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Evolution Anticipation Guide

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1 Evolution Anticipation Guide
presented by Betsy Sanford 7th Grade Life Science Lost Mountain Middle School

2 Evolution does not mean “man from monkey”.
The word “evolve” means change over time. Biodiversity is thought to be a result of gradual (slow) change. Evolution Theory an explanation for all of the wide variety of living things on Earth since beginning of time, living things have changed and developed changes due to survival needs survival traits pass through DNA

3 Evolution is a scientific theory.
Explains change in species. Used as the classification system for modern biology. Two types - microevolution and macroevolution Microevolution happens on a daily basis in the natural world repeatedly documented by scientists worldwide often happens quickly in times of extremes Macroevolution the application of the theory to the prehistoric past based on fossil evidence

4 Fossils are found in sedimentary rocks, but are not the only type of preserved remains.
The only type of rock to contain fossils is sedimentary rock. However, there are other kinds of preserved remains including: casts, molds (preserved indentations like footprints) amber (petrified tree sap with remains in it) frozen organisms in glaciers natural and man-made mummies volcanic remains like Pompeii tar pit remains like La Brea in California

5 Evolution is not an origin of life theory or a belief system.
A scientific theory based on evidence. An explanation of how life has diversified (changed) on earth since prehistoric times. An explanation for the ongoing changes in all species happening today. Evolution is not a religion and does not explain how life was first created.

6 Evolution is not something an organism does on purpose.
Living things are driven to survive - its in our nature. Organisms with survival traits live long enough to reproduce. Survival traits are passed through the DNA to the offspring. In the next generations, the offspring that have traits that help them survive will live to reproduce.

7 Individual organisms can change behaviors to meet the needs of their environment, but physical and behavioral traits that help survival are also passed through DNA. Organisms born with the traits to survive will survive and reproduce. No survival traits - die off before reproduction. Eventually, the whole species will change through these inherited traits to reflect the traits that best help survival.

8 Problems with the Theory
Follows reproduction, but cannot tell where first life came from. Cannot explain major changes in species that happen quickly. Fossil record is incomplete. there are many fossils from many time periods even whole sets of fossils for various time periods not enough fossils from ALL time periods to perfectly show the flow of evolution inconsistent data

9 How should evolution theory continued to be studied?
Through observations of living species How do they change? What naturally effects species? What effects are caused by man? How do species react to these effects - do they change and survive or die off? Through collected evidence Continue digging for, and examining, fossils Should we try to bring back extinct species?

10 7th Grade Focus Natural Selection - “survival of the fittest”
Adaptations - the variety in living things that help them survive Fossil Evidence - interpreting evidence

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