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ITU Interactive Transmission Maps

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1 ITU Interactive Transmission Maps
Perspective Services in Post-NGN, 4G and 5G Kiev, Ukraine, 7-9 June 2017 ITU Interactive Transmission Maps June 2017

2 Introduction Broadband Transmission Capacity Indicators Underneath the map is a database, containing records of each individual link, node and operator. The following indicators are either compiled or calculated from this database: Indicator 1: Transmission network length (Route kilometres) Indicator 2: Node locations Indicator 3: Equipment type of terrestrial transmission network Indicator 4: Network capacity (bit rate) Indicator 5: Number of optical fibres within the cable Indicator 6: Operational status of the transmission network Indicator 7a: Percentage of population within reach of transmission networks Indicator 7b: Percentage of area within reach of transmission networks 1) Purpose: To quantify supply-side indicators for the reach of broadband networks. 2) Research: Desk research, primary research in conjunction with ITU Regional Offices, and working with partner organisations such as UKE, ECOWAS, ESCAP, TeleGeography. 3) Validation: The map is validated by network operators and administrations through the ITU Regional Offices and recorded in the Validation Framework. 4) Outputs: Broadband Capacity Indicators. Introduction: what is the reason for producing this map? 1) Purpose: To quantify supply-side indicators for the reach of broadband networks. Identify those areas (countries, provinces, districts) which are not currently served by high capacity terrestrial transmission backbones. 2) Research: Desk research, primary research in conjunction with ITU Regional Offices, and working with partner organisations such as UKE (Poland), ECOWAS (West Africa), ESCAP (Asia and Pacific), and TeleGeography (submarine cables). 3) Validation: The map is validated by administrations, regulators and network operators, through the ITU Regional Offices and is recorded in the Validation Framework. 4) Results: This enables us to produce the seven Broadband Capacity Indicators which appear in the table on the right. These indicators are calculated from the GIS data underlying the map.

3 ITU Interactive Transmission Map Research Status: May 2017
Region CIS ARB AFR ASP AMS EUR Total Countries 12/12 19/23 41/44 38/39 32/35 42/43 184/196 Operators Links 2,359 1,332 4,041 7,433 4,352 6,821 26,338 Nodes 1, ,938 4,851 3,142 4,915 17,953 Indicator 1: Transmission Network Length (Route-Kms), Mar 2016 - Drawn 387, , , , , ,243 2,481,193 - Total 1,220, , , ,568, ,116, ,509, ,149,605 Indicator 7a: Population within range of operational fibre node (%), Dec 2016 - 10-km - 25-km - 50-km Indicator 7b: Population within range of operational fibre node (millions), Dec 2016 - 10-km ,567,808.4 - 25-km , ,411,568.2 - 50-km , ,886,193.0 This is a snapshot of the current status of our research as at March The map now covers 184 countries and includes 391 network operators. The map currently contains 26,000 individual transmission links and 17,700 nodes. Network Operators. There are 347 operators in the publicly available version of the map, and currently 44 operators going through the validation procedure which I will talk about to next. We have network data for 27 other network operators which is currently waiting to be processed. In Europe the map contains 92 network operators.

4 This chart shows the total number of fibre optic links and nodes that have been added to the map each quarter since December Having now added data for all countries in Europe (except Israel), we plan to include North America (USA and Canada) by the end of the year to complete the last missing pieces of the jigsaw.

5 This is the default map view, but you can toggle map layers on and off.

6 This basemap shows terrain
This basemap shows terrain. This is actually very useful for understanding the pattern of network deployment and population density, as natural barriers such as mountain ranges, deserts, lakes and so on.

7 This basemap shows population density
This basemap shows population density. You can clearly see the fibre optic networks connecting major cities, and areas of highest population density. This is also interesting as it shows us those areas of high population density which are currently un-served, or under-served by backbone transmission networks.

8 This map layer includes TeleGeography’s definitive submarine cable map, republished with the permission of TeleGeography.

9 This map layer shows satellite earth stations from the ITU satellite database (TIES users only).

10 TIES Password Protected Map and Validation Framework
Type the name of operator or country into the search box Navigate by country This is the Validation Framework, available inside TIES at This contains all of the source material used in the production of the map, the research and map production status of all material, the framework within which operators and administrations can provide feedback and validation on the data included in the maps, and also the broadband capacity indicators. Navigate by Validation Status Or navigate by Region

11 The source material for all 400+ network operators is stored and updated monthly here.

12 The Research Status table is updated at the end of each month
This table shows the workflow for the research, production and validation status of each network operator. Filter the table by clicking on the up and down arrows to sort by research, production or validation status. This table is updated at the end of each month. Click link here to go through to the operators homepage 12

13 Each link in the map is
given a validation status. We use a simple traffic light system: Red: Information was sourced from a restricted document (for example on TIES), a potentially unreliable publicly available source (such as a third party), may contain information which is confidential or regarded as sensitive by the network operator, and/or is very old and could be out of date (if it is more than 3-5 years old). Information must be validated by network operator or stakeholder to provide clearance that the information is correct, up-to-date, and is not confidential. Amber: Information was not taken from a publicly available source, may be unreliable because of difficulties reading or interpreting the source material, and/or may be old and out of date. Operator is asked to provide clearance that the information is correct, up-to-date, and is not confidential. Green: Information was sourced from an authentic, reliable publicly available source (such as a company website, annual report, presentation, or other publication), and has been deliberately put into the public domain by the network operator or administration (it is therefore not confidential). The information is current and correct, and there is no reason why a public version could not be put into the public domain. Public: Information has been actively checked and validated by stakeholder through the TIES interactive web map platform, specifically granting permission for this information to be put into the public domain. Here is a more detailed description of the Validation Procedure. A simple traffic light system is used to indicate the validation status of each piece of network infrastructure shown in the map. Each transmission line falls under one of the four categories: RED, AMBER, GREEN or PUBLIC. The objective of the validation exercise is to engage network operators and administrations to verify the accuracy and integrity of the data, whilst it remains visible (albeit protected) behind TIES. As the lines are verified, their status will progress from either RED, AMBER or GREEN through to light blue for PUBLIC. For a detailed description of this classification, please scroll to the bottom of this page.

14 Click this map layer to show the Validation Status of each network operator.
In March 2017, networks in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Portugal and UK had a Validation Status of Green. Official End of Validation letters have been sent to these network operators and administrations. Click on the side panel to open the menu.

15 Click this panel for information out about the validation and feedback procedure.
Click on the side panel to open the menu.

16 Click this link here to open the Validation Framework, or go to

17 In the Validation Framework, click the Indicators tab
In the Validation Framework, click the Indicators tab. This page gives the full definition and description of the Broadband Capacity Indicators, and links to the tabular datasets which have been produced.

18 Route kilometres.

19 Indicator 7: a. Percentage of population within reach of transmission networks refers to the percentage of people that are within physical reach of operational nodes on core terrestrial fibre optic transmission networks. This indicator is broken down by distances from network nodes (for example at 10-km, 25-km, 50-km intervals).

20 Indicator 7: b. Area within reach of transmission networks refers to the area in square kilometres that is within physical reach of operational nodes on core terrestrial fibre optic transmission networks. Again, this indicator is broken down by distances from network nodes (for example at 10-km, 25-km, 50-km intervals). 20

21 Click a link to show the technical details of that link
Here, we are centred on Frankfurt. If you click on any particular link, the details of that link appear in a popup. For Germany, the map contains information for Versatel (40,000-km, currently being validated), Zayo, Interoute, EU Networks, Global Connnect and Brennercom. Other networks to be added include BCC, Deutsche Telekom, Eviatel and Gasline,. 21

22 Click the small image of the source material to go directly to the homepage for this network operator in the validation framework Underneath the technical data is a small image of the source material from which the map was produced. Click the small image of the source material which appears in order to go directly to the homepage for this network operator in the validation framework. 22

23 To validate the information shown in the map, leave a comment or any other feedback, just click the Leave a Reply link. Clicking the small image directly opens the operator’s homepage in the Validation Framework.

24 24

25 Here we can view the transmission network against population density.

26 He were compare the range from nodes map layer against population density. This shows how well the transmission networks serve the population in a country. This is how we calculate Indicators 7a and 7b, the percentage and number of population within reach of transmission networks, by using GIS software to calculate the number of people within reach of a 10, 25 and 50 km range of an operational fibre optic node. Network 26

27 Summary The scope of IMT-2020 is much broader than previous generations of mobile broadband communication systems. IMT-2020 will be a cornerstone for all of the activities related to attaining the goals in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Mapping the highs-peed traffic pathways will help to overcome the missing gaps and provide readiness for future technologies (such as 5G) to come.

28 Thank you We value your feedback and contributions. Please log in using your ITU TIES username and password, to submit comments, feedback and to validate the information shown in the map through the Validation Framework. Vladimir Daigele Project homepage Contact

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