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BATA Contract Proposals

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Presentation on theme: "BATA Contract Proposals"— Presentation transcript:

1 BATA Contract Proposals
Negotiation Team: Laura Beck Michelle Suleski Suzanne Gihr Vicky Zouzias Jodie Lord

2 *Contract Ratification will be done by mail.
*A copy of the power point will be on the website. *A copy of the salary schedules will be on the website. *Contract Ratification will be done by mail.

3 BATA Contract Highlights
6 year deal—through 2021 Difference in health insurance contribution Retroactive pay for and Vote-Cope Contributions through payroll deduction

4 BATA Contract Highlights
Add $250 to year 16 Longevity Change in the CTEC Professional development language Benefit Trust Contributions

5 The surveys said…KEEP:
$1,000 per year retirement incentive! Retiree health insurance! Step 17 differential—the double bump! Salary increases! Sick day payment at retirement! Summer school pay scale & sick days!

6 Health Insurance Contributions

7 Health Insurance Contributions
Pg 4, Article IX(A)(1) – Health Insurance – Delete subsection 1 and replace it with the following:  Effective July 1, 2017, all members of the unit shall contribute the following towards the percentage of premium based on the cost of the OUSDHP Individual and Family premiums: & : No Change or retro health insurance Family Coverage: Base salary less than $45, % of premium Base salary between $45,001 - $60, % of premium Base salary greater than $60, % of premium Individual Coverage: % of premium Family Coverage: Base salary less than $45, % of premium Base salary between $45,001 - $60, % of premium Base salary greater than $60, % of premium

8 Health Insurance Contributions
Family Coverage: Base salary less than $45, % of premium Base salary between $45,001 - $60, % of premium Base salary greater than $60, % of premium Individual Coverage: 9% of premium Family Coverage: Base salary less than $45, % of premium Base salary between $45,001 - $60, % of premium Base salary greater than $60, % of premium Effective June 30, 2021, all unit members, regardless of salary and/or coverage type (i.e. individual or family), shall contribute 10% of their applicable family or individual health insurance premiums. The Board shall pay the balance of the cost of health insurance premiums for either Individual or Family plans.

9 Bands for Health Insurance Contributions 2017-2018
Base salary less than $45, % Base salary between $45,001 - $60, % Base salary greater than $60, % Individual Coverage %

10 Health Insurance Comparison 2017-2018 Based on $25,587 Family premium
Health Insurance Comparison Based on $25,587 Family premium $ 11,352  Individual premium 1.75% 5.5% 6.5% 7.5% Individual9% Family Step 1 Schedule A $585 $1407 $1663 $1919 $1,022 Family Step 1 Schedule B $685 Family Step 1 Schedule C $746 Family Step 17 Schedule A $851 Family Step 17 Schedule B $995 Family Step 17 Schedule C $1075

11 Health Insurance continued
In the event that the parties do not have a successor agreement in effect on July 1, 2021, then the rate of ten (10%) percent of the health insurance premium for Individual and Family plans shall be frozen based on the rates in effect as of June 30, 2021, until such time as the parties have reached a settlement for a successor agreement. New language—protects BATA members from having to pay more for insurance if the premium changes without a negotiated contract.

12 Salary Increases

13 Salary Increases Salary Increases: Article V shall be amended to reflect the following salary increases: —Effective July 1, 2015, the salary schedules (A, B, and C) shall be increased by two (2%) percent. Eligible unit members shall advance one step on the applicable salary schedule. To be eligible for such retroactive salary increases, unit members must be on the payroll during the school year and on the date this Agreement was signed. Notwithstanding the above, those unit members who retired and/or were involuntarily laid off during the school year shall be eligible for a retroactive increase. RETROACTIVE PAY —Effective July 1, 2016, the salary schedules (A, B, and C) shall be increased by one and one-half (1.5%) percent. Eligible unit members shall advance one step on the applicable salary schedule. To be eligible for such retroactive salary increases, unit members must be on the payroll during the school year and on the date this Agreement was signed. Notwithstanding the above, those unit members who retired and/or were involuntarily laid off during the school year shall be eligible for a retroactive increase. RETROACTIVE PAY

14 Salary Increases —Effective July 1, 2017, the Salary Schedules (A, B, and C) shall be increased by one and one-half (1.5%) percent. Eligible unit members shall advance one step on the applicable salary schedule. —Effective July 1, 2018, the Salary Schedules (A, B, and C) shall be increased by the same base salary percentage received by the BOCES Teachers’ Association (county average) for the school year. Eligible unit members shall advance one step on the applicable salary schedule. —Effective July 1, 2019, the Salary Schedules (A, B, and C) shall be increased by the same base salary percentage received by the BOCES Teachers’ Association (county average) for the school year. Eligible unit members shall advance one step on the applicable salary schedule. —Effective July 1, 2020, the Salary Schedules (A, B, and C) shall be increased by the average of the Orange County Teachers district settlements excluding Kiryas Joel with a minimum of nine (9) districts, retroactive to July 1, 2019, or those settled by April 1, 2020.


16 Salary continued If an employee is hired after close of business on January 31st he/she shall remain on the step which he/she was hired until July 1st following his/her one (1) year anniversary date. Already the practice

17 Longevity Effective July 1, 2017 the “after sixteen years” longevity shall be increased by $250 to $3250.

18 New Concepts

19 Vote-Cope Contributions
The Business Office shall deduct and remit payments to the NYSUT VOTE/COPE Fund upon submission of a signed authorization to the Business Office for any bargaining unit member requesting this deduction. New language—additional paragraph

20 Benefit Trust Fund Effective July 1, 2017, the BOCES contribution shall be increased to nine hundred and seventy-five ($975) dollars per bargaining unit member. Effective July 1, 2018, the BOCES contribution shall be increased to one thousand ($1,000) dollars per bargaining unit member. Effective July 1, 2019, the BOCES contribution shall be increased to one thousand seventy-five ($1,075) dollars per bargaining unit member. Additional money for the Benefit Trust

21 Retirement Benefits Effective upon ratification of this Agreement, regardless of hire date, eligibility for all of the benefits of Article X shall be based only on consecutive years of full time service to BOCES, provided however, that if a unit member is involuntarily reduced from full-time to part-time, their part-time service shall count as full-time service for purposes of Article X only. Those unit members who are involuntarily laid-off shall not be considered to have a break in service for purposes of Article X, but those years during which the unit member is not employed shall not count as years of service. New Language—Members that have moved from another bargaining unit-only years of service in BATA count in regards to the BATA Retirement Incentive benefits.

22 Quarterlies MOA shall constitute a side-letter agreement that shall not be incorporated into the contract and shall not be subject to grievance or arbitration through the parties’ Grievance Procedures. The parties hereby agree as follows: All unit members who are required to complete quarterly reports, shall automatically ne paid for four (4) hours per quarter (a total of sixteen (16) hours), at the curriculum rate ($30.00 per hour), the sum total of which will be deducted in equal installments of $21.82 payable over 22 (twenty-two) pays per school year. This practice shall sunset on June 30, 2018 and BOCES shall be entitled to revert to the practice in place prior to the school year, unless the parties mutually agree otherwise. If a unit member fails to complete the Quarterly Reports for any reason, the parties agree that BOCES may deduct the value of the quarterly pay received for the incomplete Quarterly Reports from the employee’s next paycheck, or if such check is insufficient, the employee shall pay BOCES the balance. Furthermore, if a unit member separates from his/her employment prior to completing the applicable Quarterly Reports, the value of the quarterly pay received for the incomplete Quarterly Reports shall be deducted from the employee’s final paycheck, or if such check is insufficient, the employee shall pay BOCES the balance. Quarterly Report pay shall be pro-rated for service of less than a full year of service.

23 Professional Development
Effective with the school year, the following shall apply to those unit members assigned to work at CTEC: Five (5) of such programs each school year may be scheduled to end no later than 4:15 p.m.  Five (5) of such programs each school year may be scheduled to end no later than 4:00 p.m.  Should the scheduled CTEC Teacher day in effect as of July 1, 2016 be modified, the ending times for the programs described in paragraphs 1- 2 above shall be adjusted accordingly. New language—Professional Development/Faculty Meetings

24 Professional Development
Page 14, Article XXI (B) Replace paragraph B with the following: All unit members who have completed less than three (3) years of service at Orange-Ulster BOCES or are non-tenured shall attend six (6) professional development hours yearly. All unit members who have completed three (3) years of service at the Orange-Ulster BOCES or are tenured shall attend four (4) professional development hours yearly. Notwithstanding the above, all level Three Teaching Assistants shall attend twelve (12) professional development hours yearly. Ten (10) additional hours of professional development may be required annually for all unit members at the co-curricular rate. Unit members shall be responsible for using My Learning Plan to check the number of professional development hours they have completed. Unit members may be required to attend one (1) open house per school year. New language—Professional Development/Faculty Meetings

25 Housekeeping Items

26 Grievance Procedures Add “, List with Appointment Service” immediately following “it shall be submitted to the American Arbitration Association” in the first sentence of Step 5. New language—will use AAA to determine a mutual arbitrator between BOCES and the BTA

27 Contract Reproduction
Contract Reproduction – Delete existing provision and replace it with the following: Each member of the unit shall be provided with a complete contract via . New members of the unit will be provided a complete contract via following attendance at the new employee orientation meetings. The BTA President shall be provided fifteen (15) hard copies of the complete contract. Language change—new employees will be provided with an electronic copy of the contract.

28 Health Insurance a. Replace the second sentence with the following:
Unit members hired effective July 1, 2012 and thereafter, who are eligible to receive health insurance coverage comparable to the Orange-Ulster School Districts Health Plan through a source other than BOCES (e.g., through a spouse, a different employer, a parent, etc.) shall not be eligible for the benefits provided in paragraph A.5 or A.6.   Such unit members shall have the option of selecting one of the following options only: Enroll in the BOCES provided Orange-Ulster School Districts Health Plan, and contribute 100% of the health insurance premium costs for the applicable health insurance plan (e.g., family or individual coverage); or Decline the BOCES provided insurance and enroll in the comparable health insurance plan that is provided through a source other than the BOCES. For purposes of the administration of this provision, a “source other than the BOCES” does not include any comparable health insurance plan(s) that could be purchased through the Affordable Care Act Marketplace/ Exchange. Clarified language—added Affordable Care Act—No change to members

29 Cadillac Tax-Health Insurance
Add the following as a new Section: In the event that the excise or “Cadillac tax” of the Affordable Care Act remains in effect, then the parties will meet beginning in January of 2019 and reopen negotiations limited solely to changes related to the impact of the tax on the BOCES. New language—will reopen contract negotiations in January 2019 to address if necessary.

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