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Year 6 Welcome Information and Expectations
Greenfields Primary School Year 6 Welcome Information and Expectations September 2017
High Expectations Leading the example to other children
Excellent standard of behaviour expected Commitment to learning Independence – preparation for secondary school Year 6 responsibilities privileges
Uniform Smart black school shoes – not black trainers
(can change into trainers for break times) No jewellery other than watches and small stud earrings (will need to be taken out or taped over for PE) Expected to have shirt tucked in unless at break Please call or send note for that day to excuse if uniform / PE kit not full and correct
PE kit PE is usually Wednesday and/or Friday but………
Children should have PE kit in school every day: shorts/tracksuit bottoms trainers: may get muddy in bad weather so could need extra pair school house colour T-shirt sports jacket etc. (not school coat or jumper) for colder/ wetter weeks as we will be outside in all weathers swimming for 6 on Wednesdays this half term
Attendance Avoid absence (unless absolutely necessary) and holidays
No absence during SATs week (14th-18th May 2018) If absent – please phone school on first day absent where possible and/or send note on return Children absent may be expected to catch up at home / lunchtime with key learning missed School starts at 8:50am (classroom door opens at 8:45am and children are marked as late if arrive after 8:50am)
Communication Please do speak to me through the year about your child or with any questions or concerns you may have (though it is easier to speak to me after school than before or contact the office to make a convenient time to meet) Please speak to one of the Year 6 team, call the office or send a note with your child if they: - have been absent - are unable to do PE - have problem with their uniform - have a medical/other appointment during school time For other messages/information the homework diary could be used – as long as your child shows it to me
Reminders Permission to walk home – complete form, ensure child knows if they should be walking or not Mobile phones – only if walk and for emergency use only, not for music/texting on school grounds - must be signed in at start & out at end of school day Bikes and scooters not to be ridden on school grounds Equipment needed every day: Correct PE kit inc. footwear Homework diary and folder Reading book and reading record Spelling book
Curriculum Swimming 5 weeks over this half term Topics:
(13th,27th Sept & 5th, 13th,Oct – remember swimming kit & hat) Topics: -‘Little Red Riding Hood’ literacy-based topic - Ancient Egyptians and Rivers (autumn term) - The Americas (spring term) - The Great Outdoors (summer term) Cookery for year 6 not until spring term
Homework Homework is used to support and develop children’s learning/understanding. It is expected to be completed on time and with thought & care See separate homework information sheet for details Children are able to complete homework at lunchtime by attending one of the organised clubs or asking Mr Pople Every child has homework diary (and folder) which they are responsible for filling in – time given in school to do so Lots of challenges and investigations are set every week for the class to follow-up at home
Homework Homework for year 6:
Policy for 4/5/6: short regular follow up or preparation tasks expected to be completed Additional homework may be given some weeks: Science – given Wed due following Wed Literacy – given Thurs due following Thurs Maths – given Friday due following Friday Mental maths sheet – given Friday due following Friday Additional handwriting practice Spelling - weekly – list of words/rule/investigation Other research / homework / practice – yes please!
Homework Homework for year 6:
reading – reading records checked every Monday (15 min – as often as possible but a min. of 3 times per week with at least once to/with an adult who should Q child about their reading) (encourage chn to record reading themselves: date, pages read) (please ask chn Qs about reading-focus is now on children understanding what they read, as it will be in SATs reading test) spelling task / words to learn – Tuesdays plus ongoing individual words to learn maths games – played at least twice, changed on Wed. speed tables – Friday, as part of our x table practise Short regular follow up or preparation tasks expected to be completed
SATs Test week: 14th – 18th May 2018
There will be further information given for parents about SATs early in the spring term No absence in SATs week and children must be on time More specific preparation/revision in spring and summer terms in addition to ongoing practice e.g. spelling, mental maths
SATs Test week: 14th – 18th May 2018 English – reading test
English – grammar, punctuation and spelling test Maths – one ‘arithmetic’ paper - two other written tests: focus on applying maths knowledge to problems and reasoning Science – tested in sample of schools only Writing assessed throughout year but assessed writing tasks may be completed in SATs week
Secondary Transfer ‘Moving On’ leaflet has been sent home:
applications by 31st October ( Children/parents welcome to speak to us Mr Pople / school has no involvement, recommendation or influence in process
Year 6 Trips We are hoping to have a trip and/or a special experience related to our topic each term Whole school out at pantomime in December Year 6 journey in summer term – more info. to follow this half term
Year 6 Journey Currently finalising possibilities to book soon and information will be sent home as soon as possible There will be the option to pay in instalments once the cost is finalised – more info on payment dates to follow Cost likely to be in region of £300, depending on location and number of children going We will need enough children to go for the journey to be viable and go ahead – which will be virtually everyone Please contact myself or school office if have Qs once more info is sent home
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