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Bell Work Complete the Matching Help Worksheet while I check last night’s homework. Try it without your notes first.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work Complete the Matching Help Worksheet while I check last night’s homework. Try it without your notes first."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work Complete the Matching Help Worksheet while I check last night’s homework. Try it without your notes first.

2 Test Format 7 True/False 5 Multiple Choice
10 Locations from Memory Check 18 Matching from Presentations (2 from each one)

3 Game Board 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64

4 Question 1 Location 10 Answer: testis BACK

5 Question 2 This part of the endocrine system regulates and maintains a balance of the body’s level of the two minerals, calcium and phosphorus. Answer: parathyroid Back

6 Back Question 3 The pancreas is located in which cavity?
Answer: Abdominal Back

7 Question 4 The messages from the endocrine system travel ________________ than those from the nervous system. Answer: slower Back

8 Question 5 This organ of the endocrine system produces insulin and glucagon. Answer: pancreas Back

9 Question 6 Old age has a greater impact on the ______________ endocrine system. Answer: female Back

10 Question 7 The endocrine system relies on __________________ feedback to control the release of hormones into the body. Answer: negative Back

11 Question 8 This is a temporary organ that forms in the uterus during pregnancy. Answer: placenta Back

12 Question 9 This part of the endocrine system starts off large in infants and children, but decreases in size throughout adulthood. Answer: thymus Back

13 Question 10 The endocrine system is also known as the ________________ gland system. Answer: ductless Back

14 Question 11 Location 7 Answer: adrenal glands BACK

15 Question 12 Elderly people have a greater risk of _________________ diabetes due to an aging endocrine system. Answer: Type II Back

16 Question 13 Although it is only the size of a pea, this part of the endocrine system is also known as the Master Gland. Answer: pituitary gland Back

17 Question 14 Hormones can only affect _______________ cells and organs in the body. Answer: specific Back

18 Question 15 This chemical is used in the body to control our sleep cycle as well as coordinates the hormones of fertility. Answer: melatonin Back

19 Question 16 This organ of the endocrine system is derived from epithelium of the oral cavity and a neural tissue projection of the hypothalamus. Answer: pituitary gland Back

20 Question 17 The parathyroid are tiny masses of what type of tissue? Answer: glandular Back

21 Question 18 Location 5 Answer: parathyroid glands BACK

22 Question 19 The male gonads are known as the _______________ and the female gonads are known as the __________________. Answer: testes, ovaries Back

23 Question 20 This part of the endocrine system produces corticosteroids, such as mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids, and sex hormones. Answer: adrenal gland Back

24 Question 21 This type of stimulation of the endocrine system depends on the changing levels of certain ions and nutrients in the blood. Answer: humoral Back

25 Question 22 Location 3 Answer: pituitary gland BACK

26 Question 23 This is a condition in females when the efficiency of the ovaries start to decline, which results in the loss of reproductive abilities. Answer: menopause Back

27 Question 24 This mechanism relies on a secondary messenger to carry the information within the target cell and cause the desired change. Answer: nonsteroid hormone action mechanism Back

28 Question 25 This part of the endocrine system is the largest gland in the body and is a major metabolic system. Answer: thyroid Back

29 Question 26 This hormone produced by the adrenal gland increases heart rate, blood pressure, and blood glucose levels to bring about a “flight or fight” response when dealing with a stressful situation. Answer: adrenaline Back

30 Question 27 Location 6 Answer: thymus gland BACK

31 Question 28 This is when the thyroid gland is not working properly and the thyroid produces too many hormones. Answer: hyperthyroidism Back

32 Question 29 __________________ is the major hormone secreted by thyroid follicles. Answer: thyroxine Back

33 Back Question 30 There are usually how many parathyroid glands?
Answer: 4 Back

34 Question 31 Steroid hormones called mineralocorticoids regulate mineral content of the blood. Their target is the _______________ tubules that absorb minerals and allow them to be flushed out of the body in urine. Answer: kidney Back

35 Back Question 32 Name a hormone that is produced by the adrenal cortex
Answer: sex hormones mineralocorticords glucocorticoids Back

36 Question 33 Location 2 Answer: hypothalamus BACK

37 Question 34 What acts with estrogen to bring about the menstrual cycle? Answer: progesterone Back

38 Question 35 Although it is not an “eye,” this organ of the endocrine system is activated by light. Answer: pineal gland Back

39 Question 36 The endocrine system releases the following type of molecule to influence the body. Answer: hormones Back

40 Question 37 This organ of the endocrine system is located in the anterior pelvis and usually begin to function during puberty. Answer: gonads Back

41 Question 38 This type of stimulation of the endocrine system depends on the signal being received by nerve fibers. Answer: neural Back

42 Question 39 This part of the endocrine system is responsible for helping with respiration, excretion, and nutrition delivery for a developing fetus. Answer: placenta Back

43 Question 40 The parathyroid’s purpose is to regulate ______________. Answer: calcium Back

44 Question 41 This type of hormone is made from cholesterol and includes the sex hormones and adrenal cortex hormones. Answer: steroids Back

45 Question 42 Name two responses of the body to the endocrine system. Answer: 1) Reproduction 2) Growth and development 3) Mobilizing body defenses against stressors 4) Maintaining electrolyte, water, and nutrient balance of the blood 5) Regulating cellular metabolism and energy balance. Back

46 Question 43 This mechanism relies on the hormone directly diffusing through the cell and nuclear membrane and directly causing the desired change in the cell. Answer: steroid hormone action mechanism Back

47 Question 44 Location 1 Answer: pineal gland BACK

48 Question 45 This type of stimulation of the endocrine system depends on hormones released from another part of the body. Answer: hormonal Back

49 Question 46 This part of the endocrine system produces sex hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Answer: gonads Back

50 Question 47 Location 9 Answer: ovary BACK

51 Question 48 This part of the endocrine system helps control sleep cycles by releasing melatonin, which is a hormone that is derived from tryptophan. Answer: pineal gland Back

52 Question 49 This part of the endocrine system is also part of the digestive system and produces important enzymes and hormones that help to break down food. Answer: pancreas Back

53 Question 50 Location 4 Answer: thyroid gland BACK

54 Question 51 When calcium levels get too high, this part of the endocrine system releases calcitonin, which causes calcium in the blood to be deposited into bones. Answer: thyroid Back

55 Question 52 This part of the endocrine system typically have 4 small masses that are usually the size of a grain of rice. Answer: parathyroid Back

56 Question 53 This organ is responsible for incubating a special group of white blood cells called T lymphocytes. Answer: thymus Back

57 Question 54 This part of the endocrine system has a posterior and anterior section and is responsible for releasing tropic hormones that trigger the production of other hormones elsewhere in the body. Answer: pituitary gland Back

58 Question 55 Location 8 Answer: Pancreas BACK

59 Question 56 This part of the endocrine system is structurally and functionally two endocrine organs in one, even though they look and resemble one. Answer: adrenal gland Back

60 Back Question 57 When do the ovaries start to function?
Answer: puberty Back

61 Back Question 58 Where is the thyroid located?
Answer: base of the throat Back

62 Question 59 _______________ is the only hormone that decreases blood glucose levels. Answer: Insulin Back

63 Question 60 What are male sex hormones called? Answer: androgens Back

64 Back Question 61 The parathyroid is ______________ to the thyroid.
Answer: posterior Back

65 Question 62 When calcium levels are low in the blood, PTH is produced to move calcium from the _________ to the blood. Answer: bones Back

66 Question 63 What is the thyroid hormone often referred to as the body’s major _______________ hormone? Answer: metabolic Back

67 Back Question 64 This gland is made up entirely of neural tissue.
Answer: pineal body Back

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