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The journey from Ljubljana Eurorap Plans part ii

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1 The journey from Ljubljana Eurorap Plans 2016-20 part ii
Thank you all very much. Stephen Stacey & Steve Lawson Ljubljana, 24 June 2016

2 Where do they Slovenia EuroRAP?
Conspicuous success in western Europe – where? Conspicuous success in South East Europe – where? Support in similar philosophy and strategy – where? Have not tried it; not yet fully aware of RAP – where? Used it; prefer other methods – where? “We prefer other methods” – where?

3 Where do they Slovenia EuroRAP?

4 Where do they Slovenia EuroRAP?
Conspicuous success in western Europe – where? – Netherlands, Spain and England + others? Conspicuous success in South East Europe – where? Support in similar philosophy and strategy – where? Have not tried it; not yet fully aware of RAP – where? Used it; prefer other methods – where? “We prefer other methods” – where?

5 Where do they Slovenia EuroRAP?
Conspicuous success in western Europe – where? – Netherlands, Spain and England + others? Conspicuous success in South East Europe – where? 14 SENSoR countries and the SEETO region Support in similar philosophy and strategy – where? Have not tried it and have little knowledge – where? Used it; prefer other methods – where? “We prefer other methods” – where?

6 Where do they Slovenia EuroRAP?
Conspicuous success in western Europe – where? – Netherlands, Spain and England + others? Conspicuous success in South East Europe – where? 14 SENSoR countries and the SEETO region Support in similar philosophy and strategy – where? Sweden Have not tried it; not yet fully aware of RAP – where? Used it; prefer other methods – where? “We prefer other methods” – where?

7 Where do they Slovenia EuroRAP?
Conspicuous success in western Europe – where? – Netherlands, Spain and England + others? Conspicuous success in South East Europe – where? 14 SENSoR countries and the SEETO region Support in similar philosophy and strategy – where? Sweden Have not tried it; not yet fully aware of RAP – where? eg Baltic states, some of Scandinavia, Portugal, Turkey Used it; prefer other methods – where? “We prefer other methods” – where?

8 Where do they Slovenia EuroRAP?
Conspicuous success in western Europe – where? – Netherlands, Spain and England + others? Conspicuous success in South East Europe – where? 14 SENSoR countries and the SEETO region Support in similar philosophy and strategy – where? Sweden Have not tried it; not yet fully aware of RAP – where? eg Baltic states, some of Scandinavia, Portugal, Turkey Used it; prefer other methods – where? Parts of western Europe “We prefer other methods” – where?

9 Where do they Slovenia EuroRAP?
Conspicuous success in western Europe – where? – Netherlands, Spain and England + others? Conspicuous success in South East Europe – where? 14 SENSoR countries and the SEETO region Support in similar philosophy and strategy – where? Sweden Have not tried it; not yet fully aware of RAP – where? eg Baltic states, some of Scandinavia, Portugal, Turkey Used it; prefer other methods – where? Parts of western Europe “We prefer other methods” – where?

10 Who cares about and is willing to pay for infrastructure safety?
Will fund through International Financial Institutions (IFIs) Will fund through European funding mechanisms Will fund through own national governments

11 Who cares about and is willing to pay for infrastructure safety?
Will fund through International Financial Institutions (IFIs) eg Albania, FYROM, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Ukraine – eg World Bank Will fund through European funding mechanisms Will fund through own national governments

12 Who cares about and is willing to pay for infrastructure safety?
Will fund through International Financial Institutions (IFIs) eg Albania, FYROM, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Ukraine – eg World Bank Will fund through European funding mechanisms eg Danube Transnational Programme (DTP) Will fund through own national governments

13 Who cares about and is willing to pay for infrastructure safety?
Will fund through International Financial Institutions (IFIs) eg Albania, FYROM, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Ukraine – eg World Bank Will fund through European funding mechanisms eg Danube Transnational Programme (DTP) Will fund through own national governments eg England, ?Spain?

14 Who cares about and is willing to pay for infrastructure safety?
Will fund through International Financial Institutions (IFIs) eg Albania, FYROM, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Ukraine – eg World Bank Will fund through European funding mechanisms eg Danube Transnational Programme (DTP) Will fund through own national governments eg England, ?Spain? For IFI funds – “Your countries must say that they need us”

15 Why do they want to pay? What RAP does What EuroRAP Members do already
What road authorities do already What road authorities want that RAP can provide

16 Why do they want to pay? What RAP does What EuroRAP Members do already
technical, policy and communication What EuroRAP Members do already What road authorities do already What road authorities want that RAP can provide useful information, public connectivity, political support, communication skills

17 Why do they want to pay? What RAP does What EuroRAP Members do already
technical, policy and communication What EuroRAP Members do already communication, policy and technical What road authorities do already What road authorities want that RAP can provide

18 Why do they want to pay? What RAP does What EuroRAP Members do already
technical, policy and communication What EuroRAP Members do already communication, policy and technical What road authorities do already policy, technical and communication What road authorities want that RAP can provide

19 Why do they want to pay? What RAP does What EuroRAP Members do already
technical, policy and communication What EuroRAP Members do already communication, policy and technical What road authorities do already policy, technical and communication What road authorities want that RAP can provide useful information, public connectivity, political support, communication skills

20 EAGER “EuroRAP in Africa”
Strategic projects PROJECT NAME CONSORTIUM MEMBERS RADAR Danube Transnational Programme Members: EIRA, AMZS, HAK, UAMK, BBARS, ACR, FPZ, KTI, BIHAMK, Rotondo Associated Strategic Partners (ASP): motorway companies from Slovenia, Slovakia, Croatia; governments of Slovakia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, BIH, Hungary; road authorities/agencies of Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria SafePoint Horizon 2020 Led by Jožef Stefan Institute, AMZS, FIA + 5 EAGER “EuroRAP in Africa” ?World Bank? Led by Birmingham University UK, ERF, Global NCAP, + 4 African universities, + 5 others

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