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Year 6 Parents' SATs Meeting 30TH January 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 6 Parents' SATs Meeting 30TH January 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 6 Parents' SATs Meeting 30TH January 2017

2 Aims of the session To share important information about KS2 SATS
To answer any questions about KS2 SATS Discuss / share ideas about how you as a parent can help your child at home

3 What are KS2 SATs? Standard Assessment Tests
All children have to be tested before they go to Secondary school Provide assessment information for Secondary schools Purpose – assign National Curriculum levels to children before they leave Primary school

4 Where should Y6 children be at the end of the year?
Levels are no longer part of the national curriculum assessment procedure. Children are assessed at the end of the year as: Working towards expected standard Working at expected standard Working above expected standard

5 What other information do Secondary schools want?
SATS results Teacher assessments Tests administered by Secondary schools It varies according to which Secondary school your child is going to

6 How is SATs week organised?
A timetable is issued to school, telling us on which days/sessions tests must be administered. All children must sit the tests at the same time. Test papers can only be opened 1 hour before the tests begin. Tests are mainly completed in the hall, with any displays that may help covered over.

7 SATs Timetable Year 6 SATs Week 8th – 11th May 2017 Monday 8th May
Tuesday 9th May Wednesday 10th May Thursday 11th May English reading 1 hour English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1: questions 45 mins Paper 2: spelling Read by teacher Mathematics Paper 1: arithmetic 30 mins Paper 2: reasoning 40 mins Paper 3: reasoning

8 Any questions?

9 English SATs English SATs consist of: A reading test
A grammar, punctuation and spelling test

10 Reading The reading test is one hour long . It is usually broken down into three sections. We recommend that the children read one piece of text at a time and answer the corresponding questions before moving on to the next. No assistance can be given as we are not even able to read out the questions.

11 There are 4 main types of questions on the reading paper:
Literal – The answer is there in the text Deductive – Look for clues in the answers- eg synonyms Inferential – Read between the lines Authorial intent – e.g. What is the author trying to achieve with their choice of vocabulary? We have introduced the children to various exam techniques including the P.E.E method to achieve the three mark questions.

12 ‘A Day in the English Countryside’
Sentence from: ‘A Day in the English Countryside’ As the afternoon light started to fade, the cow stopped eating grass, stood instead with its head over the gate and gazed expectantly down the lane. How light was it? (Literal) What three things did the cow do? (Literal) What time of day was it? (Deductive) Where was the cow? (Deductive) What do you think the cow was expecting? (Inferential) What strategies does the writer use to give the reader so much information in a single sentence? (Authorial intent)

13 The Hottest Day Garnet thought this must be the hottest day that had ever been in the world. Every day for weeks she had thought the same thing, but this was really the worst of all. This morning the thermometer outside had pointed a thin red finger to one hundred and ten degrees Fahrenheit*. It was like being inside a drum. The sky like a bright skin was stretched tight above the valley, and the earth too was tight and hard with heat. Later, when it was dark, there would be a noise of thunder, as though a great hand beat upon the drum; there would be heavy clouds above the hills, and flashes of lightning, but no rain. It had been like that for a long time. After supper each night, her father came out of the house and looked up at the sky, then down at his fields of corn and oats. ‘No,’ he would say, shaking his head. ‘No rain tonight.’

14 6. Garnet helped to get supper ready but everyone was too hot to eat
6. Garnet helped to get supper ready but everyone was too hot to eat. They all went to bed. Later on that night, she was woken up by the sound of thunder and then heard the 7. Explain fully why Garnet wanted it to rain. 2 marks 8. Garnet and Citronella talked about their daydreams. What did their daydreams have in common with Garnet’s dream on the last page? 1 mark

15 The four men laughed more loudly, while even the man who had been bitten began to laugh. They surrounded the cub and laughed at him, while he wailed out his terror and his hurt. In the midst of it, he heard something. The men heard it too. But the cub knew what it was, and with a last, long wail that had in it more of triumph than grief, he ceased his noise and waited for the coming of his mother, of his ferocious mother who fought all things and was never afraid. She was snarling as she ran. She had heard the cry of her cub and was dashing to save him.

16 How can parents help with reading?
Ensure your child reads every night! Encourage them to read fiction and non-fiction. Try to listen to your child read and ask them questions about the text. Help them with the different skills of reading especially ‘skim’ reading where they are looking for key words in the text. Speed reading Reading homework

17 Any questions?

18 Three written test papers
Mathematics Mathematics SATs consist of: Three written test papers Paper 1: arithmetic Papers 2 and 3: reasoning During any of the maths tests calculators may not be used.

19 Some questions are worth one mark and therefore accuracy is important.
Other questions are worth two marks and even if the answer is wrong, a mark may be given for correct working. Teachers may read questions in both reasoning papers to pupils if asked.

20 Explanation


22 TIMES TABLES!!! How can parents help with Maths?
Support with homework – not just helping with the Maths but reading the question can really help. TIMES TABLES!!! Help your child to check their work through – this will help them to spot mistakes that can sometimes be easily fixed.

23 How to help your child with Maths revision
1. Use CGP or other revision books of your choice. 2. Practise mental arithmetic with your child and help your child practise and learn times tables facts. 3. Encourage your child to read information sources such as charts and timetables. Practise drawing and measuring angles. 5. Revise properties of 2-D and 3-D shapes. 6. Practise converting metric weights and measures e.g. 17 kg = 17,000 g, 2.05 l = 2050 ml. Also, metric to imperial km to miles. 7. Practise reading questions CAREFULLY with your child. 8. For fun learning use Mathletics and the Woodlands Junior website.

24 What is the English grammar, punctuation and spelling test
What is the English grammar, punctuation and spelling test? The English grammar, punctuation and spelling test assesses your child’s English skills in four key areas in Year 6: spelling punctuation grammar; and vocabulary.

25 How long is the test? 45 minutes When will I know how well my child has performed in the tests? Your school will let you know your child’s result. It will be in their school report before the end of the summer term.

26 How can parents help with writing?
Again, reading a variety of texts – the more children read, the more familiar they become with different text types Reading homework – text analysis Writing homework Spelling – spelling lists / rules every week Grammar and punctuation homework



29 What are we doing? Demonstrating high expectations through our teaching. Vibrant curriculum – cross-curricular teaching Setting for Maths Teaching assistant support Booster sessions Intervention sessions. Test preparation Fun – hard work but no stress on the children!

30 How can parents help? The best help is interest taken in learning and progress. Supporting homework. Good communication between the school and home. Getting a good sleep on a school night!

31 Useful Websites


33 http://www. emaths. co. uk/index



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