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Jeopardy Wars and change Abrahamic Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Wars and change Abrahamic Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Wars and change Abrahamic Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100
Early MA Late MA Abrahamic Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question from Early Middle Ages
Who was the first person to successfully reunite W. Europe after the fall of Rome?

3 $100 Answer from Early Middle Ages

4 $200 Question from Early Middle Ages
What is a fief?

5 $200 Answer from Early Middle Ages
A large tract of land given to a vassal by his lord

6 $300 Question from Early Middle Ages
Knights followed a code of conduct called?

7 $300 Answer from Early Middle Ages

8 $400 Question from Early Middle Ages
The practice of offering protection and land to a vassal in exchange for loyalty and military service was called?

9 $400 Answer from Early Middle Ages
The Feudal System

10 $500 Question from Early Middle Ages
The Great Schism occurred between the Pope in Rome and the _______ in _________.

11 $500 Answer from Early Middle Ages
Byzantine Emperor in Constantinople

12 $100 Question from Late Middle Ages
What is Excommunication?

13 $100 Answer from Late Middle Ages
No longer member of church and denied salvation

14 $200 Question from Late Middle Ages
Name two articles of the Magna Carta

15 $200 Answer from Late Middle Ages
Equal rights No imprisonment without cause or jury No tax without consent of general council

16 $300 Question from Late Middle Ages
Merchants and artisans began the formation of the _______class.

17 $300 Answer from Late Middle Ages

18 $400 Question from Late Middle Ages
Business alliances that ensured price and quality were called?

19 $400 Answer from Late Middle Ages

20 $500 Question from Late Middle Ages
The Black Death killed off a large percentage of the European population and led to ________ receiving higher pay.

21 $500 Answer from Late Middle Ages

22 $100 Question from Wars and change
The Crusades were called for by Pope __________.

23 $100 Answer from Wars Urban II

24 $200 Question from Wars amd change
What was a tenant farmer

25 $200 Answer from Wars Paid rent for land

26 $300 Question from Wars Why did Jews become moneylenders?

27 $300 Answer from Wars and change
Usury (lending money with interest) was a sin for Christians

28 $400 Question from Wars The _______and the _______ were 2 weapons that greatly influenced the 100 Years War

29 $400 Answer from Wars Longbows and Cannons

30 $500 Question from Wars What French general was executed by the English at the age of only 19. Why did this person become the general?

31 $500 Answer from Wars Joan of Arc

32 $100 Question from Locations
What city is the seat of the Catholic Church?

33 $100 Answer from Locations

34 $200 Question from Locations
What is the Holiest City in Islam?

35 $200 Answer from Locations

36 $300 Question from Locations
What Country in Western Europe did the Muslims control?

37 $300 Answer from Locations

38 $400 Question from Locations
What is the name of the starred body of water?

39 $400 Answer from Locations
The Black Sea

40 $500 Question from Locations
Where on this map is the Byzantine Empire?

41 $500 Answer from Locations

42 $100 Question from Abrahamic Faiths
Name 2 of the 3 major branches of Christianity

43 $100 Answer from Abrahamic Faiths
Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant

44 $200 Question from Abrahamic Faiths
The Jewish holy book and The Old Testament share the same text, called the _________

45 $200 Answer from Abrahamic Faiths

46 $300 Question from Abrahamic Faiths
Kosher refers to _________ restrictions

47 $300 Answer from Abrahamic Faiths

48 $400 Question from Abrahamic Faiths
The split between Sunni and Shi’ite Muslims is over the Shi’a belief that______________.

49 $400 Answer from Abrahamic Faiths
The caliph should be a blood relative of Muhammad

50 $500 Question from Abrahamic Faiths
List the names for holy places for all 3 Abrahamic Faiths

51 $500 Answer from Abrahamic Faiths
Synagogue, Church, Mosque

52 Final Jeopardy What enabled the Black Death to spread as quickly as it did, all over Europe?

53 The expansion of European Trade routes
Final Jeopardy Answer The expansion of European Trade routes

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