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Are you Ready for 10th Grade?

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Presentation on theme: "Are you Ready for 10th Grade?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Are you Ready for 10th Grade?
Ready, Set, Go…

2 How Important Is Your GPA?
Video: GPA

3 Achievement Academies
Fine Arts Academy Possible careers: photographer, musician, journalist, or advertising copy writer, graphic designer Health and Human Services Academy Possible careers: teachers, law enforcement, nurse, chef, travel agent, therapist, attorney, restaurant manager Management & Business Academy Possible careers: financial officer, fashion merchandiser, accountant, stock broker, advertising executive, human resource officer Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Academy Possible careers: chemist, computer programmer, veterinarian, engineer, architect, pilot, game designer, actuary, carpenter, construction project manager Choose academy beginning junior year. You will choose at least one class from the academy chosen.

4 Options Core 40 Core 40 with Academic Honors
Core 40 with Technical Honors

5 CORE 40

6 For the Core 40 with Academic Honors Diploma, students must:
Complete all requirements for Core 40 Earn 2 additional Core 40 math credits Earn 6-8 Core 40 world language credits Earn 2 Core 40 fine arts credits Earn a grade of C or better in courses that will count toward the diploma Have a grade point average of B (3.0) or better Complete one of the following: Earn 4 credits in 2 or more AP courses, and take corresponding AP exams Earn 6 college credits in dual credit courses Complete a combination of AP (2 credits) and dual credit (3 credits) Earn a combined SAT score of 1750 or higher and a minimum score of 530 on each (critical reading, math, and writing) Earn a 26 or higher on the ACT (including the writing section)

7 For the Core 40 with Technical Honors, students must:
Complete all requirement for the Core 40 diploma Earn 6 credits in career preparation courses and either get a certification or take 6 dual credits Earn a grade of C or better in all of the courses that count toward the diploma Earn a grade point average of B (3.0) or better Complete one of the following: One of the additional requirements for earning the Academic Honors Diploma Take the Accuplacer and receive minimum scores of Writing 80, Reading 90, Math 75 Take the Compass and receive minimum scores of Writing 70, Reading 80, Algebra 66

8 9th grade ISTEP testing in Biology
10th grade ISTEP (English & Math) – In addition to meeting the diploma requirements, you must also pass the 10th grade ISTEP

9 Course Selection Form Bring scheduling form to mentoring for additional help




13 Application Classes Peer Leader Advanced Child Development
YOU CAN NOT TAKE THESE CLASSES UNLESS YOUR APPLICATION IS APPROVED Peer Leader Advanced Child Development Pick up application from the teacher or in the Counseling Center. Due: December 23rd

14 AP Classes for Grade 10 *You must meet the prerequisites to join these classes
AP Human Geography AP European History AP Comparative Government & Politics / Current Issues AP Biology AP Statistics AP Calculus

15 Go Ahead Classes iHealth (hybrid –classroom / online) Geometry (live class only) Re-do Classes (online only) English Math Biology Geography iPE (hybrid –classroom / online) Summer School Your counselor will give you the form. You are not officially registered until you pay in the bookstore.

16 What Happens Next? Start researching classes on line. Course descriptions are located in the Program of Studies. The P.O.S. is located on-line under School Information (middle under academics) at Your course descriptions are just a click away

Monday, December 12 OR Tuesday, December 13 6:30-8:00 pm Get information about AP classes Get information about elective classes Visit classrooms you’ve never seen and talk to the teachers to make an informed decision on classes.

18 Fill out your Course Selection Form.
Then… Fill out your Course Selection Form. Turn your Course Selection form into your 1 Gold teacher by December 23rd. Register for classes on HAC by January 18 (end of 1st semester). We will meet with you individually in February & March. Schedules are finalized once you have met with your counselor. Be sure you choose your classes wisely

19 Sign up for Classes on HAC
Mentors will help you schedule on December 1 & 2 using your chromebooks. Be sure you have your HAC password. Please bring your scheduling forms with you on your Mentor day, so they can help you schedule in HAC.

20 Scheduling Deadline Completed schedules & applications must be turned into your 1 Gold teacher by December 23rd Classes must be registered in HAC by January 18 (end of 1st semester).

21 Have a great rest of the school year!
Good Luck with the remainder of the semester & on Finals Semester grades are permanent!!!

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