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Welcome to Mrs. Sadowsky’s Math Class!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. Sadowsky’s Math Class!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. Sadowsky’s Math Class!
You can make any additions to this slide that you would like! I just made it generic so that it could be used this way. Phone: (425)

2 Agenda: Homework Late Homework Policy Grading Procedures Absences
Test Retakes Extra Help How You Can Help Questions? Feel free to make any changes that you would like to this slide as well! 

3 Homework: You can expect homework most nights, Monday–Thursday. No homework on Friday, except on very rare occasion!  Weekly Practice is typically assigned on Thursday and is due the following Thursday. The next week, students do corrections/reflection. Therefore, each Weekly Practice will be on a 2-week cycle and be worth 2 grades in the gradebook. This is the only assignment I do not accept late! Check your child’s Ike Pages for homework assignments. I stamp planners daily. You may also stay informed through the use of the classroom website. HOUSEKEEPING: Keep all checked-off homework/classwork assignments in case of LMS/entry failure!

4 Late Homework: Homework is graded based on completion only, and does not indicate mastery of skill(s). As part of our daily routine, the previous day's homework will be reviewed and corrected in class. I will be using the following grading scale for homework assignments:    4 - All problems attempted/completed and correct. Turned in on due date. 3 - All problems attempted/completed, but with some errors. Turned in on time. Late assignments that are complete and turned in within 2 school days of due date will also receive a grade of 3.  2 - Partially completed (50% of more) and/or turned in 3-5 school days after due date.  1 - Very minimal completion (less than 50%) and/or turned in 6-8 school days after the due date. *Late homework will not be accepted after the conclusion of a unit.

5 Grading Procedures: Standards-based grades: 4 – Exceeds Standard, 3 – At Standard, 2 – Nearing Standard, 1 – Below Standard Grades should be an accurate representation of your child’s mathematical abilities and understanding. Report card grades, therefore, are comprised mostly of assessments which demonstrate your child’s ability to perform to standard. 90% = end-of-module assessments; 10% = homework/quizzes/in-class work There is a strong correlation between completion of homework/classwork and better results on assessments! Don’t fall behind! These components work hand-in-hand! You will need to add in the percentages for your grading components. I don’t know that I have them all either. This was my best guess. You can explain the whole idea about why we are doing standards based grading … we want the grade to be about learning rather than behaviors. Students still need to have the accountability for homework and classwork completion.

6 Grading Procedures: Standards-based grades: 4 – Exceeds Standard, 3 – At Standard, 2 – Nearing Standard, 1 – Below Standard Grades should be an accurate representation of your child’s mathematical abilities and understanding. Report card grades, therefore, are comprised mostly of assessments which demonstrate your child’s ability to perform to standard. 90% = end-of-module assessments; 10% = homework/quizzes/in-class work There is a strong correlation between completion of homework/classwork and better results on assessments! Don’t fall behind! These components work hand-in-hand! You will need to add in the percentages for your grading components. I don’t know that I have them all either. This was my best guess. You can explain the whole idea about why we are doing standards based grading … we want the grade to be about learning rather than behaviors. Students still need to have the accountability for homework and classwork completion.

7 Absences: When students are absent, I put together a packet of the day’s work for them, including Comp Book pages and homework. They are responsible for picking it up. You may access all homework assignments for download via the calendar link on the classroom website. Here is another chance to plug for standards-based grading. You may want to change the word “allowed” to “required.”

8 Extra Help: • Online textbook (Holt) resources are accessible through the Everett School District website on the “Grades and More” page where you access LMS. • I would LOVE to help your student after school. I will be available by appointment on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. • I will assume all students staying after school have made arrangements for transportation, etc. with their parents/guardians.

9 How You Can Help: Make sure your child has his/her assignments/homework completed. Be a frequent visitor to my classroom website! Check your child’s Ike Pages daily to see what was assigned. me quickly–and at any time!–with questions or concerns. Check your child’s grades online (LMS) regularly. Our partnership in their success is a huge motivator! Make sure your student comes to class prepared with all necessary materials.

10 Questions? • Did you receive my Welcome Letter/Syllabus? Please see me for a replacement copy if not!  • Do I have an for you? I frequently.

11 Thank you for coming!

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