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(Square Roots Continued)

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Presentation on theme: "(Square Roots Continued)"— Presentation transcript:

1 (Square Roots Continued)
Simplifying Radicals (Square Roots Continued)

2 Squares and Perfect Squares
To square a number: Multiply the number by itself Also known as raising the number to the 2nd power Perfect Squares The result of multiplying an integer by itself

3 Square Roots Square Root is the inverse (opposite) of squaring

4 Prime Factor Trees Prime Number: a whole number greater than 1
Only evenly divisible by 1 and itself All composite (non-prime) numbers can be expressed as a product of prime numbers

5 TRY THESE!! 100 105 72 30 48 81

6 Examples with Exponential Notation

7 How does this help us with square roots?
Simplifying is more exact than approximating/rounding

8 If you’ve found a pair, You’ve got a square!
Under a radical? Simplifying is practical! If you’ve found a pair, You’ve got a square! Give one part the boot and list the other as your root!

9 Example!

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