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UC Enrollment Committee

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Presentation on theme: "UC Enrollment Committee"— Presentation transcript:

1 UC Enrollment Committee
November 18, 2016

2 Agenda International Enrollment 2. William’s Updates Introduction
IEP Plan & Goal International Enrollment Trends What works for Augsburg? Opportunities & Challenges Discussion 2. William’s Updates

3 International Enrollment Plan & Goal
Long Term goal: Increase International Enrollment to represent 10% of the undergraduate population

4 International Enrollment Trends
Open Doors 2016 Highlights International Students in U.S. Top One Million for the First Time More than a third of these international students studied engineering, math or computer science Strong growth among students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Students from China and India remained the leading countries of origin and accounted for 84 percent of the growth in international students in

5 Leading Destinations & Institutions

6 Leading Institutions by Institutional Type

7 Recruitment Strategies
Domestic Plan Study MN Recruitment Trips - International (GeNext, CIS Asia, USCIE) - Domestic (Local CC, HS + ELS) Name Buy Study MN International Travel Name Buy

8 What works for Augsburg
Urban Location! Academic Opportunities Safe and Supportive Campus Community – Faculty Access Diversity of Experiences Changing to UNIVERSITY Key Influencers (China Study) 1. Brand Recognition 2. Rankings/Reputation 3. Student/Parent Perception

9 Opportunities & Challenges
+ - Focus on International Data Alumni Network Faculty CGEE Lack of brand recognition Collecting/Tracking Data Retention Rankings Liberal Arts

10 Feedback/Q&A’s/Discussion
Thank you!

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