of 30”, … Children, youth, … people, individuals, … People, who are your responsibility in some sense, are perhaps under your direction, or even control … Two important terms Purpose – and - voice Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

29 Students - Purpose! Damon urges us to make sure that the essence of school is to instil a sense of purpose. Perhaps the ultimate purpose of school is to enable us to thrive as individuals in a democratic culture. Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

30 As partners in governance
Students - Voice! As partners in governance As partners in procedural educational decisions As partners in substantive educational decisions As active participants in the development of the competencies of a democratic culture Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

31 Growing interest in the practice of enhancing student voice, engagement and influence
Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

32 “To find yourself - think for yourself”
What is perhaps the most important concept relating to educational practice? Important for teachers and students alike! 2015 The Socratic dialogue -415 “To find yourself - think for yourself” Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

33 Teachers! The voice of the principal participants and operators of education A voice of governance An educational voice - the leaders of the practice of education and thus its development Which brings us to perhaps the most important and urgent task of any modern educational system – teachers’ professional development! Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

34 Professional development as a cultural rather than a technical issue
Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

35 Professional development as a cultural rather than a technical issue
The need for continuous development Development of what? Knowledge, values, attitudes and skills – of teachers The culture of improvement, development, - must become an integral part of the practice of education Three? levels of expertise – new competencies (for teachers and schools, communities) 1. Acquisition 2. Getting to grips with new skills, ideas 3. Developing, mastering, owning, … Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

36 An aside – a comment on how quickly or slowly things must happen
Speed reading, fast food, fast living, …. Everything is supposed to happen so quickly An argument for speed reading I once read: Everyone knows that we can think much faster than we read But think about the sentence, what does it mean: How fast do we think? What does it mean to read a sentence? I normally argue for slow reading and thinking!? Very few people agree with me. Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

37 Professional development as a cultural rather than a technical issue
Bringing the Profession Back In By Michael Fullan and Andy Hargreaves They want to set the focus on the professional, who has to be a) Constantly learning new things, in their subject, new subjects, new methods, new norms, new cultures, and being b) Constantly developing like a professional, turning new skills into new competencies PLD Professional learning Professional development Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

38 Eggheads and sociopaths? Moral, mature professionals
Missing? Vision about education Eggheads and sociopaths? Moral, mature professionals Ineffective ingenués Caring craftspeople Professional learning Professional development Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

39 Taken from Fullan og Hargreaves - 2016 Bring the profession back in
Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

40 Development change We have to be developing - moving all the time. But it is not easy. There are many things that hold us back – fortunately in some cases! Educational change, inertia and potential futures. Why is it difficult to change the content of education?  European Journal of Futures Research,  4: 7  doi: /s z Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

41 Concluding remarks Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

42 Understanding – knowing – implementing - developing
Concluding remarks The contribution of education to a democratic culture What does it mean? What should we focus on? Understanding – knowing – implementing - developing A point of departure in the presentation was that democratic culture is, or should be a major characteristic of both, - our societies and our education. But what does this mean, and how do we as individual teachers or as partners in a system of education ensure its presence? Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

43 Concluding remarks So, what is important? What should one try to do?
Clarify what we want to do? This is a spiralling process and does not happen once and for all. It is never finished. We constantly develop our knowledge and understanding, and also our attitudes, skills and values. Develop our approach. Gradually become better. Seek feedback, conversation, reflection. Endeavour to become a part of a community with same or similar values. (Community of practice, learning community). Make sure you are doing, what you think is right. You may have to change your mind or develop (e.g. in a summer school), but nobody can do this for you. And you have to make it work - at home - at your school – gradually. Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

44 Thank you Have a pleasant and a fruitful week
Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

45 It is all about pedagogy … of course !?
Competencies for a democratic culture. Pestalozzi summer school. June Jón Torfi Jónasson

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