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Presentation on theme: "REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA: GEOSPATIAL DATA FOR LAND GOVERNANCE"— Presentation transcript:

Maria OVDII, Ph. D Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre of Moldova Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty Washington DC, March 20-24, 2017

2 Contents 1. Introduction 2. Geospatial data for Good Governance
3. Spatial Data Infrastructure in Moldova 4. Policy and Strategy E-Government Strategy 5. Accessibility & Technical Infrastructure 6. Socio-economic impact 7. Capacity development 8. Conclusions/Summary Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty Washington DC, March 20-24, 2017

3 Introduction Total area – 33,7 thousand km² Capital – Chisinau
Population – 4,3 mln Real Estate – 5.7 mln Territorial division 32 regions 65 cities 1 548 localities Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty Washington DC, March 20-24, 2017

4 √ ALRC is Founder of four State Enterprises:
√ The Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre: Public Government Authority carrying out execution, control and supervising the Land Administration, Geodesy, Mapping and Cadastre Systems in Moldova √ Established in 1994 √ National contact point for the NSDI implementation, responsible for establishment, maintaining and management of the NSDI geoportal, monitoring and reporting of the spatial data infrastructure at all levels. √ ALRC is Founder of four State Enterprises: - S.E. "CADASTRU" - S.E. Institute of Geodesy, Engineering Research and Cadastre "INGEOCAD “ - S.E. Project Institute for Land Management "IPOT" - S.E. "Soil Protection and Land Development“ Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty Washington DC, March 20-24, 2017

5 World Bank cooperation 1998-2007
√ Implementation of First Cadastre Project in Moldova; √ Establishing and operating of the unified property registration system; √ Approximately four million real estate objects were registered during the first five years of the project. √ About 75% of the properties are registered; √ Development and implementation a property valuation system for taxation purposes. √ Swedesurvey have provided technical assistance for the World Bank First Cadastre project in Moldova. Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty Washington DC, March 20-24, 2017

6 Norwegian technical support 2006-2016
√ Orthophoto maps √ Digital Terrain Model √ CORS system (MoldPOS Net) √ Laser Scanning of Flood Risk areas √ Land Information System development in Cadastre MoldLIS; √ Pilot testing of Drones (UAV/UAS) technology; √ Vector base mapping for the NSDI and √ NSDI National Geoportal (in development). Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty Washington DC, March 20-24, 2017

7 Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) support 2010-2012
√ Technical assistance Project for creation of 1: topographical maps for development of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure of Moldova. Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty Washington DC, March 20-24, 2017

8 European Union support for Land System in Moldova
: EU Twinning project for the Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre – “Organization, Streamling and Computerization Process in Mapping in the Republic of Moldova”. Twinning partner- SWEDESURVEY and State Geodetic Administration of the Republic of Croatia. EU Twinning Project results: √ NSDI Strategy and Law, created in line with the EU INSPIRE requirements; √ Regional and Local level SDI demonstrations for Pilot region; √ A demonstration of the network services showing the possibilities of data sharing Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty Washington DC, March 20-24, 2017

9 Geographic coverage of Pilot area
European Commission/JRC cooperation 2016: EU Danube Reference Data and Service Infrastructure Pilot project "Data Harmonisation Pilot based on INSPIRE in Moldova" - example of cross-border data harmonisation between Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. Available data/INSPIRE themes Administrative units Hydrography Transport networks Land cover Soils Vegetation Cadastre data Population Geographic coverage of Pilot area Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty Washington DC, March 20-24, 2017

10 Geospatial Data for Land Governance
√ Benefits for citizens, authorities and public sector as regards the use of qualitative and accurate spatial data. √ Development of National Infrastructure √ Effective Government √ Economic growth √ Protection of resources √ Enabled citizens Benefits for the society: √ A common understanding of location; √ Better and safer decisions about selection of spatial data; √ Increased cooperation and transparency in the use of spatial data; √ More efficient use of resources for creation of other spatial data; √ More efficient administration at lower costs for spatial data; √ Driving force for technical development; Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty Washington DC, March 20-24, 2017

11 NSDI in Moldova √ There are 22 public institutions across 6 Ministries and 5 other Agencies/ Authorities and local authorities (most of them are involved in a demonstration of the EU Twinning pilot Project). √ 37 datasets and 17 spatial data services are described through metadata on the National Geoportal 6dec85e8-eb6a-4a c83f527bf7a5. Coordination structure of NSDI in Moldova Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty Washington DC, March 20-24, 2017

12 E-Government Strategy in Moldova
√ With the World Bank’s support the Government of Moldova launched its M-Cloud platform in √ MCloud products which provide strong infrastructure support for the further development of eServices : i) MPass (government authentication and access control service), ii) MSign (government digital signature service), and iii) MPay (government electronic payment gateway) . √ The Open Data portal √ 944 data sources and around 30 applications Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty Washington DC, March 20-24, 2017

13 Fundamental/Reference Geospatial Data
√ Basic data is available in digital format. Orthoimagery and base maps are published on and √ A lot of data is available in formats which are not suitable for digital dissemination, such as ungeoreferenced scanned paper maps √ Several thematic datasets are available via the Open Data portal Cadastre Land Cover Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty Washington DC, March 20-24, 2017

14 Accessibility & Technical Infrastructure
√ The ALRC, with the support of Swedish and Croatian experts, has established a provisional geoportal based on an open-source solution ,,GeoNetwork”. It will be functional until a permanent geoportal will be created within the Norwegian technical support Project. √ NSDI Geoportal includes the metadata catalogue, containing metadata created by the public entities. √ NSDI Geoportal is a single point of access to geospatial data and nowadays it is at pilot stage . Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty Washington DC, March 20-24, 2017

15 Accessibility & Technical Infrastructure
√ NSDI Geoportal makes it possible to view harmonised spatial data in a unique standard, which enables the interoperability of various datasets from different public entities, such as: dataset ,,Soils” of S.E. IPOT with datasets ,,Aerial orthophoto”, ,,Digital terrain model” and ,,Topographic map 1:50000” of S.E. INGEOCAD Spatial data - interoperable via network services Soils, Aerial orthophoto and Topographic map 1:50000 √ Network services. These services are: discovery/search, view, download and transformation. √ Most public entities do not have network services in Moldova. In the case of those authorities which had them, their services were not compliant with the ISO/TC211 standards. Spatial data - interoperable via network services Soils, Digital Terrain Model, Topographic map 1:50000. Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty Washington DC, March 20-24, 2017

16 Socio-economic impact
√ Evaluation of the socio-economic impact of the NSDI usage in Moldova was not done yet. √ There is no Business Plan elaborated. Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty Washington DC, March 20-24, 2017

17 Capacity Development √ The current national capacities of the responsible public authorities are not sufficient for establishment of the NSDI in Moldova. √ The provision of adequate technical infrastructure and skilled staff with sufficient level of IT and GIS knowledge for public authorities on different levels is needed. √ The INSPIRE implementation is limited because of a lack in harmonized of geospatial datasets. Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty Washington DC, March 20-24, 2017

18 Conclusions √ The development of the NSDI in Moldova achieved a significant progress in recent years, thanks to a significant financial and technical support of the Norwegian Government and Norwegian Mapping and Cadastre Agency “Kartverket” (2006 to today), JICA and EU funds. √ Data sharing is already established between several organisations (ALRC, Ministry of Transport, Forest Agency “Moldsilva, Emergency Service for Civil Protection etc). √ The Agency for Land Relations and Cadastre of Moldova/S.E. Cadastru/S.E. INGEOCAD/S.E. IPOT provide available fundamental datasets such as Orthoimagery, Administrative boundaries, Addresses, Cadastral Parcels, Elevation Data, Base Maps in different scales through web-based services, which are extensively used by other public entities. Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty Washington DC, March 20-24, 2017

19 Conclusions √ Metadata catalogue is not completed;
√ There are no licensing conditions; √ Coordination body for a NSDI it is under development; √ Lack of human resources; √ Lack of standards of spatial data; √ Limited communication between private and government sectors on spatial information; √ Lack of experience in management and operation of web- services, such as geo-portal; √ The Business Model is not elaborated; √ Limited understanding of the importance of geospatial data for decision making; √ Limited budget for development and maintenance of the geospatial information. Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty Washington DC, March 20-24, 2017

20 Thank you for your attention
Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty Washington DC, March 20-24, 2017


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