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Define Climate The long term weather patterns of an area.

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Presentation on theme: "Define Climate The long term weather patterns of an area."— Presentation transcript:

1 Define Climate The long term weather patterns of an area.

2 List the 3 main factors that influences climate. 1. latitude 2
List the 3 main factors that influences climate latitude 2. Topographic Effects 3. Air Masses

3 How does Latitude influence climate?
The higher the latitude the colder the average temperatures are.

4 How do coastal areas compare in climate to inland areas?
Coastal areas have smaller temperature ranges (cooler summers and warmer winters) than inland areas.

5 How does a higher elevation influence climate?
The higher the elevation the colder the average temperatures are.

6 Describe the windward and leeward sides of a mountain in terms of precipitation?
The windward side of the mountain is wet and the leeward side of the mountain is dry (rain shadow).

7 Where are the tropics? Area of latitude between 23.5 degrees north and South latitude.

8 Where are the temperate zones?
Between 23.5 and 66.5 North and South

9 Where are the polar zones?
Between 66.5 and 90 North and South Latitude.

10 What is weather? The current atmospheric conditions such as but not limited to temperature and humidity.

11 What are the two characteristics of an air mass?
Temperature and humidity

12 What is a front? The leading edge of an air mass.

13 Where does precipitation frequently occur?
At fronts (where air masses collide) And/or On the Windward side of the mountain

14 What is the name of the classification system for climates?
Koeppen Classification system

15 List 4 out of the 6 climates types.
Tropical Mild Dry Continental Polar High elevation

16 Name two factors that will determine the type of climate it is.
Temperature and humidity

17 What is the name of a localized climate?
Micro Climate

18 What are the periods of extensive glacial coverage called?
Ice age

19 What is an example of short term climatic change?
The seasons

20 What is a heat Island? The presence of many concrete buildings and large expanses of asphalt can create an area of higher temperatures. ex NYC is often 10 degrees warmer than it’s surrounding suburbs.

21 What is El Nino? Warm ocean current that occasionally develops off the western coast of South America. This can alter the normal storm track and bring storms to Southern North America.

22 Period of extensive Glacial coverage
What is an ice age? Period of extensive Glacial coverage

23 What 2 factors causes the seasons?
The Earth’s tilt The revolution (Earth going around the Sun)

24 List 4 of the ways in which long term climate change is natural?
Solar activity changes (many or few Sun spots) Change in Earth’s orbit (circular vs eccentric) Change in Earth’s tilt (direction and degree) Large Meteorite impact Large Volcanic eruption

25 How can the Sun’s activity influence climate?
The more Sun Spots there are the warmer it is.

26 How can a change in Earth’s orbit influence climate?
The more circular the orbit the cooler it is (100,000 year cycle).

27 How can a change in Earth’s tilt in degrees effect climate?
The higher the degree of the tilt,(up to 45) the warmer the summers and colder the winters will be.

28 If the direction of the tilt changes, the season will change.
How can a change in Earth’s tilt direction (Earth’s wobble or precession) effect climate? If the direction of the tilt changes, the season will change.

29 Sunlight turns into this after hitting the Earth’s surface

30 This is the term for the temperature raising all over the world
Global warming or Climate change

31 Some scientists theorize that if this warming continues, our atmosphere will be like which planet?

32 The Maunder Minimum or the Little Ice Age
The period in time between had very few Sunspots is known as the? The Maunder Minimum or the Little Ice Age

33 Name of the warm ocean current that develops around Christmas on the west coast of South America
El nino

34 In about 14,000 years this star will replace Polaris as the North star.

35 Describe Global warming.
The Sun’s UV rays (short wave) travel through the atmosphere, hits the Earth’s surface, reflects back as infrared (long wave) and gets trapped by the green house gases such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone.

36 List three of the five green house gases?
Carbon dioxide Water vapor Methane Nitrous Oxide

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