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The Proactive Almoner.

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Presentation on theme: "The Proactive Almoner."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Proactive Almoner

2 Characteristics Energetic , able, caring, communicative, mobile, well-organised, well-supported, interested. Good planner Good Team player/ Team Leader Good record keeper Good communicator/Reporter. Informative. Creative, able to offer good judgement Prompt, reactive to need/circumstances Knowledgable. Well-trained.

3 Planning Contact before Lodge meetings. Time to phone , , report to WM/Sec/Others. Make it your ritual to be high profile and accessible. Record of every member and family (filing cabinet). Records of contact , relevant info, help and support. Visits to homes, hospital, meetings. Frequency ? Involve others ? Rotas ?

4 Organisation Office/ filing IT literate. Regular user. Up-to-date.
Diaried. Year Planner. Routines. Empowered by the Lodge. Almoner’s account. Expenses Leadership & Management.

5 Lead Role : Widows Contact with Lodge Widows: Christmas, birthdays, events. Who visits the widows? Who buys and delivers presents? Who organises lunches , parties, dinners? Are the widows organised amongst themselves Is there an up-to-date address list ?

6 Lead Role : Information/Training
Help and direct Brethren on specific matters: Care and Support. E.g. RMBI Petitions for financial aid, living expenses(Grand Charity), Medical (MSF), Children(RMTGB) Help to guide and complete application forms (JAFs , Reviews) Understand the role of the Visiting Brother/ Case Almoner Masonic Eligibility, Financial Eligibity/Limits Freemasonry Cares Use The Provincial Almoner Use Your Group Almoner Attend Seminars/ Group Almoners Meetings to update. E.g. Merger of Masonic charities, Visiting Almoner Pilot Scheme.

7 The JAF Available from the PGA
Will take more than one visit to complete Will require additional documents Will need to be photocopied Must be returned to PGA not sent straight to Charities Will be subject to annual review by a separate review form Can result in a one-year grant which is not guaranteed to continue

8 MSF grants Almoners can apply direct using MSF forms through Freemasonry Cares Short term needs/one off needs. E.g. Dental treatment, respite care, mobility scooters, home adaptations, short term crises Not subject to annual review Best to take advice by phone before applying

9 Helpful Information The Suffolk Almoner’s Handbook
The Masonic Charities Guidebook for Almoners. Available electronically from the Provincial Website or from The provincial Almoner. Specific Leaflets. Available today and updated periodically. Quarterly Review Statistics. Circulated electronically by PGA. Group Almoner meetings which focus on new information, sharing good practice, local co-operation, individual help.

10 Summary The successful Lodge Almoner does not try to do it all on his own. The successful Lodge Almoner is high-profile, follows weekly/monthly routines and keeps good records. The successful Lodge Almoner ensures that the members care for each other. The successful Lodge Almoner cares for himself by maintaining a work-life balance.

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