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PHYS 1902 Electromagnetism: 2 Lecturer: Prof. Geraint F. Lewis

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1 PHYS 1902 Electromagnetism: 2 Lecturer: Prof. Geraint F. Lewis

2 Capacitance Opposite charges, so attractive electric force
(Something must be holding them apart in a static configuration) Potential energy is stored in this configuration

3 Capacitance Double the charge (difference)
means electric field doubles in strength means voltage doubles

4 Capacitance

5 Capacitance Capacitance:
capacity of two conductors for holding electric potential energy Capacitance: Depends only on the shapes and sizes of conductors (i.e., the configuration) and on the insulating material between them NOT on the amount of charge or voltage

6 Capacitance of Two Parallel Plates
Plates are close enough that we can use an approx: uniform E field What is the capacitance?

7 Spherical Capacitor – 24.3 Concentric spherical conducting shells:
inner shell: radius ra outer shell: radius rb Both shells are charged, the inner shell with +Q, and the outer with –Q. What’s the capacitance?

8 Potential Energy Stored in a Capacitor
Potential energy in a capacitor C with voltage V and charge Q=CV Work needed to “charge” the capacitor, starting from Q=0 Consider point where amount of charge q has been moved Move small charge dq

9 Potential Energy Stored in a Capacitor
Puzzle: Alice and Bob argue about the relative “capacity” of two capacitors C and 2C to hold potential energy Alice argues that the capacitor 2C only holds half the potential energy as C, because U=Q2/2C Bob argues the opposite, because U=CV2/2 Which one is correct?

10 Potential Energy Stored in a Capacitor

11 Potential Energy Stored in a Capacitor

12 Electric Field Energy Capacitors store potential energy
What is the energy density between the plates?

13 Capacitors in parallel
equivalent to Capacitors in parallel:

14 Capacitors in series equivalent to Capacitors in serial:

15 Capacitor problem What is the equivalent capacitance of this combination?

16 Chapter 25 Current, Resistance, and Electromotive Force

17 Current So far, we’ve studied only static situations
Now we start considering charges in motion Drift velocity

18 Current

19 Current During time dt, charge passing through A: dQ
Unit of current: the Ampere A = C/s

20 Current Think of current like a vector.
It ”points” in the direction of the flow of positive charge (opposite to the motion of electrons!)

21 Current density How does current relate to drift velocity?
n: concentration of particles, in m-3 Current density

22 Resistivity Ohm’s Law:
In most metals, there is a simple relationship between the electric field and the current density Ohm’s Law: Resistivity is independent of the electric field strength Conductivity: inverse of resistivity

23 Resistance For an Ohmic material:
Usually more interested in voltage (rather than E) and in current (rather than J) Resistance: Units of Ohms

24 Closed Circuits To maintain a steady (constant) current, we need to create a closed path – a circuit

25 Electromotive Force Electromotive force (emf) is the pump
Some other force

26 Electromotive Force Electromotive force (emf) is the pump
Change in electric potential (voltage) around a loop equals zero (Think of the fountain) Ideal source of emf:

27 Internal Resistance Electromotive force (emf) in an idealisation
Real devices have internal resistance Terminal voltage, source with internal resistance

28 Internal Resistance Circuit
(current, source with internal resistance)

29 Symbols for Circuits Conductor with negligible resistance Resistor
Source of emf (longer line always represents the positive terminal) Source of emf with internal resistance r (can be on either side) Voltmeter (measures potential difference) Ammeter (measures current through it)

30 Problem – 25.5 What is the reading on: the ammeter? the voltmeter?

31 Problem – 25.5

32 Problem Real emf Internal resistance Eight flashlight batteries in series have an emf of about 12 V, similar to that of a car battery. Could they be used to start a car with a dead battery? Why or why not?

33 Potential in a Circuit

34 Work in a Circuit Potential energy is lost when going through a resistor emf does work on charge, raising its potential energy Work could be done by this current in principle

35 Power in a Circuit In time dt:
Potential energy decrease in time dt from dQ “falling” through Vab = Va – Vb Power (rate at which energy is delivered or extracted from a circuit element):

36 Power for a Resistor Combine Ohm’s Law with our new power equation
(power delivered to a resistor) In the case of a resistor, energy is lost as heat Other circuit components (i.e., LEDs) use this energy in other ways

37 Power Lines Power Station Sydney (power delivered to a resistor)

38 Problems Small aircraft have 24 V electrical systems, even though their requirements are about the same as cars (with 12 V systems). Aircraft designers say that a 24 V system weighs less, because thinner wires can be used. Why?

39 Problem – 25.9 What is rate of:
energy conversion (chemical to electrical) by the battery? power dissipation by the battery? power dissipation by the resistor?

40 Short circuit – 25.11 What are the meter readings on the voltmeter and ammeter? What is the power dissipation by the battery?

41 (Sub-)Chapter 26.4 R-C Circuits

42 A Capacitor in a Circuit
Switch (open) Ideal emf Closing the switch initiates a non-static (time-dependent) process What happens? Resistor Capacitor

43 A Capacitor in a Circuit
Switch (closed) Ideal emf Initially, a current will flow and charge will build up on the capacitor... ... but that capacitor builds up a voltage drop given by Resistor Capacitor

44 A Capacitor in a Circuit
Switch (closed) Initially, a current will flow and charge will build up on the capacitor... ... but that capacitor builds up a voltage drop that (after a very long time) is and the current stops Ideal emf Capacitor Resistor

45 Charging a Capacitor Use Kirchhoff’s loop rule to solve for q and i as functions of time: Ideal emf Switch (closed) At t=0 (switch closed): Resistor Capacitor

46 Charging a Capacitor Use Kirchhoff’s loop rule to solve for q and i as functions of time: Ideal emf Switch (closed) As t -> ∞ Resistor Capacitor

47 Charging a Capacitor Use Kirchhoff’s loop rule to solve for q and i as functions of time: Ideal emf Switch (closed) Resistor Capacitor Check: ?

48 Charging a Capacitor Ideal emf Switch (closed) Resistor Capacitor

49 Charging a Capacitor Ideal emf Switch (closed) Resistor Capacitor

50 Time constant τ = RC: quantifies rate of charging

51 Discharging a Capacitor
Switch (open) What happens when the switch is closed? Resistor Capacitor

52 Discharging a Capacitor
Switch (closed) Capacitor discharges and the current eventually goes to zero Resistor Capacitor ?

53 Discharging a Capacitor
Switch (closed) Resistor Capacitor

54 Discharging a Capacitor
Switch (closed) Resistor Capacitor

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