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English for social workers I session 9

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1 English for social workers I session 9
Miljen Matijašević Office: G10, room 6 (1st floor) Tue, 11:30-12:30

2 Today’s session Revision of the last session EMPLOYMENT
Legal Regulation of Employment Equal Opportunities Employment Dispute Resolution

3 Revision of the last session

4 Revision Discuss the following terms: grade to graduate (US)
optional (elective) subjects college vs. university advanced professional degree major ECTS joint degree

5 Revision Discuss the following terms: grammar school vocational school
public school (UK) polytechnic higher education tuition GSCE sixth form (UK)

6 Legal Regulation of Employment

7 Employment The Right to Work
UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights it is the right of every human to work and they should not be prevented from it also provided for in the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia Think of all possible reasons why it is important to work!

8 Employment What kinds of dangers could employees be exposed to in an employment relationship? What about the dangers and difficulties encountered in seeking employment? What forms of employment can you think of?

9 Employment full-time work part-time work occasional work
permanent contract fixed-term contract dependent labour (working for an employer) independent labour (being self-employed)

10 Legal regulation of employment
employment relationship: employer employee an imbalance of bargaining power the ‘weaker’ party needs more legal protection

11 Legal regulation of employment
legal protection of employees (a hierarchy) international documents the Constitution employment-related laws collective agreements employment contract

12 Legal regulation of employment
Some typical employee rights: minimum wage equal pay for like work non-discrimination right to paid sick and parental leave (sick and parental pay) right to be represented by a trade union a cap on working hours holiday entitlement notice period

13 Termination of employment
expiration of a fixed-term contract by mutual agreement by frustration by death of employer by dissolution of employer due to dissatisfaction or misconduct termination by employer: DISMISSAL termination by employee: RESIGNATION

14 Termination of employment
DISMISSAL redundancy (to be made redundant) surplus of workers may be subject to redundancy pay (otpremnina) summary dismissal in the event of gross misconduct notice period not observed

15 Translate into English
Svaki zaposlenik ima pravo na bolovanje za vrijeme kojeg prima naknadu za bolovanje. Mark je zloupotrijebio povlaštene informacije koje je dobio od poslodavca te je dobio izvanredni otkaz zbog teške povrede radne obveze. Ugovorom je propisano radno vrijeme i otkazni rok koji ne odgovaraju zakonskim odredbama. Iako je imao ugovor na određeno vrijeme, Ian je dobio poslovno uvjetovani otkaz (kao „tehnološki višak“).

16 Equal opportunities

17 Anti-discrimination laws
it is illegal to discriminate on the basis of a protected characteristic (English law): age disability marriage and civil partnership race or ethnicity religion or belief sex sexual orientation gender reassignment

18 Types of discrimination
direct discrimination indirect discrimination perceptive discrimination associative discrimination victimisation harassment

19 Types of discrimination
DIRECT DISCRIMINATION occurs when someone is treated less favourably than another person because of a protected characteristic INDIRECT DISCRIMINATION can occur when a condition, rule, policy or even a practice in an organisation applying to everyone puts people who share a protected characteristic at a particular disadvantage

20 Types of discrimination
ASSOCIATIVE DISCRIMINATION direct discrimination against someone because they associate with another person who possesses a protected characteristic PERCEPTIVE DISCRIMINATION direct discrimination against an individual because he or she is thought to possess a particular protected characteristic, but does not in fact possess it

21 Types of discrimination
HARASSMENT unwanted conduct related to a relevant protected characteristic, which has the purpose or effect of violating an individual's dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that individual  VICTIMISATION suffering harassment or other forms of bad treatment as a consequence of filing a grievance or a lawsuit against the employer

22 Identify types of discrimination
A. Adrian's wife is an immigrant from the Middle East. He works in a small company, employing a dozen employees. The colleagues in his office hardly ever speak to him and he is never invited to join them for lunch breaks or after-work drinks. He is the only employee who was not invited to the company Christmas party. B. George is short and fair skinned, and looks much younger than his age. He is 35 but most people don't think him a day over 25. When an opportunity arises for him to represent the company at a meeting with some high-ranking potential partners, his supervisor refuses to give him the task because he is worried he wouldn't be taken seriously. C. Ian has filed a grievance with his supervisor because he believes he is not given the same opportunities for advancement as his colleagues because he is gay. Ever since he filed the grievance his supervisor has been giving him overwhelming amounts of work to be completed by unreasonably tight deadlines. D. Maria is the only employee in her department who has not been promoted in the last seven years despite her outstanding work record. All the other employees who have been promoted are men. E. Jane is denied the opportunity for advancement because she has a disabled son and her superiors are worried that she might not put her best foot forward in the new job considering that taking care of her son requires a lot of effort and time. F. A driver’s licence is listed as a job requirement in the advertisement. The job description does not mention driving as an activity the incumbent is supposed to carry out as part of the job.

23 Fighting Discrimination
EU anti-discrimination laws in force since 2000 Diversity is one of the key European values Only 1/3 of Europeans are aware that the law protects them against discrimination

24 Gender Equality in Employment
READ THE TEXT ON p. 16 in your coursebook

25 People with disabilities
Represent around 1/6 of the working age population in the EU Unemployment almost double compared to non-disabled people Have equal rights as non-disabled people, which include: dignity equal treatment independent living full participation in society. 

26 Discussion Do you think that gender inequality is a problem in Croatia? How do you explain the fact that there are fewer women in decision-making positions? Have you ever been a victim of or witness to discrimination? What was the basis?

27 Gender Equality in Employment
Do the exercises on p. 17 in the coursebook

28 Thank you for your attention!

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