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By: Dan, DJ, Lauren, and Alexa

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1 By: Dan, DJ, Lauren, and Alexa
Bacteria By: Dan, DJ, Lauren, and Alexa

2 overview Benefits of bacteria What are antibiotics?
What are disinfectants? What are common antibiotics? What type of diseases do antibiotics treat?

3 The Bad DN Causes bacterial infections and diseases
Pathogens – Bacteria, microbes, or viruses that cause disease  Responsible for Bubonic Plague or Black Death Can infect food or water sources Causes death in under devolved, unsanitary countries  DN

4 The Good DN Bacteria are not all bad Cannot survive without them
Makes food; cheese , yogurt, pickles Make proteins, later drugs (medicine) Gives plants Nitrogen to grow DN

5 The Good DN Bacteria breaks down many things
Food you digest in your stomach Includes Petroleum Cleans oil spills to keep environment healthy  DN

6 Antibiotics DN Used to treat bacterial infections
Including life-threatening contagious diseases Does not work on viruses Can cause harm if overused Creates harder-to-kill bacteria DN

7 How do diseases spread? Direct Contact Indirect Contact AG
Person Person Mother Fetus Animal Person Linger on objects Infected droplets through sneezing or coughing Requires physical contact Occurs without physical contact AG

8 How do diseases spread? Food Contamination Insect Bites AG
                                           Food Contamination Insect Bites Food infected with disease Infects many from one source Example: E Coli Travels host to host Mosquitoes, fleas, lice, ticks Examples: Malaria West Nile Virus Lyme Disease AG

9 Antibiotics Disinfectants AG Kill invading bacteria cells In humans
Kill bacteria cells on objects  Destroy cell walls Cell wall building prevention Quickly kill bacteria when in contact Clump proteins together Dissolve membrane Examples: Penicillin & Cephalosporins Examples: Alcohols & Chlorine AG

10 Disease Prevention AG Good Health Vaccinations Smart traveling choices
Wash hands Wise food preparation Safe sex Vaccinations Smart traveling choices AG

11 Penicillin Antibiotic that kills bacteria and prevents growth and spread Used to treat infections Ear infections Sinuses Throat and Lung Urinary systems Does not cure or prevent: Colds Flues Infections caused by viruses DJ

12 Penicillin Can be used to treat strep throat
Kills bacteria and shortens time contagious Stops strep bacteria from spreading Symptoms of Strep Throat Fever Swollen Tonsils Nausea/ Vomiting Side Effects of Penicillin Abdominal Pain Nausea Mild Diarrhea Skin Rash

13 Tetracycline Antibiotic to fight infections caused by bacteria
Treats many bacterial infections: Skin Intestines Respiratory Tract Urinary Tract Genitals Lymph Nodes Treats infections from infected animals and contaminated food Used when Penicillin cannot be used Using Tetracycline can harm unborn baby during pregnancy

14 Children younger than 8 years old should not take this medicine
Tetracycline Works by stopping the growth of bacteria Used to treat acne Acne comes in many forms: Whiteheads Blackheads Small red bumps Pimples Some side effects of Tetracycline: Severe blistering Fever Nausea Swollen tongue Sores in lip

15 What is Amoxicillin? Penicillin Antibiotic that treats bacteria
Taken in pill or powder form Treats  bacteria caused infections: Tonsillitis, bronchitis, ear infections, pneumonia Combined with other antibiotics to treat stomach infections LC

16 What does Amoxicillin Do?
Kills bacteria that cause an infection Side Effects of Amoxicillin: Stomach aches, rash, vomiting Bronchitis Symptoms: chest congestion, shortness of breath, wheezing, cough that brings up mucus LC

17 What are Macrolides? Treat many types of gram-positive bacteria
Very broad spectrum Respond better to antibiotics, no outer membrane Turn violet during the gram test Bind to ribosomes to stop protein synthesis LC

18 What does Macrolides treat?
Treats infections:  soft tissue infections, STD’s,  Treats intracellular pathogens: Legionella Pneumophia Symptoms of legionellosis: shortness of breath, high fever, nausea, headaches, muscle aches Side effects of Macrolide: nausea, vomiting, allergic reaction, buzzing in ears LC

19 Which of the following diseases are bacterial?
A. Common Cold B. Bubonic Plague C. James Bond D. HIV/AIDS DN

20 Which of the following can bacteria not break down?
A: Glass B. Petroleum (Oil Spill) C. Food in your stomach D. Human waste DN

21 What is NOT an effective way of preventing the spread of disease?
Washing hands B. Petting dogs C. Traveling safely D. Getting vaccinated AG

22 What are two types of disinfectants?
A. Penicillin & Tetracycline B. Advil & Tylenol C. Chlorine & Alcohols D. Melatonin & Chlorine AG AG

23 True or False? Penicillin cures you of viruses.
A. True B. False False! Penicillin kills bacteria to prevent the growth and spread of it. DJ

24 What does Tetracycline treat?
Viruses B. Bacterial Infections C. James Bond disease D. Stomach bugs DJ

25 True or False Amoxicillin treats bacteria caused infections
A. True                                                B. False LC

26 What is Legionella? Bacteria B. Intercellular Pathogen's
C. Gram- Positive D.  Gram-Negative LC

27 overview Benefits of bacteria What are antibiotics?
What are disinfectants? What are common antibiotics? What type of diseases does antibiotics treat?

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