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Maths & Science Inset 9.15 – 9.45 am What will an Estyn Inspection look like? Judith Williams – Introduction to the Estyn ‘NEW’ Common Inspection.

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Presentation on theme: "Maths & Science Inset 9.15 – 9.45 am What will an Estyn Inspection look like? Judith Williams – Introduction to the Estyn ‘NEW’ Common Inspection."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maths & Science Inset 9.15 – 9.45 am What will an Estyn Inspection look like? Judith Williams – Introduction to the Estyn ‘NEW’ Common Inspection Framework 9.45 – am Richard Blann ELC E learning resources Referencing tutorial The LRC ‘WiFi’ and you 10.30 – am Coffee Welcome to Neath Port Talbot College!

2 10.45 – 11.15 am Issues arising from Internal Inspection
Writing Lesson Objective Questioning Techniques Target setting / feedback sheet Student evaluation / Student voice 11.15 – pm Moodle New Look & Feel Moodle tutorial course 12.15 – 1.15 pm Lunch Welcome to Neath Port Talbot College!

3 Hot Potatoes refresher
1.15 – 2.15 pm Student Tracking Qwizdom refresher Tarsia refresher Hot Potatoes refresher 2.15 – Coffee 2.30 – 3.30 pm ‘Moodle Time’ Course Teams get together look at updating / developing Moodle Course Pages Tutorial Moodle

SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS & SCIENCE FEEDBACK Friday 29th January 2010 Names of who is presenting and positions What we are here to do today NB: you can also copy and use this slide as a template for further slides required with writing

5 Inspection Feedback Good features
The wide range of innovative teaching methods used which incorporate interactive techniques, such as ‘show me’ boards; The effective use of guest speakers and educational visits which enhance the learning experience in the National Diploma in Forensic Science; The effective use of Moodle VLE to support teaching and learning outside the classroom; Names of who is presenting and positions What we are here to do today NB: you can also copy and use this slide as a template for further slides required with writing

6 Inspection Feedback Good features
The high standard of lesson planning; The standardisation of high quality learning resources in most subject areas; The positive targeted support and constructive feedback given to learners. Names of who is presenting and positions What we are here to do today NB: you can also copy and use this slide as a template for further slides required with writing

7 Inspection Feedback Recommendations
To use questioning techniques more effectively to challenge all learners in all classes; To implement ‘file check’ in all subject areas as evidence of target setting in learner files; To clearly define learning objectives so that they are ‘testable’. Names of who is presenting and positions What we are here to do today NB: you can also copy and use this slide as a template for further slides required with writing



10 Cq1 Q1 How good was the information you were given by this college/training provider when you were choosing your course(s)/training, was it...? Cq2 Q2 How good was the advice you have been given by this college/training provider about what you can do after your course(s)/training has finished, was it...? Cq3 Q3 How good was the help staff gave you in the first few weeks at this college/training provider, was it...? Cq4 Q4 How good is the support you get on your course(s)/training? Cq5_1 Q5 How good are your teachers/trainers, assessors and tutors at... Explaining the work you have to do Cq5_2 Q5 How good are your teachers/trainers, assessors and tutors at... Listening to you and what you need to help you learn Cq5_3 Q5 How good are your teachers/trainers, assessors and tutors at... Talking about your learning aims or goals Cq5_4 Q5 How good are your teachers/trainers, assessors and tutors at... Giving you feedback on how to improve Cq5_5 Q5 How good are your teachers/trainers, assessors and tutors at... Making sure that learners behave well and do not disturb your work Cq6_1 Q6 How good is your college/training provider at... The respect shown to you by staff Cq6_2 Q6 How good is your college/training provider at... Asking you to give your views about the college/training provider Cq6_3 Q6 How good is your college/training provider at... Listening to your views about the college/training provider and telling you what has happened as a result Cq7_1 Q7 And how good is your college/training provider at... Making sure that you feel safe whilst on your course/training Cq7_2 Q7 And how good is your college/training provider at... Helping you to have a healthy lifestyle Cq7_3 Q7 And how good is your college/training provider at... Helping you to understand and respect people from different backgrounds Cq7_4 Q7 And how good is your college/training provider at... Making sure that you have someone to talk to when you are worried Cq7_5 Q7 And how good is your college/training provider at... Offering you the chance to learn through Welsh or with Welsh-language support if you want to Cq8 Q8 Overall how good do you think this college/training provider is?

11 Fq1 Q1 How good was the information you were given by this college/training provider when you were choosing your course(s)/training, was it...? Fq2 Q2 How good was the advice you have been given by this college/training provider about what you can do after your course(s)/training has finished, was it...? Fq3 Q3 How good was the help staff gave you in the first few weeks at this college/training provider, was it...? Fq4 Q4 How good is the support you get on your course(s)/training? Fq5_1 Q5 How good are your teachers/trainers, assessors and tutors at... Explaining the work you have to do Fq5_2 Q5 How good are your teachers/trainers, assessors and tutors at... Listening to you and what you need to help you learn Fq5_3 Q5 How good are your teachers/trainers, assessors and tutors at... Talking about your learning aims or goals Fq5_4 Q5 How good are your teachers/trainers, assessors and tutors at... Giving you feedback on how to improve Fq5_5 Q5 How good are your teachers/trainers, assessors and tutors at... Making sure that learners behave well and do not disturb your work Fq6_1 Q6 How good is your college/training provider at... The respect shown to you by staff Fq6_2 Q6 How good is your college/training provider at... Asking you to give your views about the college/training provider Fq6_3 Q6 How good is your college/training provider at... Listening to your views about the college/training provider and telling you what has happened as a result Fq7_1 Q7 And how good is your college/training provider at... Making sure that you feel safe whilst on your course/training Fq7_2 Q7 And how good is your college/training provider at... Helping you to have a healthy lifestyle Fq7_3 Q7 And how good is your college/training provider at... Helping you to understand and respect people from different backgrounds Fq7_4 Q7 And how good is your college/training provider at... Making sure that you have someone to talk to when you are worried Fq7_5 Q7 And how good is your college/training provider at... Offering you the chance to learn through Welsh or with Welsh-language support if you want to Fq8 Q8 Overall how good do you think this college/training provider is?


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