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State of the district Address

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Presentation on theme: "State of the district Address"— Presentation transcript:

1 State of the district Address 2017-2018

2 Welcome to our 2nd annual State of the district
August 31, 2017

3 Thank you for allowing me to serve as your emcee this morning
Thank you for allowing me to serve as your emcee this morning. Now, it is both my honor and my privilege to turn the program over to our new Superintendent, Dr. Nettie Collins-Hart. Let’s give her a heart-felt welcome as she comes to the stage. Dr. Collins-Hart!

4 Agenda Welcome Hazelwood Central Choir State of the District Address
Invocation Dinner (Working) Report Out/Discussion Points of Pride Video Closing

5 Dr. Nettie Collins-Hart Superintendent of Schools
State of the District Thank you for allowing me to serve as your emcee this morning. Now, it is both my honor and my privilege to turn the program over to our new Superintendent, Dr. Nettie Collins-Hart. Let’s give her a heart-felt welcome as she comes to the stage. Dr. Collins-Hart! Dr. Nettie Collins-Hart Superintendent of Schools

6 Mission Statement We are a collaborative learning community guided by a relentless focus to ensure each student achieves maximum growth. Vision Statement HSD will foster lifelong learners, productive citizens and responsible leaders for an ever-evolving society. District Goals Goal 1 - Improve student achievement Goal 2 - Enhance professional development Goal 3 - Increase parent and community engagement

7 Hazelwood NOW 2017-2018 Focus Areas and Initiatives
N - New and Innovative Educational Programming O - Options and Opportunities W - Working together with parents, staff, and community to build coalitions and capacity …and Moving Forward

8 Goal 1 - Improve Student Achievement
Initiatives: Curriculum Innovation Thematic Schools (elementary, middle) Program Development Redefining Ready (middle, high) Support for Students Suffering from Trauma Special School District Partnership Expansion Opportunities

9 Goal 1 - Improve Student Achievement
Initiatives: Program Implementation Progress Monitoring Toward Accreditation with Distinction Successful Implementation of Middle School Options Successful Implementation of Alternative Program and Opportunity Center Committee Work Improving Adult Attendance Block Scheduling Faculty and Staff Retention, Recruitment, and Recognition Initiative

10 Goal 2 - Enhance Professional Development
Initiative: Building Employee Capacity, Skills, and Knowledge Cross-Training and Sustainability Coaching Fully Implement 1:1 Technology Initiative Providing Curriculum Resources, Professional Development, and Mentoring for New Teachers Principal Coaching and Developing Capacity for Future Leadership Baseline Professional Development: Cultural Competence, Restorative Practices, and John Hattie Research

11 Goal 2 - Enhance Professional Development
Focus Area: Building Employee Capacity, Skills, and Knowledge Initiative: Level-Setting Expectations Address State Audit Findings Internally Assess Operations Against Guiding Principles Policies Communications Customer Service Administrative Responsibilities at/for Board Meetings Budget

12 Goal 3 - Increase Parent and Community Involvement
Focus Area: Working Together with Parents, Staff, and Community to Build Coalitions and Capacity Initiative: Ambassadors and Advocates Tea Talks/Teacher Talks, Forums, Key Communicators, and Workshops Communications and Public Relations Plan

13 Goal 3 - Increase Parent and Community Involvement
Focus Area: Working Together with Parents, Staff, and Community to Build Coalitions and Capacity Initiative: Community Outreach and Partnerships Maintain Balanced Budget While Sustaining Quality Educational Programming Manners Matter and Family Involvement School Based Health Center and Opportunity Center Partners

14 Goal 3 - Increase Parent and Community Involvement
Focus Area: Working Together with Parents, Staff, and Community to Build Coalitions and Capacity Initiative: Committee Work Strategic Planning Study on Redistricting, Demographics, and Staffing Student Recruitment, Retention, and Return to HSD Committee Code of Conduct Committee Budget Committee

15 “Schools Cannot Do It Alone” How Might You Help?
Stay Informed and Participate In Structured Opportunities to Engage Share State of the District Message Participate in Board of Education Community Forums 6-7:30 p.m. Sept. 14, 2017 at WHS Jan. 11, 2018 at EHS April 12, 2018 at CHS Observe Board of Education Meetings

16 “Schools Cannot Do It Alone” How Might You Help?
Stay Informed and Participate In Structured Opportunities to Engage Work on Committees Develop Outside Partnerships to help Support Student Needs Engage in the Strategic Planning Process Participate in Tea Talks Become a PR Ambassador and Advocate for our schools Visit Schools and Share Good News

17 Discuss assigned topic for each table
Dinner Discussion Hazelwood NOW and Moving Forward… What Might We Provide Our Students By 2022? Discuss assigned topic for each table Summarize key points Two-minute table report out

18 Pastor Kyle Rainbolt Trinity Church
Invocation Thank you for allowing me to serve as your emcee this morning. Now, it is both my honor and my privilege to turn the program over to our new Superintendent, Dr. Nettie Collins-Hart. Let’s give her a heart-felt welcome as she comes to the stage. Dr. Collins-Hart! Pastor Kyle Rainbolt Trinity Church

19 Table Report Outs 2 minutes each
And now to share a few Hazelwood School District Points of Pride through this video. Enjoy!


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