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Multimedia learning about physical systems

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1 Multimedia learning about physical systems
Learning How People Understand: Diagrams Animations Multimedia presentations Welcome to MULTIMEDIA LEARNING ABOUT PHYSICAL SYSTEMS In this lesson you will learn how people understand Diagrams Animations MultiMedia Presentations

2 Defining a Physical System
Made up of physical, visible subsystems that interact to accomplish some function Man-made mechanical systems Biological Systems Organs Organisms First lets define a Physical System Physical systems are made up of visible subsystems that interact to accomplish some function. They can be man made systems such as machines Biological systems Organs or Organisms

3 Understanding a Physical System
Involves: Knowledge of the parts of the system What the parts of made of How the parts are connected Configuration of the system/machine Includes Knowledge of how components move and interact (behavior) Knowledge of causal chain or chains of events in behavior. Mental model of system/machine Involves Understanding of the function of the system/machine. Understanding physical systems Involves knowledge of the parts that make up a system Includes knowledge of how those parts interact understanding the purpose and/or function of the system

4 Section One: Theoretical Framework for Cognitive Processes
Goal - create a mental model (internal representation) Goal for understanding a system is to create a mental model or internal representation

5 Section Two: Types of External Representations
Used to represent physical systems in multimedia presentations: Diagrams Static Animated Verbal Materials Visual Texts Aural commentary Relations between Diagrams and Verbal Instruction Redundant Complimentary To create a mental model, we must understand the types of External Representations Such as Diagrams – both static and animated Verbal materials such as text and aural commentary Relationships between diagrams and verbal instructions

6 Static Diagram A Static diagram is simply an image and/or text on a page

7 Animated Diagram The Chain Oiler works on the basic principle of friction. The Drive Chain rides thru a Magnetic Guide and creates friction, or drag. The Magnetic Guide rests against a Normally Closed pneumatic Ball Valve The drag of the chain forces the guide downstream until it over comes the air pressure in the Ball Valve When the air pressure in the Ball Valve is over come, it opens and releases air pressure to the Oil Reservoir which then sprays oil onto the chain. CHAIN DIRECTION MAGNETIC GUIDE This slide incorporates all the best of Multimedia Verbal and Aural Text, A static diagram that morphs to animation. OVERSPRAY CUP OIL RESERVOIR

8 Visual Text There are numerous drawing sets that contain diagrams of the entire system from the mechanical portions of the system to the electrical system. They are based on the configuration of the controls, the equipment, and the operations used with the system. The basic diagrams for electrical systems within control panels include: Power Distribution AC Motors 120 VDC Power Distribution Emergency Stop Circuits 24 VDC Power Distribution Electric Accumulation 24 VDC Control Circuits 24 VDC Inputs 24 VDC Outputs Panel and Cabinet Layouts PC Cabinet Layouts Push Button Stations The Verbal presentation may be text on a page, or a voice providing the text

9 Diagram with RedundantVerbal Instructions
Redundant Verbal Instructions result when the text on the page is simply repeated by the voice “ The Upper Four LED’s signal the four operating conditions” The upper four LED´s signal the four operating conditions.

10 Diagram with Complimentary Verbal Instructions
In contrast, Complimentary Verbal Instructions add new or additional information Here the image is accompanied by this voice over: “In order to align the Transfer Belts, loosen the locking nuts on the Alignment Rods.”

11 Section Three: Understanding Physical Systems from Diagrams Alone
Static Schematic Diagrams 3D Diagrams Dynamic Events (Animations) Animated Understanding Structure Dynamic Events Why not effective? Transient Visual attention limits Passive process MisMatch between format of animation and format of mental model In some instances it is important for the learner to understand Physical Systems from stand-alone diagrams Animated, dynamic events are not always effective. This could be because of their transient “here, then gone” nature, or the visual attention limits of the learner. It may be caused by a mis-match between the format of the animation and the mental formatting of the internal understanding.

12 Here is static diagram that could use additional information to be better understood.

13 Mechanical sensors operate at approx. 50% throughput
“True” Singulation modules also operate at approx. 50% Singulation modules operate at approx. 66% throughput Here the animation is ineffective because it does not really connect to the text.

14 Understanding Physical Systems from Multimedia Presentations
Section Four: Understanding Physical Systems from Multimedia Presentations Involves: Verbal information used in conjunction with static and animated diagrams in order to construct mental models Relations Between Diagrams and Verbal Instruction Content: Dual code more effective Verbal can direct processing Commentary can provide more/better information Finally, learners can understand physical systems from multimedia presentations. These include verbal information used together with static and animated diagrams. This combination has shown to be most effective for helping to construct effective mental models. The “Dual Code” states that two codes are more memorable than a single code. In addition, verbal instructions can help direct the processing of diagrams. Finally, text or commentary can provide information not easily communicated in static or animated diagrams.

15 For example, this display of a custom software user interface screen is better understood with the following commentary: “The computer screen shown uses the standard Windows software conventions for navigation. The screen is divided into quadrants which provide the user 4 times the amount of useful information at a glance.”

16 Multimedia learning about physical systems
Learning How People Understand: Diagrams Animations Multimedia presentations In this lesson you will learn how people understand Diagrams Animations MultiMedia Presentations

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