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The Fruits of Our Collaboration: Quality, Speed and Satisfaction

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1 The Fruits of Our Collaboration: Quality, Speed and Satisfaction
Mark Colombo Senior Vice President, Digital Access Marketing FedEx Services David Zanca Senior Vice President, E-Commerce Technology

2 IT and Marketing are often a study in contrasts.
We’ve worked to transform those contrasts into collaborative efforts. It’s a competitive advantage. Today’s customers are mobile and super-connected .. so we gotta plug into those channels. First, let’s play a little quiz. Everybody stand up … 2

3 remember to pick up eggs, milk & mt. dew
Audience Checklist DOES NOT text message DOES NOT conduct banking online remember to pick up eggs, milk & mt. dew DOES NOT have a social networking account DOES NOT trade goods in the digital marketplace Text message? Bank online? Linkedin or Facebook? Buy/sell on eBay or Craig’s List? Blog? Authored a Wiki entry? Belong to virtual world? Game online? Twitter or online presence? What if we asked your kids the same questions? DOES NOT blog DOES NOT author a Wiki entry DOES NOT belong to a virtual world call RBC tomorrow a.m. DOES NOT game online DOES NOT use a presence device

4 Gen Y and Gen X are the Most Active Online Consumers who regularly use the Web for the following activities: Gen Y (18-27) Gen X (28-41) Younger Boomers (42-51) Older Boomers (52-62) Seniors (63+) Gen Y Index* Use Web-Based 73% 65% 52% 50% 38% 1.3 Use Instant Messaging 56% 33% 25% 21% 17% 1.8 Send Photos by 41% 40% 27% 20% Use Social Networking Sites 42% 7% 4% 1% 2.7 Play Online Games Alone 39% 31% 24% 1.4 Download Music 36% 22% 13% 2.1 Purchase Products 45% 28% 23% 1.0 Gen Y (18-27) 73% 56% 41% 42% 39% 36% Gen Y – just entering the workforce – is connected. Look at Social Networking usage, then download usage. They buy no more online than anyone else. They live in a connected fashion to interact and share information. It’s not solely about commerce – it’s about presence. 36% 36% Base: U.S. Online Customers *Note: The Gen Y index represents the percentage of Gen Y consumers doing the activity divided by the average for all U.S. customers. An index of more than 1.0 represents an activity that Gen Yers do more frequently than the average customer, and an index of less than 1.0 means that Gen Yers do that activity less than the U.S. average. Source: Forrester Research

5 Engage the Net Generation as Customers and Employees
Workforce Mix by Generation G.I. and Silent ( ) Baby Boomer ( ) Generation X ( ) Net Generation ( ) 54% 51% 49% 48% FedEx must to deliver exceptional digital experiences so that this generation connects with us as employees and customers. 38% 37% 28% 22% 22% 18% 16% 13% 3% 1980 1990 2000 2010 Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

6 At FedEx, 13MM Digital Experiences Each Business Day
Our digital presence today: 13MM FedEx digital experiences every day 87%+ of all parcels are initiated digitally 30% of all FXO print business

7 Singular Accountability
Critical Path: Goal Congruence Deliverable 2 Deliverable FY Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Planning and Rollout Strategic Deliverable 3 Deliverable 1 Key Deliverables Status Deliverable 2 Deliverable FY Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Planning and Rollout Strategic Deliverable 3 Deliverable 1 Key Deliverables Status IT and Marketing Must Align to Enable Global Access for the Digital Consumer The path to collaboration starts with us: Goal Congruence Aligned our strategies Aligned our compensation objectives To Deliverable 2 Deliverable FY Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Planning and Rollout Strategic Deliverable 3 Deliverable 1 Key Deliverables Status Singular Accountability 7

8 IT and Marketing Must Align to Enable Global Access for the Digital Consumer
Risk Score: 35 Maximum Sample Projects: A B C Risk Very low Low Medium High Extreme Access on mobile devices.>> E-Commerce Digital Dashboard Critical Path: Language Executive Communications Joint O&D Meetings Employee Communications Language Joint communications with our peers Between our management team And with our employees 8

9 IT and Marketing Must Align to Enable Global Access for the Digital Consumer
Critical Path: Process Agile Development Joint Enterprise Service Quality Metric Process Agile Development Joint SQI metric 9

10 IT and Marketing Must Align to Enable Global Access for the Digital Consumer
Critical Path: Quality Software Delivery Manages the “manufacturing line” Uses performance management system to monitor, measure and assess risks Diagnoses and corrects problem areas in the software development cycle Quality Software Delivery Manages “manufacturing” line Uses performance mgmt. system to monitor, measure and assess risks Diagnoses & corrects problem areas in SDC 10

11 IT and Marketing Must Align to Enable Global Access for the Digital Consumer
Critical Paths to Collaboration: Language / Process Goal Congruence Software Management Location And the last critical path is the old real estate mantra: Location, location, location! 90 IT and 96 DA Marketing team members co-located in Fall 2008. Impressive results… 11

12 Results: Quality Measurement Jointly-defined metrics
Quality Assurance Field Test Lab Continuous Improvement Pricing Logic Change Results: Quality Measurement (jointly-defined metrics) Quality Assurance (Field Test Lab) Continuous Improvement (PLC)

13 Results: Speed Global Access with tools that are: Easy-to-use
FedEx Desktop Global Access with tools that are: Easy-to-use Customizable Real-time Reliable Relevant FedEx Advanced Tracking FedEx Mobile Results: Speed to market Global access with tools that are: Easy-to-use, customizable, real-time, reliable and relevant. FedEx QuickShip Web Services FedEx Print Online

14 “The Choose FedEx sites were rebuilt and launched in one hour
“The Choose FedEx sites were rebuilt and launched in one hour. The quality and speed of execution would not have been possible without our two teams co-locating.” “Co-location was a great move and proved itself out when my team (Marketing) and Angela’s team (IT) handled the crisis over the cubical walls.” Dennis Shirokov FedEx.Com Marketing Speed testimonial from one of our Marketing managers. 14

15 Results: Customer Satisfaction
Automation Volume Average Daily Volume (In Thousands) 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 82% 87% 100% Percent Automated Employee satisfaction translates to Customer satisfaction. Customer research backs it up.

16 Questions & Answers Thank you – and now we’ll take your questions. 16

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