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Statistics In Research

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Presentation on theme: "Statistics In Research"— Presentation transcript:

1 Statistics In Research
Introducing Critical Issues in Statistics

2 Scientific Process Theory Draw Conclusions Hypothesis Apply Method
Analyze the data Apply Method

3 Illusionary Correlation
A belief that two things systematically co-occur when they, in fact, do not

4 Data Reduction/Summary
Descriptive Statistics Calculations that summarize and simplify the data Central Tendency Variability

5 Central Tendency A single score that defines the center of the scores
Mean (M) Median Mode

6 Measures of Dispersion/Variability
Range Largest Number – Smallest Number Standard Deviation (SD) Average deviation from the mean Mean Scores 4 1 6 5

7 Confirm What Data Reveals
Inferential Statistics Mathematical techniques used to compute the probability of finding these results by chance (based on a ratio)

8 Inferential Statistics

9 The Significance of Being Statistically Significant
Statistical Significance vs. Practical Significance

10 There was a statistically significant difference in happiness between participants who listened to happy music (M = 3.62, SD = 0.47) and participants who listened to sad music (M = 3.09, SD = 0.32), t(28) = 5.13, p < .001.

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