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Statutory induction arrangements for newly qualified teachers commencing induction on or after 1 September 2017 Please refer to WG guidance.

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Presentation on theme: "Statutory induction arrangements for newly qualified teachers commencing induction on or after 1 September 2017 Please refer to WG guidance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Statutory induction arrangements for newly qualified teachers commencing induction on or after 1 September 2017 Please refer to WG guidance

2 Topics covered The statutory induction rationale, arrangements and process New professional standards for teaching and leadership Roles and responsibilities The induction profile Information regarding the LA / AB

3 Induction arrangements rationale
Consistency in structure and support Flexibility within different patterns of employment High quality experience for the NQT Fair and equitable process Rigorous and consistent assessment

4 The statutory induction arrangements
The arrangements for statutory induction for ALL NQTs in Wales is a collaborative process between the NQT, the induction mentor (IM), the external verifier (EV) and the Appropriate Body (AB) or the LA induction co-ordinator

5 The induction period All NQTs must complete an induction period of
Three complete terms for NQTs on a full time contract 380 school sessions for NQTs employed on a part time or temporary contract 380 school sessions for NQTs undertaking short term supply

6 Where can induction take place
Maintained schools in Wales Non maintained special schools in Wales Independent schools in Wales where The curriculum for any primary learner meets NC requirements The curriculum for learners at KS3 or 4 includes all core and foundation subjects An agreement has been reached prior to the start of the induction period between the school and the LA that they will act as the AB FE institutions where the institution is able to provide an NQT with an appropriate post to enable them to undertake their induction

7 In Wales it is a legal requirement that all NQTs must hold QTS and be registered as a school teacher with the EWC in order to be employed as a teacher in a maintained school An induction period cannot start until the NQT holds QTS and is registered with the EWC

8 For further information about mentoring, contact the consortium: Central South EAS GwE ERW

9 New professional standards for teaching and leadership
Designed to inspire, challenge and support every practitioner to be the best they can be Provide a framework for reflection and development Five key professional standards: pedagogy, collaboration, leadership, innovation and professional learning Overarching values and dispositions Descriptors exemplify the application of each standard

10 NQTs and the new standards
NQTs are required to demonstrate that they meet all induction level descriptors in order to complete their induction successfully. Explore the new standards and descriptors at:


12 Reflect and record using your professional learning passport (PLP) on the Education Workforce Council (EWC) website



15 Roles and responsibilities overview
Effective induction is achieved through a partnership between a number of key people, including the NQT, the school, the mentor and the local authority.

16 The NQT NQTs should take responsibility for their own professional learning and demonstrate how their practice meets the professional standards. They must: ensure they use the professional standards and the PLP to regularly reflect on their practice and capture experiences for mapping against the standards using their induction profile

17 Record a range of professional experiences
Identify development priorities Inform their headteacher/supply agency they are a NQT Log all their sessions with the EWC Inform the EWC if they move schools during their induction period or if their contract changes

18 The headteacher and school
The headteacher and the school as a whole ensure that there is day-to-day support available to the NQT throughout the induction period as part of the school's overall mentoring arrangements.

19 The IM The induction mentor IM provides day-to-day support to the NQT and works with the EV to ensure the NQTs receive high quality mentoring and supervision and to provide a recommendation to the AB on the outcome of the induction period. IMs will usually be based in the same school as the NQT but may also be deployed across a number of schools or work with a group of supply teachers.

20 The EV The EV quality assures the induction arrangements on behalf of the AB and works with the IM and AB to ensure NQTs receive high quality mentoring and supervision. The EV makes the recommendation to the AB on the outcome of the induction period.

21 The AB The AB has overall responsibility to ensure that induction meets the statutory requirements and uses assessment evidence to make the final decision on the induction outcome. For maintained schools and non-maintained special schools, the school’s local authority (LA) must serve as the AB. However an LA, in practice, may agree to delegate its role to the relevant regional consortium which is responsible for the recruitment, training and deployment of EVs.

22 The employment or supply agency
Where NQTs undertake some or all of their induction through supply teaching the employment or supply agency, as the NQT’s employer, provide the necessary support to their NQTs to reflect the nature of their deployment across different schools and to ensure that safeguarding and pre-employment checks are undertaken when placing NQTs in schools.

23 The employment or supply agency must ensure they understand the role of the new professional standards for the purposes of induction and must ensure their NQTs are familiar with the new standards and have access to professional experiences that enable them to demonstrate the full range of induction descriptors.

24 The EWC The EWC has responsibility for collecting, collating and maintaining a central source of data for NQTs undertaking induction and for administering induction funding to schools, working closely with regional consortia. EWC also hosts and provides access to the online statutory induction profile via PLP to enable NQTs to reflect against the relevant professional standards and record their professional experiences.

25 The Welsh Government The Welsh Government sets regulations and policy and specifies national priorities for professional learning. It works with regional consortia and the EWC to monitor and review national arrangements. For further information visit and search for induction guidance

26 The induction profile The induction profile is the NQT’s online record of progress and achievement in meeting the requirements to successfully complete induction. The induction profile will form the basis of the professional dialogue between the NQT and the IM and the external verifier. Access the induction profile via

27 Completing the induction profile
Responsibility of the NQT Collaborative process involving the induction mentor and the NQT, it may also involve evidence from the external verifier NQT will work with the induction mentor to agree and plan priorities NQTs on short term supply contracts will work with the external verifier to agree and plan priorities

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