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Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Development Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

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1 Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Development Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
National Conference on Agriculture for Rabi Campaign Group – IV Interventions to increase Oilseed, Pulses production in different ecologies 24 September 2013 Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Development Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

2 Agro Climatic Zones in Madhya Pradesh


4 Important Agriculture Statistics
Agro climatic zones Net Cultivable area – lakh ha. Fallow land lakh ha. Area sown : Kharif lakh ha., Rabi – lakh ha. Double cropped area lakh ha. Cropping intensity % Area under Irrigation – 36.5% , Rainfed % No. of Holdings lakh, Holdings of Small & lakh (68%) Marginal farmers Area lakh ha (29.16%) Fertilizer consumption – kg./Ha ( ) Power Consumption K.W/ha

5 Rainfall position 2013(23-09-2013)

6 Rabi Programme 1. (a) Area (Lakh ha.) Name of Crop Normal 2011-12
FFC TAR. Wheat 40.78 52.61 54.59 57.00 Total Cereals 41.58 53.42 55.46 57.95 Gram 26.49 26.30 31.29 35.25 Lentil 5.29 5.87 5.72 6.25 Pea 1.97 2.32 2.82 2.90 Total pulses 34.32 35.17 40.38 45.05 Mustard 7.02 6.64 7.85 8.00 Linseed 1.30 0.91 1.10 1.20 Total oil seeds 8.32 7.55 8.95 9.20 Sugarcane 0.55 0.05 0.65 0.80 Total Rabi 84.77 96.64 105.44 113.00

7 1. (b) Production (Lakh tonnes)
Rabi prospects 1. (b) Production (Lakh tonnes) Name of Crop Normal FFC TAR. Wheat 70.88 145.44 161.25 190.10 Total Cereals 71.86 146.77 162.99 192.14 Gram 23.81 28.45 38.12 47.59 Lentil 2.55 2.16 3.34 3.91 Pea 0.90 0.82 1.95 2.15 Total pulses 27.62 31.89 43.80 54.13 Mustard 6.98 7.90 10.38 11.40 Linseed 0.53 0.47 0.57 0.66 Total oil seeds 7.50 8.37 10.95 12.06 Sugarcane(Gur) 2.37 1.97 3.35 4.24 Total Rabi 109.37 189.00 221.09 262.56

8 1. (C) Productivity (kg./ha.)
Rabi prospects 1. (C) Productivity (kg./ha.) Name of Crop Normal FFC TAR. Wheat 1738 2770 2959 3335 Total cereals 1728 2747 2939 3316 Gram 899 1083 1220 1350 Lentil 485 367 584 625 Pea 456 354 694 740 Total pulses 805 907 1085 1201 Total food grain 1311 2017 2158 2424 Mustard 994 1192 1325 1425 Linseed 408 516 518 550 Total oil seeds 902 1109 Sugarcane 4316 3971 5163 5300 Total Rabi 1290 1956 2097 2324

9 State Scenario of Total Pulses
Area Lakh ha. ,Production Lakh MT, Yield – Kg/ha Year Area % increase over 07-08 Production Productivity 43.98  - 26.74 608 * 46.37 5.43 37.1 38.74 800 31.58 47.95 9.03 41.34 54.60 862 41.78 * * 52.09 18.44 30.29 13.28 581 -4.44 47.59 8.21 37.18 39.04 781 28.45 53.23 21.03 50.41 88.52 947 55.76 (T) 57.95 31.76 65.63 145.44 1133 86.35 * Shortfall observed due to drought in 41 districts. * * Shortfall in yield during Rabi found due to frost in 37 districts. 9

10 State Scenario of Rabi Pulses
Area Lakh ha. ,Production Lakh MT, Yield – Kg/ha Year Area % increase over 07-08 Production Productivity 34.16  - 22.47 658 * 36.72 7.49 32.21 43.35 877 33.28 37.94 11.07 36.29 61.50 957 45.44 * * 39.01 14.20 25.7 14.37 659 0.15 35.17 2.96 31.9 41.97 907 37.84 40.39 18.24 43.8 94.93 1084 64.74 (T) 45.05 31.88 54.16 141.03 1201 82.52 * Shortfall observed due to drought in 41 districts. * * Shortfall in yield during Rabi found due to frost in 37 districts. 10

11 State Scenario of Chickpea
Area Lakh ha. ,Production Lakh MT, Yield – Kg/ha Year Area % increase over 07-08 Production Productivity 26.62 19.26 724 * 28.75 8.00 28.15 46.16 980 35.36 30.14 13.22 32.21 67.24 1070 47.79 * * 28.88 8.49 22.66 17.65 785 8.43 26.3 -1.20 28.45 47.72 1083 49.59 31.29 17.54 38.12 97.92 1220 68.51 (T) 35.25 32.42 47.59 147.09 1350 86.46 * Shortfall observed due to drought in 41 districts. * * Shortfall in yield during Rabi found due to frost in 37 districts. 11

12 State Scenario of Lentil
Area Lakh ha. ,Production Lakh MT, Yield – Kg/ha Year Area % increase over 07-08 Production Productivity 5.22 2.21 423 * 5.31 1.72 2.64 19.46 498 17.73 5.2 -0.38 2.73 23.53 524 23.88 * * 6.99 33.91 2.02 -8.60 289 -31.68 5.87 12.45 2.16 -2.26 367 -13.24 5.72 9.58 3.34 51.13 584 38.06 (T) 6.25 19.73 3.91 76.92 625 47.75 * Shortfall observed due to drought in 41 districts. * * Shortfall in yield during Rabi found due to frost in 37 districts. 12

13 State Scenario of Soybean
Area Lakh ha. , Production Lakh MT, Yield – Kg/ha Year Area % area increase over 07-08 Production % production increase over 07-08 Productivity % productivity increase over 07-08 52.02 53.68 1033 * 52.95 1.79 59.24 10.36 1120 8.42 * * 54.54 4.84 64.28 19.75 1180 14.23 * ** 55.52 6.73 67.77 26.25 1222 18.30 57.86 11.23 64.97 21.03 1124 8.81 **** 60.62 16.53 82.64 53.95 1365 32.14 E. 63.80 22.65 87.73 63.43 1375 33.11 * Drought affected 41 districts. ** Drought affected 38 districts *** Drought affected 37 districts & frost affected 46 districts. **** Hail storm affected 37 districts & frost affected 20 districts 13

14 State Scenario of Total Oilseeds
Area Lakh ha. , Production Lakh MT, Yield – Kg/ha Year Area % area increase over 07-08 Production % production increase over 07-08 Productivity % productivity increase over 07-08 65.63 63.32 965 * 67.13 2.29 71.34 12.67 1063 10.16 * * 69.61 6.06 76.98 21.57 1106 14.61 * ** 70.33 7.16 81.33 28.44 1156 19.79 71.87 9.51 78.97 24.72 1099 13.89 **** 75.69 15.33 98.69 55.86 1304 35.13 * Drought affected 41 districts. ** Drought affected 38 districts *** Drought affected 37 districts & frost affected 46 districts. **** Hail storm affected 37 districts & frost affected 20 districts 14

15 State Scenario of Rape-Mustard
Area Lakh ha. , Production Lakh MT, Yield – Kg/ha Year Area % area increase over 07-08 Production % production increase over 07-08 Productivity % productivity increase over 07-08 6.36 5.94 935 * 7.57 19.03 7.99 34.51 1056 12.94 * * 7.70 21.07 8.05 35.52 1047 11.98 * ** 7.27 14.31 8.19 37.88 1128 20.64 6.64 4.40 7.90 33.00 1192 27.49 **** 7.85 23.43 10.38 74.75 1325 41.71 T 8.00 25.79 11.40 91.92 1425 52.41 * Drought affected 41 districts. ** Drought affected 38 districts *** Drought affected 37 districts & frost affected 46 districts. **** Hail storm affected 37 districts & frost affected 20 districts 15

16 Reason of Low Productivity
Erratic and uncertain rains , Cold wave/ frost & hail storm. Lack of water availability for irrigation. Lack of power supply during critical stages of crops. Low Seed replacement & imbalanced use of fertilizers. Deficiency of Micro nutrients, specially Zn. Difficulty in operation of vertisol. Problems of Wilt & root rots disease in chickpea & Lentil. Delayed sowing in Rice-Chickpea/Lentil, cropping System Rising temperature during grain formation period. Non availability of agricultural labour. Poor Farm Mechanization & Power consumption. High percentage of Small and Marginal farmers. Less purchasing capacity of farmers due to increasing cost of input. Non Availability of liquid bio fertilizer

17 Favourable conditions for Quality Pulse and Oilseed Production
Looking to the heavy demand in Arab countries, Bold seeded export quality Lentil are being grown to augment yield . Gram and Lentil are more suitable for production in the rainfed areas of the state. Most pulse varieties released in the state are wilt resistant. KAK-2, JGK-3, Subhra are giving good return in comparison to bold seeded chickpea (dollar, local cultivar)

18 Policy initiatives by the State
Formation of Agriculture Cabinet. Credit facility at 0 % interest to the farmer through cooperatives. Transfer of subsidy into the farmers' account. Advance lifting scheme of fertilizer from 1st Aug. to 15th Sep. to ensure adequate availability of fertilizers without any interest. 30% Top up subsidy for promoting irrigation by sprinklers. Promoting Bullock drawn and selected power drawn implements, providing 75% including 25% top up subsidy. Distribution of lakh Soil health cards . Established 9 Seed and 6 Fertilizer Testing Laboratories. Feeder separation to ensure 8 hours quality energy for agriculture. Fast completion of irrigation projects to harness maximum potential . RBC 6.4 Amended to help the farmers facing impact of natural calamities. Convergence with MGNREGA to energize in Kapildhara wells irrigation by providing Diesel/Electric pumps Creation of new storage facilities. Launching the revised food processing policy where the activities like collection, grading , packaging, waxing, storing & marketing brought under the definition of industry.

19 Strategies for enhancing Pulse and Oilseed Production
Agronomic Practices Emphasis on 100% seed treatment with fungicide & Ammonium Molybdate (1g/kg in chickpea) . Production & distribution of quality seeds to increase SRR & VRR. Promoting the Resources Conservation Technologies (RCT) such as use of Zero Tillage Seed Cum Fertilizer Drill, Rotavator, Laser Land Leveler and furrow irrigated raised bed (FIRB) planting. Developing irrigation facilities to cover more area. Promotion of large scale Ridge Furrow in Soyberan and pulses. Promoting use of Sprinklers. Use of post emergence weedicides as per recommendation. Emphasis given on control measures for diseases, termites and rats. Encouraging line sowing in place of Broadcasting. Use of short duration varieties under Late sown condition Emphasis on water conservation, watershed management & sprinkler irrigation. Survey and surveillance for disease and insect pest. Diagnostic Team- Comprised of officials of State Department of Agriculture and Scientists.

20 Seed Replacement Rate (%)
CROPS Target GRAM 2.90 4.51 6.83 10.39 12.22 12.86 17.05 LENTIL 0.77 0.73 1.70 3.35 3.77 4.05 5.79 PEAS 4.50 4.01 5.38 5.63 8.77 11.22 15.57 MUSTARD 16.88 21.19 27.78 33.47 48.61 29.18 36.99 LINSEED 0.97 0.55 0.79 1.65 1.04 2.52

21 Old varieties and new alternative varieties
Crop Old varieties Alternative varieties to be promoted/Recommended Varieties Lentil K-75 (1986), JL-1(1991), L-4076(1993), JL-3(2000), IPL-81(2001), RVL-31(2010), IPL-316(2013) Chickpea (Medium) JG-315 (1984), JG-218(1996), ICCV-10(1992), VIJAY-(1994) JG-322(1999), JG-16(2001), JG-63(2006), JG-226(2007), JG-14(2009), Chickpea (Bold) JG-74(1991), VISHAL (1997), VIRAT(2002), JG-130(2002), JAKI-9218(2007), RVG-202(2012) Chickpea (Gulabi) GG-1(1999), JGG-1(1999) Chickpea (KABULI) ICCV-2(1993), ICCV-37 (2001), JGK-1(2002), KAK-2(2001), JGK-2(2007), JGK-3(2007), IPCK (2009), IPCK (2010), JSC-42(2012), JSC-40(2012), RVG-203(2013), Chickpea (LATE SOWING) JAKI-9218(2007), JG-14(2009), RVG-202(2012), RVG-203(2013),

22 MUSTARD LAXMI (RH 8812) 750-900 JM - 1 1200-1600 PUSA BOLD 800-1000

23 LINSEED J – 23 - 10 350-550 INDRA ALSI - 32 350-400 JLS - 9 400-500

24 Seed Distribution 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 (Target)
Qty in Qtls. CROPS 07-08 08-09 09-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 (Target) GRAM 62564 98989 144111 240095 257062 321830 450000 LENTIL 1318 1161 2695 7030 6634 6943 10000 PEA 9006 7868 8737 11173 16285 25323 36000 MUSTARD 7595 8467 9751 12166 16138 11454 15000 LINSEED 341 207 308 622 237 455 800

25 Agriculture Credit (Cooperative Bank)
Strategies for Seed Production Strengthening of established 2313 Cooperative seed production societies to facilitate Beej Sangh. Seed production programme of Pulses will increase by 20%. Linking farmers to the seed production channel by providing the breeder, foundation & certified seed at subsidized rate. Capacity building of the farmers by providing training. Strengthening of seed certification agency by developing infrastructure, recruitment of additional staff and 4 Seed Testing Laboratories. Developing storage, Transportation and Post harvest facilities. Bonus for seed producer farmers. Agriculture Credit (Cooperative Bank) Year crores Year crores Year crores Year T crores


27 N P K consumption in Rabi
(Unit Kg./Ha.) Year N P K TOTAL 52.32 22.92 3.28 78.52 47.26 24.13 2.74 74.13 57.23 25.13 6.60 88.96 62.77 33.08 5.65 101.51 60.91 36.86 4.05 101.82 59.16 28.30 2.05 89.50 T 64.23 37.23 4.47 105.99

28 Consumption of Zinc Sulphate & Gypsum
(Unit - M.T.) Year Zinc Sulphate Gypsum 1104 8044 392 12499 1310 22406 3469 32941 4038 12391 6470 2044 T 10000 5000

29 Irrigation A- Irrigation Department :
Actual irrigated Area under different irrigation project :- lakh ha lakh ha lakh ha lakh ha T lakh ha Minor irrigation project completed in year Nos. Minor irrigation project completed in year Nos. Potential created during Lakh ha. B- Narmada Valley Development Authority : Total irrigation capacity (Till March 2013) lakh ha Irrigation project (Under Construction) Nos. C- Agriculture & Other Departmental Sources lakh ha

30 Drip Irrigation in Gram
District - Burhanpur

31 Transfer of Technology (TOT)
Innovative system for transfer of technology to 2.5 lakh farmers every year by covering 5000 farmers in each district in cluster approach through joint mobilization of scientists of KVK & ATMA. Formation of Farmer's interest group to develop Farmers producer's organization for dissemination of technology, Seed production, Input arrangement and Marketing to increase production and productivity. To promote Pulses through Public Private Partnership in selected districts to achieve the production as well as value addition. Reform of Extension technologies through farm field school, training, demonstration, exchange programme through study tour, transfer of technology through Mobile SMS Developing every block office as Kisan Gyan Kendras to disseminate information to farmers free of cost through internet. Other activities: Field day, Kisan Sangosthi, Farmer's Scientist ineraction, Kisan Mela. Comunity Radio Station.

32 Status Regarding Agenda Issues
Sufficient infrastructure of production in distribution of quality of seed is availaible . Seed rolling plan has been prepared Involvement of NSC, SFCI, KRIBHCO, IFFCO and state seed corporation are there. Involvement of village panchayats in transfer of technology of oilseeds and maize production through effective interface with KVKS, other public extension organizations and NGOS, private sector etc are there. Mass distribution of literature on improved genotypes and technology of oilseeds and maize production through effective interface with KVKS, other public extension organizations and NGOS, private sector are there. Use of media such as TV and radio for projecting the advantages of oilseeds and maize production, including potential of varieties/hybrids, are there. 32

33 Gram Cluster Demonstration
District - Burhanpur

34 Strategy for increasing area under Pulses & Oilseeds
Rabi fallow area will be covered under pulse crops. Nearly 3.00 lakh ha. covered by rice will be utilized for chickpea and lentil cultivation. Introduction of moong and urd bean before and after mustard & chickpea in irrigated condition. Intercropping of chickpea with sugarcane & mustard. Introduction of chickpea after cotton. Promotion of chickpea, urd and pea as utera in rice. Preparation of district wise micro level action plan at the RAEO level for expanding the area of pulse and oilseed. 34

35 Strategies for enhancing Pulse Production
Farm Mechnaization 139 villages have been developed as Yantradoot Villages where farmers are encouraged to adopt mechanized farming. 917 custom hiring centers have been established to facilitate farmers with power drawn implements. Private entrepreneurs are being encouraged by providing subsidy up to Rs. 10 lakh for each center. 67 such centers have been established so far. Unique program of deep ploughing has been started and subsidy of Rs. 1500/- per ha is provided to farmers. So far 3 lakh ha has been deep ploughed. To facilitate timely land preparation in rabi after paddy, to save cost of land preparation and achieve batter pulverization, the rotavators are promoted. Every year about 5000 rotavators are being purchased by farmers and are saving about 30 to 50% of cost of land preparation . In rice-Chickpea cropping pattern zero tillage seed cum fertilizer drill are promoted, through top-up subsidy of 25%, for timely sowing. Spiral graders and seed treating drums will be provided in 20,000 villages.

36 Farm Mechanization in Yantradoot village
Deep Ploughing Sangoshthi Raised-Bed Planter Spiral Grader Rotavator Raised-Bed Planting

37 RABI STRATEGY FOR PULSES District with Low Yield & High Area
Area :- 000'Hac, Prod :- 000'Tonnes, Yield:- kg/Hac District Average area & Yield Proposed Area Production Yield Ujjain 183.40 164.00 899 195.00 234.00 1200 Sehore 118.90 101.90 896 130.00 156.00 Seoni 90.20 43.90 852 100.00 115.00 1150 Satna 128.80 44.00 509 160.00 120.00 750 Mandla 63.80 4.50 481 80.00 57.60 720 Dindori 54.40 5.20 473 70.00 49.00 700 Shajapur 202.20 89.60 471 240.00 168.00

38 RABI STRATEGY FOR PULSES District with Low Area & High Productivity
Area :- 000'Hac, Prod :- 000'Tonnes, Yield:- Kg/Hac. District Average Productivity & Yield Proposed Area Production Yield Bhind 33.00 38.80 1763 40.00 76.00 1900 Gwalior 26.50 35.90 1566 31.50 58.28 1850 Harda 26.10 39.70 1543 36.50 66.61 1825 Neemuch 25.20 33.30 1353 30.00 48.00 1600 Hoshangabad 32.70 1346 65.00 104.00 Singroli 23.60 62.00 2402 28.60 98.67 3450 Chhindwara 67.00 155.20 2825 90.00 270.00 3000 Sheopurkala 8.30 13.90 1676 15.00 28.50

39 Achievement in the year 2012 (FFC) Achievement in the year 2013
Summer Mung Programme 2014 Achievement in the year 2012 (FFC) Area Under Moong Lakh ha. Productivity kg./ha. Production MT Achievement in the year 2013 Area Under Moong Lakh hactare Productivity Kg/Ha Production (Estimated) MT Target in the year 2014 Area Under Moong Lakh hactare Productivity Kg/Ha Production Lakh MT 39


41 Summer Mung Programme 2014 Area ‘Ha.’, Prod. ‘Metric Ton’ and Prod. ‘Kg/ha’ District 2013 2014 Area Estt. Production Yield Estt. Yield Hoshangabad 46150 71355 1550 70000 1,12,000 1600 Harda 30141 36192 1200 40000 52000 1300 Sehore 16845 18529 1100 30000 37500 1250 Narsinghpur 11942 12539 1050 15000 18000 Seoni 3410 1000 10000 11500 1150 Rewa 2000 1800 900 25000 27500 Others 19412 6835 352 110000 121000 Total 135000 150660 1116 300000 379500 1265 41

42 Third Crop Summer Moong in District Harda (M.P.)
Area (Ha.) 31100 Percentage of Cultivable land 17 Varieties PDM-139, PDM-11 HUM-12, HUM-16 SRR 51% Productivity (Kg./ha.) 1450 Sale in Mandi 37000 Mt. Total Production 45000 Mt. Market Value Rs. 211 Crore Seed Production 947 ha. Seed Produced 1000Mt .

43 SUMMER MUNG Dist. Harda 43

44 Summer Moong at a Glance,Distt.- Hoshangabad
Summer Moong Area Ha 46150 Area covered % 16 Productivity Kg/Ha 1550 Production MT 71535 Market Value Crore 285 Varieties PDM-139, TJM-3, HUM-1, TM-99-37, HUM-16 SRR 55 SEED PRODUCTION Area 820.40 1296

45 RABI STRATEGY FOR OILSEEDS Districts with High spread & low yield
AREA:-000'HECTARE ,PRODUCTION:-000'TONNES, YIELD:-KG./HECTARE Districts with High spread & low yield Crop DISTRICT Avrege Area & Yield AREA PROD. YIELD Musterd TIKAMGARH 0.236 0.104 439 0.114 483 MANDSAUR 0.394 0.377 956 0.414 1052 NEEMUCH 0.237 0.222 936 0.244 1030 GWALIOR 0.563 0.557 989 0.612 1088 SHIVPURI 0.591 0.425 719 0.467 791 TOTAL 2.02 1.68 833 1.85 916 Linseed SEONI 0.037 359 0.041 395 MANDLA 0.044 0.014 324 0.016 356 CHHATARPUR 0.098 0.035 357 0.038 393 REWA 0.132 0.034 259 285 SIDHI 0.092 0.023 253 0.026 278 SINGROLI 0.074 0.029 SATNA 0.013 300 0.015 330 SHAHDOL 0.03 0.008 260 0.009 286 ANUPPUR 0.043 0.01 231 0.011 254 UMARIA 320 0.012 352 DINDORI 0.065 0.018 279 0.02 307 0.76 0.23 303 0.25 333 45

46 RABI STRATEGY FOR OILSEEDS Districts with Low spread & High yield
AREA:-000'HECTARE ,PRODUCTION:-000'TONNES, YIELD:-KG./HECTARE Districts with Low spread & High yield Crop Avrege Area & Yield DISTT. AREA PROD. YIELD Musterd RATLAM 0.07 0.105 1496 0.115 1646 Linseed JABALPUR 0.011 0.008 727 0.009 800 PANNA 0.015 0.007 466 513 0.013 1159 0.017 1275 BETUL 0.239 15966 0.263 17563 TOTAL 0.054 0.27 4992 0.05 0.3 5491 46

47 Constraint And Strategies
1) WILT - C.O.-Fusarium oxysporium f. sp.ciceri. At stage- Seedling to flowering Symptom- sudden drooping of leaflets& branches Seed &Soil Borne Resistant Varieties: JG 315, JG 322, JG 74, JG 226, JG 130, JG 16, JG 11, JG 12, JG 14, JSC 37, JSC 55, JAKI 9218, Vijay, Vishal, Digvijay (Desi) JK 1, JGK 2, JGK 3 (Kabuli), JGG 1 (Gulabi.

48 ROOT ROTS Dry root Collar root C.O. – Rhizoctonia bataticola
At stage- Pod (temp. <30 degree C) Symptom- plants straw colour appearance - root becomes brittle and broken easily Collar root C.O. – Sclerotium rolfsii At stage- Seedling (upto 45 days) Symptom- plants pulled very easily - mortality high in early sown crop - favoured by high moisture and temperature

49 Management Strategies
Deep ploughing in summer (May, June) Crop rotation for minimum 3 years Mild irrigation at the onset of disease. Incorporation of Trichoderma 5kg/ ha multiplied on decomposed FYM. Seed treatment with Trichoderma viride + seed or Carbendazim+Thiram 3g / kg seed Intercropping-minimize wilt incidence (Chickpea + Linseed)

50 Helicoverpa - a menace in chickpea cultivation
Pest monitoring- Installation of pheromone trap Trap Crop- Marigold (At borders) Bird percher / ha Intercropping – Coriander (10:1) Spray of NSKE 5% NPV 250 LE/Indoxacarb 14.5 SC 500 ml/Emmamectin Benzoate 5% G 200 g/ha (Starting spray from flower initiation to pod development when 1-2 larvae/m length)

51 Lentil (Foliar disease) Rust
Spray- Dithane M 2.5/lt water at 15 days interval Powery Mildew Spray – wettable 3g/ lt at 15 days interval Resistant Varieties for the state: K 75 (Malika), Lens 4076, IPL 81, (Noori) IPL 406

52 Recommended dose of fertilizer:
Chickpea - 20 kg N, kg P2O5, 20 kg S, 25 kg ZnSO4, 5 ton FYM/ha - Ammonium Molybdate- 1 kg (Basal application) or 1g/kg seed (seed treatment) - Spray of 2% urea/ DAP at flowering stage (70 DAS) and 10 days thereafter Lentil - 20kg N, kg P2)5, 20 kg S/ ha, 15 kg ZnSO4 as Basal application, 5 ton FYM/ ha.

Farmer - Shri Santosh S/o ShrI Harinarayan Village -Chhoti, District- Harda Cell No Method - Raised Bed (120 cm.) Row - 90x90 cm , Plant -15x15 cm Cultivar - Dollar (Bold Seed) Seed rate Kg. /acre Sowing - Dibbling method Nutrient management through drip system ( fertigation) Yield q/ha.

54 Success Story – SRI in Mustard (System of Root Intensification in Mustard)
Shri Dilip Singh Gond Village-Kachhwar, Block- Pali, Dist.- Umaria (M.P.) Area acre Seed Rate g/acre Row to Row Distance cm Plant to Plant Distance - 90 cm Weed Control - Hand weeding with Kudal & Conoweeder(2-3) Production Qtl/acre. Traditional Qtl/acre. Cost of Cultivation - Rs /- Total Income Rs /- Net Income Rs /-

55 Mustard Cultivation by Innovative practice

56 Success Story – SWI (System of Root Intensification in Wheat)
Shri Bahadur Singh Gond, Village-Kachhwar, Block- Karkeli, Dist.- Umaria (M.P.) Area acre Seed Rate Kg/acre Row to Row Distance cm Plant to Plant Distance - 20 cm Weed Control - Conoweeder(2-3) Production Qtl/acre. Traditional Qtl/acre. Cost of Cultivation - Rs /- Total Income Rs /- Net Income Rs /-

57 Wheat Cultivation by Innovative practice of SWI

58 Best Practices adopted by the State
Timely sowing with Seed Treatment. Increasing Seed Replacement Rate . Use of New varieties. Balanced & integrated use of fertilizer. Use of Zinc Sulphate in Zinc deficient soils. Application of Gypsum to meet out Sulphur deficiency. Promoting INM and IPM technology. Promoting application of FYM / Green manuring for improving soil health. Distribution of Soil Health Card to track soil health. Campaign for IIIrd crop (Moong) in command area.

59 Best Practices adopted by the State
Water management and augmentation of Ground Water. Promoting judicious use of irrigation through sprinkler . Balram Talab for life Saving irrigation. Frequent irrigation in case of abrupt rise in temperature. Establishment Farm Field School on large Scale. Conducting cluster demonstration on Production Technology. Emphasis on use of improved farm machinery. Resource conservation Technologies (RCT). Transfer of technology through Kisan Mitra & Didies. Cont..

60 Interventions to increase Pulses production (Financial Rupees in Lakh)
(Financial Rupees in Lakh) Interventions Unit Achievement Target Phy Fin Distribution of certified Seeds (a) For varieties less than 10 years Qtl 14337 210.97 22000 484.00 (b) For varieties more than 10 years old 32839 348.69 118250 Demonstrations (a) Cluster Demonstrations Ha. 74357 73200 Integrate Nutrient Management Micronutrients 88820 444.10 100000 500.00 (b) Lime/Gypsum/80% WG Sulphur 23664 121.33 30000 225.00 (c) Rizobium culture / PSB 83393 73.25 100.00 Integrated Pest Management (IPM) (a) IPM Package 104045 780.34 80000 600.00 (b) Distribution of NPV 5573 13.09 20000 50.00 (c) Distribution of P.P. Chemicals 76765 383.31 400.00 (d) Weedicides 4835 25.27 15064 75.32 60

61 Interventions to increase Pulses production
 (Financial Rupees in Lakh) Interventions Unit Achievement Target Phy Fin Resource Conservation Technologis/ Tools : (a) Knap Sack Sprayers Nos. 36501 305.41 12000 360.00 (b) Zero Till Seed Drils 2 0.30 40 6.00 © Multi Crop Planters 20 3.00 (d) Seed Drills 1788 263.70 3160 474.00 (e) Zero Till Multi Crop Planters (f) Ridge Furrow Planters (g) Rotavators 2202 659.21 2500 750.00 Efficient Water Application Tools : (a) Distribution of Sprinkler sets Ha. 8550 640.93 11000 825.00 (b) Incentive for Mobile Sprinkler Rainguns 435 37.51 50 7.50 (c) Incentive for pump sets 5877 557.42 2000 200.00 (d) Pipe for carrying water from source 16894 244.03 11523 Cropping System based trainings 16867 107.85 1750 245.00 Project Management Team 116.35  0 125.68 Local Initiatives : 1290 193.50 484.50 Total Finacial 61

62 Interventions to increase Pulses production
Cluster demonstration of Pulses Activity Amount (Rs.) Cost of seed and seed treatment (Rhizobuim Culture, PSB Culture, Fungicide) 1800 Gypsum 1000 Micronutrient 500 Weed Management 600 PP Chemical 700 Crop Cutteing and Record Management and Honorarium to Progressive farmer of the Rs. 2000/- per Month for six Month 150 Visit of Scientists/Officers of GOI/PMTs/State Official etc. excluding TA/DA of any kind but for hiring Taxi, POL etc. 200 Field Day/Kissan Goshthi 50 Total 5000

63 Interventions to increase Pulses production
Provision under A3P for One Ha. As 100% Assistance (Cost in Rs.) Item Quantity GRAM LENTIL Seed Minikit @ 0.2% area/ 8 kg and 16 kg/ha) 800 480 Gypsum 250 Kg 1200 Micro Nutrient (Zinc Sulphate, Borex, Ferrous Sulphate, Micro Nutrient Mixture) 25 Kg 1000 Rhizobium culture Three Packet of 200 gm Each= 600 gms 75 PSB Culture Three Packet of 200 gm Each= 600 gm Urea (For Foliar Spray) 10 Kg 60 Fungicide for seed treatment Thiraum 2 grm+1 grm Carbandzim/ kg of seed 200 Insecticide/ Fungicide/ Biopesticides/ Bioagent Need based chemicals 1280 Weedicides 2.5 ltrs 740 E-pest sureilance Seperate programme 170 Total 5600 5000

64 Interventions to increase Oilseed production
ACHIEVEMENT & TARGET (ISOPOM) No. Component Unit Subsidy OIL SEED Achievement 12-13 Target Phy. Fin. 1 SEED (a) Purchase of Breeder Seed Qutl 0.05 112.09 545 32.71 (b) Production of Foundation Seed 0.005 41670 275.37 4650 46.50 (c) Production of Certified Seed 171211 722.37 62100 621.00 (d) Distribution of Certified Seed 4786 30.39 97167 2 Transfer of Technology Block Demonstration Soybean Hac. 0.03 570.69 13500 405.00 Sesamum 340 3.35 0.00 Niger 494 4.65 Repeseed & Mustard 16.34 3375 67.50 Farm Field School(IPM) 0.2268 Bio - Intensive Demonstration (IPM) 0.0043 71953 351.25 41822 179.00 Musterd 0.0093 12824 127.67 4890 45.48

65 Interventions to increase Oilseed production
ACHIEVEMENT & TARGET (ISOPOM) No. Component Unit Subsidy OIL SEED Achivement Target Phy. Fin. (d) Farmers Training Nos. 0.15 152 21.16 50 7.50 (e) Officer Training 0.16 54 8.64 25 4.00 3 Non -Seed inputs  a P.P. Equip. Manually Operated Nos 0.008 12602 94.26 3800 30.40 Power Operated 0.02 367 7.63 338 6.75 (c) Distribution of P.P.Chemicals Hac. 0.005 154771 707.59 100188 500.94 Distribution of Weedicide 3304 9.51 17280 86.40 Distribution of Rhizobium Culture/ PSB 0.001 63238 57.20 48600 48.60 (f) Distribution of Micronutrient 16723 56.20 2700 13.50  h Farm Impliment Hand/ Bullock drawn 0.025 40 0.41 100 2.50 Power Opreted 3.42 3.75 (i) Distribution of Sprinklar set 0.075 14553 8787 659.00 (j) Pipe for Carrying Water Source to the Field 17331 9133 4 Innovative Component (a) Multicrop Planter 0.03 0.45 0.00 Rotavator 77 23.08 12.00 Multicrop Thresher 26 3.52 12 1.80 Grand Total

66 Specific Issues & Suggestion
Assistance on purchase of Breeder seed and production of foundation and certified seed should be provided. Shortage of disease resistant varieties of Gram & Lentil. Special programme on Kabuli gram production & procurement for export purpose. Assistance on the fertigation system for Gram crops Raising the subsidy on irrigation water saving devices up to 75%. 75% financial assistance should be provided to SC/ST & small Marginal farmers in GOI schemes. The minimum support price of chickpea and lentil fixed by the Government is less than the market price. The cultivation of these crops are very risky, thus provision of bonus on MSP by the Government may be initiated.

67 Specific Issues to be added in ongoing schemes
Seed treatment with 2gm/kg and bio pesticide like 5gm/kg of seed. To popularize seed treatment among the farmers assistant of Rs. 100/-/ ha. Or 50% of the total cost whichever is less will be given. To save crops from soil born diseases and insects, soil treatment with chemicals is necessary. Thus assistant on soil treatment Rs. 500/-/ha. or 50% of cost is proposed. Use of liquid Rhizobium and /Phosphorus solubilising bacteria will help in reducing the use of chemicals like nitrogenous and phosphorus fertilizer. To popularize the liquid form of culture, assistant of Rs. 250/-/ha. Or 50% of the total cost which ever is less is proposed. Foliar spray of 2% Urea/DAP on pulse crop, financial assistant of Rs. 250/- per hac. Or 50% of the cost whichever is less is proposed.

68 The present and proposed assistance in NFSM
Name of Machine equipment Present form of assistance Present Cost in Rs. Proposed form of assistance Rotavator Rs / Machine or 50% of the cost which ever is less. 90000 Rs / Machine or 50% of the cost which ever is less. Diseal Pump Set Rs /Machine or 50% of the cost which ever is less. 30000 Rs / Pump Set or 50% of the cost which ever is less. Seed Grader - 6000 Rs. 2000/ Seed Grader or 50% of the cost which ever is less. Cultivator 50000 Rs / Cultivator Reversible two bottom MB Plough 60000 Rs / Plough Drip System (Arhar, Lentil and Gram) 100000 Rs or 50% of the cost which ever is less.

69 Issues for Research Development of resistant variety for Helicoverpa in pulses Development of multiple disease resistant varieties in pulses Development of drought tolerance varieties in pulses Development of low/high temperature tolerant varieties of pigeonpea, chickpea, Lentil & pea. Development of water-logging to tolerant & extra early maturing Pigeonpea (varieties & hybrids) Development of short duration (60-65 days) YVM resistant varieties of mung/urd bean Development of bold seeded lentil varieties for export purpose Development of vascular wilt and sterility mosaic resistant Pigeon pea. Development of extra large seeded Kabuli Varieties of chickpea for export.

70 Outstanding Achievements
Government of India awarded Krishi Karmanya Award , in Ist category of Total Foodgrain Production, honoured by Hon'ble President of India. Hon'ble President awarded the State for achieving more than 18% Agriculture Growth in the year Under the Agriculture leadership awards the state honored by Best Agriculture State Award 2012. State honored by Govt. of India and Indian Chambers of Commerce for increasing the productivity through Best Agriculture practices and Farm Mechanization in the year 2012.

71 Krishi Karman Awardee 2011-12 Smt
Krishi Karman Awardee Smt. Radha Bai Dubey (Village-Pandajhir,Distt.Raisen) Gram JG-11 Yield kg/ha Award - Rs One Lakh Package of Practices- Timely sowing by seed cum fertilizer drill, Seed treatment with Trichoderma, use of vermicompost, Rhizobium & P.S.B, culture Use of 100 Kg/ha. DAP. Timely Irrigation with Sprinkler (1+2), Use of pheromone trap & bio pesticide. 71


Betel-vine cultivation under RKVY 73 Department of Farmer Welfare & Agriculture Development , GOMP, Bhopal.

Overall Financial Status of RKVY in MP (Aug- 2013) Rs in Crores S.N Year Release by GOI Expenditure U/C Sent to GOI Remark 1 101.62 2 146.05 3 247.44 4 559.18 5 Normal 229.41 224.78 Sub- Scheme 168.96 163.01 Total 11-12 398.37 387.79 6 388.54 379.47 314.66 Sub-Scheme 59.59 53.68 Total 448.13 439.06 368.34 74

Financial Status of RKVY in MP During Rs in crore S.N Year Allocation Release by GOI Expenditure U/C Sent to GOI 1 Normal 434.79 199.21 89.73 61.08 2 Sub- Scheme Nutri cereals 1.36 0.68 0.57 RADP 10.00 5.00 1.39 Vegetable cluster 6.00 3.00 0.0 NMPS- 25.00 12.50 9.12 Nutri Farms 48.00 24.00 8.03 Accelerated fodder Development programme (AFDP) 20.00 Total Sub Scheme 110.36 55.18 19.11 Grand Total 545.15 254.39 108.84 80.19 75

76 RASHTRIYA KRISHI VIKAS YOJANA, Steps taken to increase allocation
MADHYA PRADESH Steps taken to increase allocation Established Krishi cabinet to take rapid dicisions for the development of agriculture sector H'ble chief minister of the state has also started quarterly review of all the schemes being implemented in each department. Introduction of quarterly budget pattern so as to ensure quarterly utilization of funds. The schemes under state plan have been made more rationalized and demand driven so that the funds can be fully utilized. State level sanctioning committee under the chairmanship of APC, is analyzing all projects prepared for SLSC. The project under RKVY have been selected in such a way so that planned target can be achieved with in the fiscal year. Strong monitoring of expenditure through software of commissioner treasury & Accounts, every month. Review of expenditure & Physical progress by state government every month. 76

77 Strategy for Districts with Low Spread &High Productivity (MUSTARD)
Name of the District Area in 000 Ha. Productivity in Kg/Ha P.P.Chemical Micro nutrients Sprinkler set Pipe line Weedicides Phy Fin Damoh 0.9 1016 100 0.50 50 0.38 7.50 15.00 60 0.30 Raisen 1023 30 0.23 80 6.00 12.00 40 0.20 Indore 0.2 985 0.25 0.40 Seoni 1.0 818 150 0.75 25 0.19 75 5.63 11.25 0.15 Dhar 0.3 714

78 Strategy for Districts with High Spread & Low Productivity (MUSTARD)
Name of the District Area in 000 Ha. Productivity in Kg/Ha. seed distribution Demonstration I.P.M. Sprinkler set Pipe line Phy Fin Tikamgarh 44.3 352 250 3.00 150 3.75 350 3.26 11.25 200 30.00 Dindori 25.8 517 2.40 Shivpuri 74.8 773 400 4.80 6.25 500 4.65 18.75 75.00

79 Strategy for Districts with High Spread & Low Productivity (MUSTARD)
Name of the District Area in 000 Ha. Productivity in Kg/Ha. Weedicides P.P. Equipment Manually Operated P.P. Chemical Training Phy Fin Tikamgarh 44.3 352 80 0.40 125 1.00 250 1.25 6 90.00 Dindori 25.8 517 100 0.80 7 105.00 Shivpuri 74.8 773 0.50 150 1.20 400 2.00 8 120.00

80 Strategy for Districts with Low Spread & High Productivity (LINSEED)
Name of the District Area in 000 Ha. Productivity in Kg/Ha P.P.Chemical Micro nutrients Sprinkler set Pipe line Weedicides Phy Fin JABALPUR 1.2 0.29 6 0.03 10 0.08 15 1.13 13 1.95 20 0.10 PANNA 4.5 2.62 5 12 0.09 0.75 2.25 25 0.13 RATLAM 1.0 0.40 3 0.02 0.11 0.90 11 1.65 30 0.15 BETUL 1.1 0.64 4 16 0.12 0.98 18

81 Strategy for Districts with High Spread & Low Productivity (LINSEED)
Name of the District Area in 000 Ha. Productivity in Kg/Ha. seed distribution Demonstration Sprinkler set Pipe line Phy Fin SEONI 11.9 6.72 12.5 0.15 20 4.0 10 0.75 11 1.65 MANDLA 3.4 5.15 16.6 0.20 25 5.0 12 0.90 1.50 CHHATRPUR 6.95 15.3 0.18 15 3.0 0.83 1.80 REWA 8.5 4.51 10.5 0.13 18 3.6 14 1.05 SIDHI 6.5 2.80 16 3.2 SIGROLI 8.7 4.36 11.6 0.14 13 0.98 SATNA 1.53 SHAHDOL 2.7 0.77 10.2 0.12 ANUPPUR 1.35 0.10 17 UMARIYA 6.4 3.64 7.6 0.09 DINDORI 11.3 5.99 5.7 0.07

82 Strategy for Districts with High Spread & Low Productivity (LINSEED)
Name of the Distt. Area in 000 Ha. Productivity in Kg/Ha Weedicides P.P. Equipment Manually Operated P.P. Chemical Training Phy Fin SEONI 11.9 6.72 10 0.05 5 0.04 8 2 30.0 MANDLA 3.4 5.15 12 0.06 1 15.0 CHHATRPUR 6.95 6 REWA 8.5 4.51 4 0.03 14 0.07 3 45.0 SIDHI 6.5 2.80 13 SIGROLI 8.7 4.36 11 7 SATNA 5.0 1.53 SHAHDOL 2.7 0.77 ANUPPUR 3.2 1.35 UMARIYA 6.4 3.64 0.02 DINDORI 11.3 5.99


84 STRATEGY FOR ENHANCING CHICKPEA AND LENTIL PRODUCTION DURING RABI th September Dr. D.N. Sharma Director Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Development Bhopal Madhya Pradesh

85 Kharif prospects 1. (a) Area (Lakh ha.) Normal 2011 2012 FFC
Name of Crop Normal 2011 2012 FFC 2013 TARGET 2013 ESTT. Paddy 16.79 17.03 17.67 17.70 18.43 Jowar 6.05 3.61 3.07 3.00 2.64 Maize 8.69 8.60 8.45 10.03 Tur 3.10 5.36 5.31 5.40 5.32 Urd 5.35 6.01 6.41 6.35 6.40 Moong 0.78 0.81 0.88 0.90 1.12 Total pulses 9.60 12.42 12.84 12.90 13.03 Soybean 46.47 57.86 60.62 62.35 63.80 Total oil seeds 51.67 64.32 66.74 68.45 69.63 Cotton 5.97 6.24 6.27 7.35 6.21 Total Kharif 104.05 116.90 119.26 122.00 123.80

86 1. (b) Production (Lakh tonnes)
Kharif prospects 1. (b) Production (Lakh tonnes) Name of Crop Normal 2011 2012 FFC 2013 TARGET 2013 ESTT. Paddy 14.89 22.80 30.22 42.48 40.55 Jowar 6.54 5.47 5.43 5.10 4.75 Maize 12.56 13.24 22.90 25.35 29.09 Tur 2.27 3.38 3.51 6.48 5.32 Urd 1.88 1.63 2.65 4.45 3.20 Moong 0.25 0.20 0.35 0.45 0.48 Total pulses 4.48 5.28 6.61 11.50 9.07 Soybean 46.68 64.97 82.64 87.29 87.73 Total oil seeds 49.88 70.60 87.74 93.01 93.23 Cotton 7.30 5.94 6.23 8.09 6.83 Total Kharif 99.28 128.12 163.86 191.43 188.64

87 1. (C) Productivity (kg./ha.)
Kharif prospects 1. (C) Productivity (kg./ha.) Name of Crop Normal 2011 2012 FFC 2013 TARGET 2013 ESTT. Paddy 887 1413 1807 2400 2200 Jowar 1080 1541 1809 1700 1800 Maize 1445 1540 2710 3000 2900 Tur 733 628 659 1200 1000 Urd 352 271 413 700 500 Moong 315 227 381 425 Total pulses 907 515 891 697 Soybean 965 1124 1365 1400 1375 Total oil seeds 1223 1098 1315 1359 1339 Cotton 954 976 1059 1100 Total Kharif 1096 1374 1569 1524


89 Other strategies To implement the programme only in focused districts with backstopping by ICAR will be followed. Identify fallow bunds for cultivation of oilseeds like sunflower, safflower, linseed and rapeseed mustard during rabi season are being followed. Emphasis being given on seeds priming techniques. To augment production of quality seeds with varietal replacement are being made. Campaign for timely sowing of rapeseed mustard, chickpea & pea which helps in escaping from major disease and pest will be made. 89

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