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GCSE Edexcel Religious Studies Unit 11

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1 GCSE Edexcel Religious Studies Unit 11
Islam GCSE Edexcel Religious Studies Unit 11

2 Section 1 – Beliefs and values Section 2 – Community and traditions
KEYWORDS 1.1 – Importance of Tawhid 1.2 – Sin of Shirk 1.3 – Creativity of Allah 1.4 – Mercy and compassion of Allah 1.5 – Humans as Khalifah 1.6 – Al’Qard and human freedom 1.7 – Angels 1.8 – Risalah 1.9 – Holy Books 1.10 – Revelation of the Qur'an 1.11 – Life after death Section 2 – Community and traditions KEYWORDS 2.1 – Muhammad (PBUH) as the seal of the prophets 2.2 – Why is the Qur'an important? 2.3 – How and why Muslims respect the Qur'an 2.4 – Importance of Shari'ah 2.5 – The Ummah 2.6 – Features of a mosque and the reasons for them 2.7 – Role and importance of the Imam 2.8 – Role and importance of the mosque 2.9 – The Sunni and the Shi’ah Muslims 2.10 – The importance of movements in British mosques 2.11 – Sufi Muslims Section 3 – Worship and celebration KEYWORDS 3.1 – Shahadah 3.2 – Practice and significance of Salah 3.3 – Practice and significance of Zakah 3.4 – Relationship of Zakah to the Ummah 3.5 – Practice and significance of Sawm 3.6 – Reasons and benefits of fasting 3.7 – Celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr 3.8 – Meaning and significance of the events of Hajj (1) 3.9 – Meaning and significance of the events at Arafat 3.10 – Meaning and significance of the events at Mina 3.11 – Meaning and significance of Eid-ul-Adha Section 4 – Living the Muslim life KEYWORDS 4.1 – Halal and Haram 4.2 – Greater and lesser Jihad 4.3 – Birth rituals 4.4 – Death rituals 4.5 – Drugs and alcohol 4.6 – Muslim laws on dress 4.7 – Muslim laws on food 4.8 – Riba and gambling 4.9 – Muslims and community cohesion 4.10 – Muslim organisations to relieve poverty 4.11 – Why Muslim organisations are working to relieve poverty

3 Section 1 – Beliefs and values
KEYWORDS 1.1 – Importance of Tawhid 1.2 – Sin of Shirk 1.3 – Creativity of Allah 1.4 – Mercy and compassion of Allah 1.5 – Humans as Khalifah 1.6 – Al Qadr and human freedom 1.7 – Angels 1.8 – Risalah 1.9 – Holy Books 1.10 – Revelation of the Qur'an 1.11 – Life after death Section 2 Section 3 Section 4

4 Back to Section 1 homepage
Keywords Al Qadr Allah’s control of future events Creativity The action of creating the universe by Allah Din The way of life (the belief and practice of Islam) Ibadah All acts of worship / any permissible action performed to obey Allah Iman Faith in Allah Islam Peace gained through submission to Allah Khalifah Custodian or steward to Allah by accepting Islam Muslim One who has submitted to Allah by accepting Islam Qur'an The holy book of Islam Risalah Muslim beliefs about the prophets of Allah Shirk The sin of regarding anything as equal to Allah or associating partners with Allah Tawhid The oneness of Allah Skip

5 1.1 – The nature and importance of belief in Tawhid
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6 1.1 – The nature and importance of belief in Tawhid
What is Tawhid? For Muslims, belief in Tawhid is the foundation of their faith. They believe that Allah is at the centre of everything and nothing can be compared to Him.

7 1.1 – The nature and importance of belief in Tawhid
Why is belief in Tawhid important for Muslims? (5 points) Foundation of Islam – everything else thatt Muslims believe or do stems from this belief It is taught in the Qur'an which Muslims have to believe to be the word of Allah It helps Muslims make sense out of life and gives them purpose and direction. It helps them see how everything in life fits together It helps Muslims think of Allah, and not themselves, as the centre, the focal point of life It helps Muslims to follow the teachings and example of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Muslims should try and live their lives like the prophet as he was a perfect Muslim

8 1.1 – The nature and importance of belief in Tawhid
How do Muslims try to show their belief in the oneness of Allah? (4 points) They recognise that no-one and nothing else is worth worshipping apart from Allah All living things must be treated with respect because all life comes from Allah and belongs to Allah The Muslim community must also be one, united and held together by their belief in Allah because Allah is one When Muslims believe in Allah and when they keep Allah at the centre of everything they do, they are being true to their din

9 1.2 – The sin of shirk and why it is a major sin in Islam
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10 1.2 – The sin of shirk and why it is a major sin in Islam
What is shirk? Shirk is a major sin in Islam. It means to worship or regard anything as equal to or more important than Allah and is the thing that all Muslim should avoid doing.

11 1.2 – The sin of shirk and why it is a major sin in Islam
Why is shirk such a major sin? (4 points) Belief in tawhid, the oneness of Allah is the most basic principal of Islam. To make anyone or anything equal to Allah goes against that very principal Shirk breaks the commitment that Muslims make when they recite the shahadah – ‘There is no god but Allah’ For Muslims, Islam is the only true and pure religion – the sin of shirk takes away that purity by equating Allah with other things Tawhid is the basis of everything a Muslim does and by avoiding shirk a Muslim is emphasising the importance of Allah in their life

12 1.2 – The sin of shirk and why it is a major sin in Islam
How do Muslims avoid shirk? (3 points) By making sure they concentrate only on Allah when they are praying. By worshipping Allah only By following tawhid closely in their lives

13 1.3 – The meaning and importance of belief in the creativity of Allah
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14 1.3 – The meaning and importance of belief in the creativity of Allah
What do Muslims believe about the creator of the universe? Muslims believe that Allah created the universe and everything in it. This affects how the view the world and how they live their lives.

15 1.3 – The meaning and importance of belief in the creativity of Allah
What do Muslims believe regarding the creator of the universe? (3 points) They believe that Allah created the universe, and that everything comes from Allah, and Allah keeps everything going. Allah is the only one who can create life The Qur'an explains how Allah created the universe and many believe that science supports the Qur'anic teachings

16 1.3 – The meaning and importance of belief in the creativity of Allah
Why is the belief in creativity of Allah important for Muslims? (3 points) It means the universe and human life are under the control of Allah. Only Allah has the power to control everything and it is Allah who determines what will happen It means that all life belongs to Allah; Allah is the source of life and life is given to humans as a gift Muslims understand that human knowledge is limited and there must be a greater power who is in control and has designed the world so beautifully

17 Back to Section 1 homepage
1.4 – The meaning and importance of belief in the mercy and compassion of Allah Back to Section 1 homepage Previous section Next section

18 1.4 – The meaning and importance of belief in the mercy and compassion of Allah
What do Muslims believe regarding the mercy and compassion of Allah? The Muslim belief that Allah is compassionate and merciful is important for Muslims because t shows them that Allah will treat them kindly and it is worth striving to live a good life

19 1.4 – The meaning and importance of belief in the mercy and compassion of Allah
What do Muslims mean when they say that Allah is ‘the compassionate’ and ‘the merciful’? (4 points) Allah forgives them Allah loves them Allah supports them Allah cares for them

20 1.4 – The meaning and importance of belief in the mercy and compassion of Allah
Why is the belief in the compassion and mercy of Allah important for Muslims? (3 points) Without this belief, Muslims would feel hopeless, as Muslims are always sinning but yet Allah is giving them the opportunity to repent for their sins Secondly, Muslims believe that Allah is their judge and will have to account for their worldly actions. If Allah was not compassionate and merciful then no one would survive Allah’s judgements. This belief gives Muslims courage the mercy and compassion of Allah gives Muslims the strength to increase their love for Allah as they know Allah is the only one who can improve their quality of life

21 Back to Section 1 homepage
1.5 – The meaning and importance of belief in Islamic teaching on the nature of humans as Khalifah Back to Section 1 homepage Previous section Next section

22 What do Muslims believe about Khalifahs?
1.5 – The meaning and importance of belief in Islamic teaching on the nature of humans as Khalifah What do Muslims believe about Khalifahs? Muslims believe that Allah made Adam the first Khalifah of the earth, which means that he was asked to look after it Muslims also believe that Adam passed this on to all humans so that every person should act as a kahlifah of the earth This is important to Muslims because it clarifies their relationship with Allah and the world

23 Why is this belief important to Muslims?
1.5 – The meaning and importance of belief in Islamic teaching on the nature of humans as Khalifah Why is this belief important to Muslims? It helps Muslims to understand clearly the relationship between humans and Allah – people have their own skills to look after the world as it belongs to Allah Also humans will be held responsible accountable on the day of judgement for their stewardship. Therefore they must try their best to solve problems which are caused by others in this world

24 Back to Section 1 homepage
1.6 – The meaning and importance of belief in Islamic teaching on Al-Qadr and human freedom Back to Section 1 homepage Previous section Next section

25 Why is this belief important to Muslims?
1.6 – The meaning and importance of belief in Islamic teaching on Al-Qadr and human freedom Why is this belief important to Muslims? The belief in al-qadr is central to being a Muslim It means that Allah knows everything that has happened and everything that will happen for all eternity – nothing occurs without Allah's knowledge

26 Why is al-qadr important for Muslims?
1.6 – The meaning and importance of belief in Islamic teaching on Al-Qadr and human freedom Why is al-qadr important for Muslims? It is stated in the Qur'an It was taught by the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Submitting to the will of Allah is at the heart of being a Muslim It helps Muslims make sense of the world – knowing that Allah has knowledge of everything and is in control of all events must mean that everything happens for a reason It is one of the 6 pillars of faith

27 Why are humans given free will?
1.6 – The meaning and importance of belief in Islamic teaching on Al-Qadr and human freedom Why are humans given free will? So on the day of judgement they can be held accountable for their actions Allah does not control people's minds and actions as they have been given free will Without free will there would not be a point of judgement day

28 Back to Section 1 homepage
1.7 – The meaning and importance of belief in Islamic teaching on Al-Qadr and human freedom Back to Section 1 homepage Previous section Next section

29 What are the main teachings about angels?
1.7 – The meaning and importance of belief in Islamic teaching on angels What are the main teachings about angels? They are made from light They were created to carry out the exact instructions of Allah They have no free will and so are counted as lower in importance than humans The number of them is limitless They are invisible but on special occasions they may appear in human form

30 1.7 – The meaning and importance of belief in Islamic teaching on angels
Who are some of the angels named in the Qur'an and what did they do? Jibrail (Gabriel) – chief angel, brought the words of the Qur'an to the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Izra’il – angel of death, is responsible for taking the last breath from the dying Mika’il (Michael) – guardian of places of worship Israfil – the herald of the day of resurrection Munkar and nakir – who question the dead in their graves

31 Why are angels important?
1.7 – The meaning and importance of belief in Islamic teaching on angels Why are angels important? Angels are a vital part of communicating a person’s good and bad thoughts and deeds back to Allah on the Day of Judgement Muslims believe that angels communicate the exact, uncorrupted message of Allah to human beings The Qur'an mentions other important tasks which angels carry out – such as guarding places of worship Many Muslims believe that angels (as well as Allah himself) protect them when they pray

32 1.8 – The meaning and importance of belief in Risalah
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33 1.8 – The meaning and importance of belief in Risalah
What is Risalah? Muslims believe that Allah has chosen many prophets to bring the message of Islam to people. This belief is known as Risalah

34 1.8 – The meaning and importance of belief in Risalah
Why is belief in Risalah important? Prophets brought the guidance of Allah to different nations at different times showing that the message was from the beginning All prophets brought the same message showing that Allah is unchanging All prophets brought the same message of Islam showing that Islam is the true religion All prophets prepared the way for the final prophet, Muhammad (PBUH)

35 Back to Section 1 homepage
1.9 – The meaning and importance of belief in Islamic teaching on holy books other than the Qur'an Back to Section 1 homepage Previous section Next section

36 1.9 – The meaning and importance of belief in Islamic teaching on holy books other than the Qur'an
What do Muslims believe regarding other holy books besides the Qur'an Muslims believe that god revealed his message to prophets before Muhammad (PBUH) and that this was written down in holy books such as the tawrat, the zabur and the injil However, over time, these books have been changed so much that they cannot be used as a guide for living Only the Qur'an contains the full truth and final revelation from Allah

37 1.9 – The meaning and importance of belief in Islamic teaching on holy books other than the Qur'an
What does Islam teach about the books given to Ibrahim, Musa, Dawud and Isa? Ibrahim was given Allah’s word in the holy book of the Scrolls of Ibrahim Musa (Moses) was given Allah’s word in the holy book of Tawrat (Torah) Dawud (David) was given Allah’s word in the holy book of Zabur (Psalms) Isa (Jesus) was given Allah’s word in the holy book of Injil (Gospels) Each of these books have been distorted and are no longer the original holy book

38 1.9 – The meaning and importance of belief in Islamic teaching on holy books other than the Qur'an
Why are Islamic teachings on holy books other than the Qur'an important? They demonstrate that Allah cares for people because Allah revealed his message directly to people over time They show that only the Qur'an contains the whole truth – therefore only Islam can guide people along the totally correct path Although the message has been distorted, the originals were revelations from Allah and therefore should be respected However much the messages may have been changed are no longer the originals, Muslims should respect Jews and Christians because they have a part of the truth

39 Back to Section 1 homepage
1.10 – The meaning and importance of belief in Islamic teaching on the revelation of the Qur'an to Muhammad (PBUH) Back to Section 1 homepage Previous section Next section

40 1.10 – The meaning and importance of belief in Islamic teaching on the revelation of the Qur'an to Muhammad (PBUH) Describe the main events that took place during the revelation of the Qur'an to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) The most important night of the prophets' life was the Night of Power (Lai-La-tul Qadr) This was the night when he received the first revelation of the Qur'an from Allah Muhammad (PBUH) used to spend a lot of his time in prayer and meditation He was meditating in a cave in mount hira where he saw the angel jibrail who commanded him to recite the words before him The prophet was never taught to read or write however at this point he was able to recite the words

41 It proves that the words in the Qur'an are the exact speech of Allah
1.10 – The meaning and importance of belief in Islamic teaching on the revelation of the Qur'an to Muhammad (PBUH) Why is the revelation of the Qur'an to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) so important for Muslims? It was the first time when the words of the Qur'an were revealed to Muhammad (PBUH) He became the final prophet of Allah because he had received this message from Allah It proves that the words in the Qur'an are the exact speech of Allah It was the beginning of many such revelations which went on for 23 years and formed the whole Qur'an For Muslims, this is the great miracle of Islam

42 1.11 – How belief in Akhirah affects the lives of Muslims
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43 1.11 – How belief in Akhirah affects the lives of Muslims
What do Muslims believe about life after death? Muslims believe that when people die, their body stays in the grave until the last day, when the earth will be ended and everyone will die Then Israfil will sound they trumpet and there will be a resurrection All the dead bodies will be raised and will gather on the plain of Arafat for the final judgement Everyone will be naked so that nothing can be hidden, and then each in turn will read out the book of their lives where again, no thought or action will remain hidden Every person will be judged on the basis on how well they have behaved as Khalifah, and will be sent to heaven or hell

44 1.11 – How belief in Akhirah affects the lives of Muslims
What do Muslims believe about repentance and how does this affect them? Most Muslims believe in the principle of repentance. Those who repent for their sins before they die will be forgiven by Allah and will not go to hell No one knows when this will happen, but Isa will come before it happens Because of this belief about the day of judgement, when Muslims die they are not allowed to have anything taken out of their bodies They are buried quickly and are buried facing Makkah

45 1.11 – How belief in Akhirah affects the lives of Muslims
What do Muslims believe about Jannah (heaven)? Muslims call heaven Jannah (the garden) The Qur'an paints a wonderful picture of heaven as a place of gardens, flowers, streams and rivers and a beautiful life in the presence of Allah

46 1.11 – How belief in Akhirah affects the lives of Muslims
What do Muslims believe about Jahannam (hell)? Muslims call hell Jahannam (the place of fire) The Qur'an paints a terrible picture of hell as a place of fire and torment where the evil will have their skins burnt off whilst they drink pus and boiling water Therefore, Muslims will try their best to attain a place in paradise by following Islamic guidelines

47 Section 2 – Community and traditions
KEYWORDS 2.1 – Belief in Muhammad (PBUH) as the seal of the prophets 2.2 – Muslim beliefs about the Qur'an 2.3 – How Muslims show their respect for the Qur'an 2.4 – The importance of the Shari'ah for Muslims 2.5 – The importance and effects of the Ummah 2.6 – Main features of a mosque 2.7 – Role and importance of the Imam 2.8 – Role and importance of the Mosque 2.9 – Reasons for the split between Sunnis and Shi’ahs 2.10 –Role and importance of groups and movements in British mosques 2.11 – Sufism Section 1 Section 3 Section 4

48 Back to Section 2 homepage
Keywords Authority The power and right to make demand of other Bismillah The words which begin every Surah Hadith The sayings and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Imam The person who leads Salah prayers Masjid Place of prostration Qadi A judge in Islamic Law Shari'ah Islamic law based on the Qur'an and the Sunnah, sayings and actions of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as recorded by his family and friends Shi'ah Muslims who believe only the Caliph Ali was rightly guided Sunnah Sayings and actions of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as recorded by his family and friends Sunni Muslims who believe that the first four Caliphs were rightly guided Ulama Scholars of Islamic law and jurisprudence Ummah The worldwide Muslim community Skip

49 2.1 – The belief in Muhammad (PBUH) as the seal of the prophets
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50 2.1 – The belief in Muhammad (PBUH) as the seal of the prophets
Why is Muhammad (PBUH) described as the seal of the prophets? In the Qur'an Muhammad (PBUH) is described as the seal of the prophets because he was given the final message from Allah to mankind Allah said that Muhammad (PBUH) would be the last prophet

51 2.1 – The belief in Muhammad (PBUH) as the seal of the prophets
Why is Muhammad (PBUH) so important? Muhammad (PBUH) lived his life totally as Allah commanded in the Qur'an so he is an ideal role model He sets the example of how to live the Muslim life, how to be a faithful servant to Allah and how to keep on the straight path of Islam

52 2.1 – The belief in Muhammad (PBUH) as the seal of the prophets
Why is this belief important for Muslims? For Muslims all the prophets of Allah are important. this is because they bought to people the true message of Allah for their time and for their own communities Muhammad (PBUH) is also one of the prophets, but with these differences He completed the message of Allah He is the last prophet Allah will send He bought the message of Allah of all people and for all times This is why he is called the seal of the prophets

53 2.2 – Muslim beliefs about the Qur'an
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54 2.2 – Muslim beliefs about the Qur'an
Why does the Qur'an have supreme authority for Muslims? Muslims believe that it contains the exact words of Allah – this is very important because Muslims believe that the other holy books mentioned in the Qur'an have lost the original wording and have been changed over the years, so are no longer accurate It was brought to people by the final prophet – although Allah had sent prophets with his message to different people at different times, this time the message was for all people for all time and would not be repeated It was recited exactly, word for word, buy the prophet – Muslims believed that as the prophet received the revelations, he recited them exactly and then the words were recorded immediately and accurately by his companions It has never been changed – Muslims read the Qur'an and in the original Arabic so that they are sure their knowledge is correct. Many Muslims scholars think that the Qur'an should never be translated into other languages because of the risk of mistakes It is the first great miracle for Muslims – Muslims believe that Muhammad (PBUH) had not been taught to read and write and so could not have written the Qur'an, so it is a miracle from Allah

55 2.2 – Muslim beliefs about the Qur'an
What are some other reasons why Muslims accept the Qur'ans authority? It helps them to understand the qualities of Allah, shown in the 99 names It shows them how to follow the straight path It inspires them to struggle in the cause of Allah It gives them a framework of belief about Allah and about their own lives It encourages them through the example of faithful believers It offers them support and help in times of need and hardship It gives warning to those who do not believe

56 2.3 – How Muslims show their respect for the Qur'an
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57 2.3 – How Muslims show their respect for the Qur'an
How do Muslims show respect for the Qur'an? Never toughing to without first washing their hands Usually wrapping it in a special wrapping Keeping it above all other books Never holding it below their waist Never eating, drinking or talking while reading it

58 2.3 – How Muslims show their respect for the Qur'an
What do many Muslims think are the most important ways of showing respect to the Qur'an? Listening to and understanding its teaching Remembering the teaching of Allah And most importantly, applying this teaching in their lives

59 2.4 – The importance of Shari'ah for Muslims
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60 2.4 – The importance of Shari'ah for Muslims
What is Shari'ah? Shari'ah is Islamic law that helps Muslims to follow the path Allah has set for them

61 2.4 – The importance of Shari'ah for Muslims
Why is Shari'ah important for Muslims? Muhammad (PBUH) is reported to have said that Allah does not accept belief unless it is expressed in deeds and that a person’s deeds will be acceptable to him if they represent beliefs Muslims follow the teachings of shariah because they believe that Allah is always aware of what they are doing and thinking Also, Muslims follow the teachings of shariah because they believe that everyone will be judged at the end of life on their beliefs and deeds

62 2.5 – The importance and effects of the Ummah
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63 2.5 – The importance and effects of the Ummah
What is the Ummah? Muslims, regardless of their race, culture, gender, age or background are united as one community who belong to Allah This is called the Ummah

64 2.5 – The importance and effects of the Ummah
Why is the Ummah important? Islam unites all Muslims everywhere, no matter what their race or culture Having one worldwide community reflects the oneness of Allah The Ummah helps and gives strength to individual Muslims Many of the aspects of being a Muslim are communal in nature

65 2.5 – The importance and effects of the Ummah
How do Muslims show the importance of the Ummah? At prayer – all Muslims face the qiblah, the direction of the Kabah in Makkah, which is often referred as the house of Allah. The Kabah is like the hub of Islam. Wherever you are in the world, if you visit a mosque you will see almost exactly the same actions of the Salah when Muslims pray. It is another feature that expresses the unity of the Muslim community Reading the Qur'an – Muslims around the world speak many different languages, but when they read the Qur'an and when they pray, they use the language of Arabic, whatever their native language is. This helps strengthen the sense of unity in the Ummah Giving Zakah – every year, Muslims give a percentage of their wealth to help other people because wealth is a gift from Allah and must be shared Going to hajj – on the pilgrimage to Makkah, over 2 million Muslims gather from every country in the world to worship Allah. It does not matter whether you are black or white, rich or poor, male or female, everyone is equal in the sight of Allah. Here, the unity of the Ummah is shown very clearly.

66 2.6 – The main features a mosque and the reasons for them
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67 2.6 – The main features a mosque and the reasons for them
What is a mosque? A mosque is a building where Muslims can go to pray Many mosques have special features in hem to help Muslims concentrate their thoughts on Allah

68 2.6 – The main features a mosque and the reasons for them
Label the main features of a mosque and their functions Dome – many Muslims think so this as a symbol of space and therefore of the universe that Allah has created Minaret – a tall tower from which worshipers are called to prayer. Part of that call to prayer reminds Muslims that they are being summoned into the presence of Allah, with the words ‘Allah Akbar’ – God is most great Men and women are separated during prayer. Sometimes the women will stand behind the men but often they are separate prayer areas for them.

69 2.6 – The main features a mosque and the reasons for them
Label the main features of a mosque and their functions Minbar – a small platform from which the leader of the prayer gives a talk to remind worshipers of their duty to Allah Mihrab – one wall of the prayer hall in a mosque has a niche or alcove (mihrab) which shows the direction (qiblah) of the Kabah, the house of God in Makkah. All Muslims should face in this direction when they pray to Allah Many mosque re beautifully decorated with patterns and designs such as the great mosque in Makkah with the Kabah in the courtyard, but you will not see pictures of the prophet. Many of the designs are verses from the Qur'an written in calligraphy There will also be a place for washing inside the mosque. When Muslims come to pray, both the place where they pray and they themselves must be clean and pure, outwardly and inwardly, because Allah is holy. Men and women have separate wash rooms

70 2.6 – The main features a mosque and the reasons for them
The purpose behind the design of a mosque is to provide a space where... There is an atmosphere of peace and tranquillity Worshippers can concentrate on Allah, without any distractions The dirt and bustle of daily life are left outside and Muslims can feel a sense of purity as they stand before Allah

71 2.7 – The role and importance of the Imam in a mosque
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72 2.7 – The role and importance of the Imam in a mosque
What is the Imam and how are they chosen? The word ‘Imam’ refers to the person who stand at the front of others and leads the congregational prayers The Imam is chosen by the mosque committee, he is a knowledgeable person who is a devout Muslim Most Imams have the whole Qur'an memorised

73 2.7 – The role and importance of the Imam in a mosque
What is the role of the Imam? The imam leads 5 daily prayers; he leads the Friday Jummah prayers by giving the Khutbah (sermon) The Imam will teach the children and adults Arabic, he will explain the meaning of the Qur'an He also will give advice and counselling on many issues as well as visiting the sick and those in prisons Finally, the imam will lead prayers at weddings and funerals The imam is seen as an important pillar of the Muslim community

74 Back to Section 2 homepage
2.8 – The role and importance of the mosque for the local Muslim community Back to Section 2 homepage Previous section Next section

75 2.8 – The role and importance of the mosque for the local Muslim community
Why are mosques important for the Muslim community? Mosques are very important for the Muslim community as a variety of activities take place including Salah, teaching and learning of Arabic, it provided a meeting place for people , madrasahs takes place for children and also the masjid is a community centre for the Muslim community

76 Why are mosques important for Muslims?
2.8 – The role and importance of the mosque for the local Muslim community Why are mosques important for Muslims? Mosques are important for the Muslims because it gives them a sense of identity and belonging It also brings the Ummah together and it strengthens it In addition, mosques provide an encouragement of faith and mosques are seen as a beacon of Islam Mosques are also important because the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (PHUB) emphasised on the significance of mosques, and mosques are a place of peace and tranquillity, this is where worshippers can go and concentrate on Allah solely

77 2.9 – Reasons for differences between Sunni and Shi’ah communities
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78 2.9 – Reasons for differences between Sunni and Shi’ah communities
When did the differences begin? The division between Sunni and Shi’ahs Muslims began after the death of Muhammad (PBUH), over who should be the right person to lead the community The differences between them are not on matters of basic belief but on the importance of Ali as the successor to Muhammad (PBUH)

79 2.9 – Reasons for differences between Sunni and Shi’ah communities
What are the main differences? There are many divisions in Islam, but the main division is between Sunnis and Shi’ahs About 85% of Muslims are Sunnis This means that they follow the sunnah (way of life) of Muhammad (PBUH) as recorded in the Hadiths and except the authority only of the Qur’an and Hadith The Shi’ahs follow the sunnah of Muhammad (PBUH), but also follow Hadiths from Ali and have a different attitude to leadership and authority There are about 90 million Shi’ahs around the world, and about 800 million Sunnis

80 2.9 – Reasons for differences between Sunni and Shi’ah communities
Similarities between Sunnis and Shi’ahs They believe in Allah and his prophet They believe in the authority of the Qur’an They believe in life after death and the judgement to follow They both follow the 5 pillars

81 2.9 – Reasons for differences between Sunni and Shi’ah communities
Differences between Sunnis and Shi’ahs Saying the shahadah – Shi’ahs may add ‘and I bear witness that Ali was the friend of God’ The practice of Salah – Shi’as prostrate the forehead onto earth or a small block of clay from Karbala Important festivals and what they celebrate – Ashura, which commemorates the death of Hussain at Karbala, is the major mourning event for Shi’as Places for pilgrimage – besides Makkah and Medina, Shi’as also go to Karbala and Najaf How much should be given to the poor - Shi’as also give 20% of their savings called Khums besides Zakah

82 2.9 – Reasons for differences between Sunni and Shi’ah communities
What are the main differences between Sunnis and Shi’as and explain the reason behind the Shi'ah belief Issue Sunni Shi’ah Reasons for Shi’ah belief Person who leads the community 4 rightly guided Khalifahs, the first of whom Sunnis believe was chosen by the community 12 infallible Imams, the first of whom was Ali, the prophets cousin and son-in-law Ali was appointed by Allah and declared by the prophet on several occasions, the last being at Ghadir e Khum, after the final hajj Imam Devout and knowledgeable, Muslims who lead prayers (Imams) Spiritual guides chosen by Allah and given special knowledge; sinless (Imams) Shi’ah believe Ali and the Imams descended from him inherited the light of divine knowledge from Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Interpreting the Qur’an Interpreted by knowledgeable scholars based on the traditions handed down Interpreted by the Imams who have special understanding of the Qur’an. This knowledge is passed on to scholars Imams have divine guidance which gives them infallible right to interpret the Qur’an

83 Back to Section 2 homepage
2.10 – The role and importance of groups and movement in British mosques Back to Section 2 homepage Previous section Next section

84 What are the different view held by Muslims?
2.10 – The role and importance of groups and movement in British mosques What are the different view held by Muslims? Muslims as a group believe some things should stay the same whilst other believe it should change in order to suit the modern times Some of the things Muslims differ about are dress, language, culture, roles of men and women and also how to deal with modern issues such as abortion There are many Muslim groups such as Sunnis, Shi’ahs, Ismailis, Sufis, Ahmadis, etc They all worship Allah but their practices are different

85 2.11 – Different attitudes to Sufi forms of worship
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86 2.11 – Different attitudes to Sufi forms of worship
What do Sufis believe? Sufis believe that the most important thing in life is to be close to Allah in thawed love for Him and in their devolution to Him To help them to do this they: Try to live a simple life Avoid attachment to material possessions Try to overcome their own selfishness Concentrate on Allah

87 2.11 – Different attitudes to Sufi forms of worship
What do Sufis believe about their form of worship? Sufis believe that the purpose of worship is to become so close to Allah that the worshipper, in a sense, becomes part of Allah, joined to Allah or united with Allah They say that their approach to the Muslim way of life is very close to that of the prophet himself They believe their way avoid simply following the rules of religion and the formal rituals of the 5 pillars for their own sake and helps them too concentrate on their inward and spiritual life that brings them closer to Allah

88 2.11 – Different attitudes to Sufi forms of worship
What do other Muslims believe about Sufi forms of worship? Some other Muslims are deeply concerned that the kind of worship id dangerous and that Allah has defined how he should be worshipped through the 5 pillars Only by following the rules of Shari'ah and keeping to the rituals set out in the 5 pillars can a person live a life that is pleasing to Allah Many Muslims believe that all music is forbidden by the Qur’an and hadith Others believe that instruments are forbidden but singing is allowed

89 Section 3 – Worship and celebration
KEYWORDS 3.1 – Shahadah 3.2 – Practice and significance of Salah 3.3 – Practice and significance of Zakah 3.4 – Relationship of Zakah to the Ummah 3.5 & 3.6 – Practice and significance of Sawm & Reasons and benefits of fasting 3.7 – Celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr 3.8 – Meaning and significance of the events of Hajj 3.9 – Meaning and significance of the events at Arafat 3.10 – Meaning and significance of the events at Mina 3.11 – Meaning and significance of Eid-ul-Adha Section 2 Section 3 Section 4

90 Back to Section 3 homepage
Keywords Arafat A plain near Makkah where pilgrims confess their sins. This day is regarded as the most important day of Hajj Hajj The annual pilgrimage to Makkah and the 5th pillar in Islam Eid-ul-Adha The festival of sacrifice Eid-ul-Fitr The festival of breaking the fast Ramadan The 9th month of the Islamic year where the Qur'an tells all Muslims to fast Salah The 5 daily prayers Sawm Fasting by obtaining from food and drink from dusk till dawn Shahadah The declaration of faith in Allah and his prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Tawaf Going round the kabah 7 times in worship of Allah Wudu The washing that must take place before Salah Zakah A tax of 2.5% Muslims must pay every year to the poor Qiblah The direction of the Kabah in Makkah and all Muslims face towards this when praying Skip

91 Back to Section 3 homepage
3.1 – The meaning and significance of the Shahadah as a summary of Islamic belief Back to Section 3 homepage Next section

92 3.1 – The meaning and significance of the Shahadah as a summary of Islamic belief
What is the Shahadah? The shahadah is the declaration of faith that anyone becoming a Muslim must make It is the first pillar of Islam and the foundation on which the other pillars are based

93 3.1 – The meaning and significance of the Shahadah as a summary of Islamic belief
Why is the shahadah important for Muslims? Repeated in Salah Keep saying it throughout the day Last words you hear or say before death Recited in the Adhan (call to prayer) Whisper it in the ear of a new born baby Teach it to children

94 3.1 – The meaning and significance of the Shahadah as a summary of Islamic belief
By declaring the shahadah what is a Muslim saying? There is no room in their life for any god except Allah The belief in Muhammad (PBUH) as the messenger of Allah is accepting that Islam, as given directly to the prophet by Allah.

95 3.1 – The meaning and significance of the Shahadah as a summary of Islamic belief
Why is the shahadah fundamental to a Muslims whole way of life? Muslims believe that the purpose of life for human beings is to worship Allah alone A Muslim performs every act in the name of Allah and to obtain the pleasure of Allah Allah gave humans life and they have a responsibility to live it in the way Allah intended

96 3.2 – The practice and significance of Salah
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97 3.2 – The practice and significance of Salah
Why do Muslims perform Salah? It is commanded in the Qur’an They must remember Allah throughout their day and prayer helps them do this It makes them feel closer to Allah It united with other Muslims It reconfirms their faith

98 3.2 – The practice and significance of Salah
What are the rules of Salah? Perform wudu Pray 5 times a day at set times Face Makkah Perform certain actions – standing, bowing, prostrating, and sitting. These must be repeated in a certain order and a certain number of times Recite in Arabic

99 3.2 – The practice and significance of Salah
How does Salah show the unity of Islam? The fact that all Muslims do this in the same language, facing the same direction and performing exactly the same actions, shows the unity of Islam

100 3.3 – The practice and significance of Zakah
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101 3.3 – The practice and significance of Zakah
What is Zakah? Zakah is a special charity tax that Muslims have to pay It is commanded in the Qur'an and there are many regulations about it Once a year Muslims should pay Zakah on their income and savings The law schools say that Muslims should pay Zakah of 2.5% of their savings and on their income above their Nisab (the amount you need to live on) Farmers have to pay proportions of their crops and livestock

102 3.3 – The practice and significance of Zakah
What should Zakah be used for? To help the poor – Zakah should re-distribute wealth from rich to poor To help orphans and widows To pay for upkeep of mosques and Muslim schools To pay for Muslim missionary work

103 3.3 – The practice and significance of Zakah
Why must Muslims pay Zakah? All Muslims should pay Zakah as purification of their wealth Zakah means purification and Muslims believe that giving Zakah purifies what wealth a Muslim keeps so that it does not stop them from worshipping Allah properly Muslims gives Zakah because it is one of the five pillars, it has been commanded in the Qur’an, it unifies the Ummah and it helps Muslims to help each other and show the brotherhood in Islam

104 3.4 – The relationship of Zakah to the Ummah
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105 3.4 – The relationship of Zakah to the Ummah
Why is Zakah important for the Ummah? Muslims have a duty to help other who are in need. Muhammad (PBUH) thought that whoever eats his fill while his neighbour remains hungry is not a believer and that giving Zakah reminds one that rich and poor are all members of the Ummah Everyone obeying Allah's command unites the Ummah and demonstrates an act of faith Knowing that all Muslims are giving Zakah at the same time, to be used for the same purposes, brings unity with other Muslims Sharing resources strengthens the Ummah and helps people gain spiritual riches

106 Back to Section 3 homepage
3.5 & 3.6 – The practice and significance of Sawm during Ramadan and benefits of it Back to Section 3 homepage Previous section Next section

107 3.5 & 3.6 – The practice and significance of Sawm during Ramadan and benefits of it
Describe Ramadan Ramadan is the holiest month of the year because it contains they night of power Fasting and prayer during this month unite the community in thought of others and focuses a Muslim on self-purification and seeking forgiveness from god

108 During Ramadan, Muslims:
3.5 & 3.6 – The practice and significance of Sawm during Ramadan and benefits of it During Ramadan, Muslims: Must give up food and drink during the hours of daylight Must eat and drink in special meals at dusk and dawn so that they can carry on a normal life Should read 1/30th of the Qur’an per day sp that they read the whole Qur’an by the end of Ramadan Should say special prayers in the mosque at night (tarawih prayers) Remember the night when Muhammad (PBUH) received his first revelations from Allah Should not gossip, swear or tell lies

109 3.5 & 3.6 – The practice and significance of Sawm during Ramadan and benefits of it
Why do Muslims fast? It is commanded in the Qur'an It is the 3rd pillar of Islam It is a celebration and thanksgiving for the gift of the Qur’an, which was first revealed in Ramadan. Muslims believe that the Qur'an is Allah's word and therefore the most precious gift they have, so they should thank Allah for it during the month when it was first sent down It shows a Muslims devotion to Allah It brings a Muslim closer to Allah Most Muslims believe that fasting in Ramadan brings forgiveness of their sins

110 3.5 & 3.6 – The practice and significance of Sawm during Ramadan and benefits of it
Benefits of fasting It brings Muslims closer to Allah It promotes self-control and submission to Allah's will It makes Muslims aware of the brotherhood of Islam (Ummah) because all Muslims fast together and help each other through the difficulties of fasting It helps Muslims give Zakah from the heart because they gain some understanding of what it is like to be poor

111 3.7 – The meaning and significance of the celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr
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112 3.7 – The meaning and significance of the celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr
What is Eid, what happens on Eid and what is the purpose of Eid? The ending of the fast is celebrated by the feast of Eid-ul-Fitr On this day, Muslims wear new clothes and go to the mosque for a special service After the Salah, the Imam gives a sermon about the benefits of Ramadan and then the Muslims give their Eid Zakah to the mosque After this Muslims visit each other and eat special foods and often the children are given presents This festival marks the breaking of the fasting period Muslims do not only celebrate the end of the fasting but also thank Allah for the help and strength that Allah gave them during Ramadan

113 3.7 – The meaning and significance of the celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr
Why is it important to celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr? Eid is also a time of forgiveness and for making amends Eid unites human beings in common joy. It reminds a Muslim of the importance of harmony, human equality and compassion for all Eid is also a time for giving and sharing, and allows Muslims the opportunity to reflect on the duty to help people who are less fortunate than themselves Eid is the time for Muslims to appreciate their family, their friends and their responsibilities to the community of which they all are a part

114 3.8 – The meaning and significance of the events of Hajj in Makkah
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115 3.8 – The meaning and significance of the events of Hajj in Makkah
What is Hajj? Hajj is the pilgrimage to Makkah which takes place in the month of Dhu al’Hijja It follows the example of the prophet’s own pilgrimage and is commanded in the Qur'an Hajj is the only one of the pillars that is not compulsory, although muslims perform it if they are able

116 3.8 – The meaning and significance of the events of Hajj in Makkah
What muslims have to do to be able to go on Hajj? They must have sufficient money, not only to pay for themselves, but also to provide to provide for their family while they are away. This is why Hajj is not compulsory There must be in sound health They must wear the special pilgrim dress (known as Ihram). The ihram is important because it means that everyone is equal during the hajj. The differenced of wealth, class and race have to disappear during hajj so that muslims are aware of the unity and brotherhood of Islam Pilgrims have to give up perfumes, jewellery, etc and cannot enter legal agreements

117 3.8 – The meaning and significance of the events of Hajj in Makkah
What happens on Hajj? Putting on the ihram Go round the Ka’bah 7 times (tawaf) A fast walk between As-Safa and Al-Marwah on the outskirts of Makkah Visiting Mina for midday prayers Standing at Arafat from noon to sunset Visiting Muzdalifah to collect pebbles Celebrating Eid-ul-Adha

118 3.8 – The meaning and significance of the events of Hajj in Makkah
What is the route of pilgrimage? ? ? ? ?

119 3.8 – The meaning and significance of the events of Hajj in Makkah
What happens at Makkah and its relationship to the prophets? The pilgrims go round the Ka’bah 7 times. Each time they try to touch the Ka’bah or kiss the black stone as a sign of devotion of Allah They perform this ritual which is called a tawaf The pilgrims run between the hills of Marwa and Safa The pilgrims collect water from the Zamzam well They perform Salah and listen to a sermon in the courtyard of the great mosque There are lot of prayers during hajj as the pilgrims become united with Allah

120 3.8 – The meaning and significance of the events of Hajj in Makkah
Why are the events of Hajj important for muslims? The Ka’bah is the earthly focus for prayer Reminds muslims that they are part of the Ummah Following in the footsteps of Muhammad (PBUH) Obeying Allah is the central focus of a Muslim's life Makkah is the holiest city for muslims

121 3.8 – The meaning and significance of the events of Hajj in Makkah
Why is Hajj important? It is the 5th pillar Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) went on hajj The places of hajj are connected with the great prophets of Islam: Muhammad (PBUH), Adam, Ibrahim and Ismail It makes muslims realise that Islam is not a new religion; it came from Adam and Ibrahim before Muhammad (PBUH) All the sins muslims confess at Arafat will be forgiven and they will not have to read them out on the last day. Therefore, muslims can start new life after Hajj It brings the muslims close to Allah It makes the pilgrims aware of the power and unity of Islam as over 2 million muslims of many races, colours and languages say the same words and perform the same actions in the same place If a pilgrim dies on Hajj they go straight to heaven and do not wait for judgement day

122 3.9 - The meaning and significance of the events of Hajj at Arafat
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123 3.9 - The meaning and significance of the events of Hajj at Arafat
What happens at Arafat? Arafat is where Hajj pilgrims stand and pray to Allah for forgiveness for a whole day It is the most important part of Hajj

124 3.9 - The meaning and significance of the events of Hajj at Arafat
What do the pilgrims do at Arafat? The pilgrims listen to a sermon given by the Imam from the Mount of Mercy Then they stand up for several hours and confess their sins. Arafat is where Adam and Eve landed after being thrown out of Eden and is where Adam confessed his sin, was forgiven and made a prophet Muslims believe that the final judgement will take place on the plain of Arafat and so if they confess their sins at Arafat and they are forgiven by god (as Islam teaches they will be), then those sins will not count against them when judgement day comes

125 3.9 - The meaning and significance of the events of Hajj at Arafat
What is the significance of standing at Arafat? Allah forgives the sins muslims confess so that they can start their lives afresh Muslims show commitment to Allah by obeying his command and praying all day in the heat of the sun Standing at Arafat is preparation for standing before Allah on the day of Judgement Taking part in the experience reminds muslims that they are a small part of Allah's creation and are dependant on Allah for their well-being. This develops humility After the experience most muslims (now Hajjis) return home feeling better able to live their lives as Allah has commanded

126 3.10 – The meaning and significance of the events of Hajj at Mina
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127 3.10 – The meaning and significance of the events of Hajj at Mina
What does the stoning at Mina represent? Going to Mina and stoning the pillars symbolises the pilgrims rejecting Satan and preparing to return home spiritually refreshed

128 3.10 – The meaning and significance of the events of Hajj at Mina
What happens at Mina? On the way from Arafat to Mina the pilgrims gather 49 stones, which they throw at the pillar of stoning at Mina. They do this to remember how Ibrahim stoned the devil at Mina when the devil attempted him to disobey Allah and not sacrifice his son As they do this, they also promise to get rid of all the evil in their hearts On the tenth of Dhu al’Hijja, the pilgrims gather to make their sacrifice. Often pilgrims join together with a sacrifice, but they kill it themselves to remember the way in which Ibrahim was prepared to sacrifice his son Ismail

129 3.11 – The celebration of Eid-ul-Adha
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130 3.11 – The celebration of Eid-ul-Adha
What happens on Eid-ul-Adha? The sacrifice at Mina is the one event of Hajj that all muslims join in At mosques all over the world, there is a congregational prayer as on Eid-ul-Fitr Then families gather together to make the sacrifice and eat as a celebratory meal In the united kingdom, muslims to wish to make a sacrifice, themselves will sacrifice a chicken, as this does not require as abattoir Otherwise, they pay a halal butcher to make the sacrifice for them Instead of sharing the left over meat with the poor they pay an Eid Zakah Eid-ul-Adha is known as the ‘festival of sacrifice’ or the ‘Great Eid’ This festival comes at the end of Hajj This festival reminds muslims of sacrifice and also about the prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismail

131 3.11 – The celebration of Eid-ul-Adha
Why is Eid-ul-Adha important? It reminds Muslims that Allah is great and that they must try to worship in every aspect of their lives It helps those who were not on Hajj to share the spirit of hajj with those of their family or community who were able to go to Makkah and reinforces the feeling of the Ummah The sacrifice of an animal reminds muslims that they should be prepared to give up anything to serve Allah The history behind the various activities of hajj reminds muslims that their faith is not new but was, they believe, ordained by Allah from the very beginning of time

132 Section 4 – Living the Muslim life
KEYWORDS 4.1 – Halal and Haram 4.2 – Greater and lesser Jihad 4.3 – Birth rituals 4.4 – Death rituals 4.5 – Drugs and alcohol 4.6 – Muslim laws on dress 4.7 – Muslim laws on food 4.8 – Riba and gambling 4.9 – Muslims and community cohesion 4.10 – Muslim organisations to relieve poverty 4.11 – Why Muslim organisations are working to relieve poverty Section 1 Section 2 Section 3

133 Back to Section 4 homepage
Keywords Aqiqah The birth ceremony for Muslim children Capitalism The economic system adopted by most western governments Dar-ul-Islam The abode of Islam/land rules by Shari’ah Law Greater Jihad Struggle to overcome evil in one’s life Riba Any form of borrowing or lending money at interest Haram That which is forbidden or unlawful in Islam Hijab The headscarf worn by Muslim women Janazah prayers The special Salah used at funerals Sadaqah Voluntary payment of charity or good acts of charity Madrasah Qur’anic school attached to the mosque Halal That which is permitted or lawful Lesser Jihad Struggle in cause of Islam to overcome injustice in society Skip

134 4.1 – The meaning and significance of the concept of Halal and Haram
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135 4.1 – The meaning and significance of the concept of Halal and Haram
Give examples of Haram things Setting anyone equal with Allah Being unkind to parents Being unfair in business Charging interest on a loan Certain foods alcohol

136 4.1 – The meaning and significance of the concept of Halal and Haram
Why is the concept of Halal and Haram important? They are commanded by Allah in the Quran and Muslims believe that obeying Allah enables them to lead a good life and bring rewards in the next life (afterlife) They were followed and taught by the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and all Muslims should follow his example Observing Halal and Haram clearly identifies one as a Muslim and strengthens the fellowship between Muslims Observe Halal and Haram constantly reminds a Muslim of the teachings of Allah and that Islam is a way of life

137 Back to Section 4 homepage
4.2 – Islamic teachings on greater and lesser jihad and the effects of this teaching on a Muslims life Back to Section 4 homepage Previous section Next section

138 Jihad means ‘to struggle’
4.2 – Islamic teachings on greater and lesser jihad and the effects of this teaching on a Muslims life What is Jihad? Jihad means ‘to struggle’ Lesser jihad refers to fighting for the cause of Islam and has very strict guidelines Greater jihad it the struggle each Muslim has to lead a life that is pleasing to Allah

139 What are the rules for and against lesser jihad?
4.2 – Islamic teachings on greater and lesser jihad and the effects of this teaching on a Muslims life What are the rules for and against lesser jihad? For: In defence against an attacker To protect the oppressed To preserve the Islamic way of life Declared by a recognised and respected religious leader Against: To gain land Indiscriminate use of violence, such as killing civilians To start the fight Must not be declared for political reasons

140 4.2 – Islamic teachings on greater and lesser jihad and the effects of this teaching on a Muslims life How does the teaching of jihad affect the lives of Muslims? The teachings on jihad means that life must always be a struggle for a Muslim If a Muslim is struggling to make themselves a good Muslim, it means that they will be trying to practice all 5 of the pillars and trying to fulfil all the regulations in the Shari’ah Perfect Muhammad (PBUH) will then have to struggle to make the world Muslim

141 4.3 – The meaning and significance of Islamic birth rituals
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142 4.3 – The meaning and significance of Islamic birth rituals
Why are birth rituals important? Birth ceremonies are important to Muslims because they are following the will of Allah and the sunnah of the prophet They are the beginning of the child’s upbringing in the Muslim faith and reminds the family and the community of the responsibilities towards the baby

143 4.3 – The meaning and significance of Islamic birth rituals
What is the significance of these ceremonies to Muslims? For Muslims there is extra joy as they are obeying the will of Allah to have children and increase the Ummah Everything that takes place in the first (if possible) of a baby’s life follows the Sunnah of the prophets so is very significant The ceremonies draw attention to the belief that the baby should have the opportunity to grow up as the Muslim, which is very important to Muslims The ceremonies centre the attention of the family and the community on their responsibilities to help the baby become a good Muslim. This is continued as the child grows up and is taught about Islam, firstly at home, and then formally, when the child begins to attend madrasah and mosque. This is commanded by Allah

144 4.4 – The meaning and significance of Islamic death rituals
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145 4.4 – The meaning and significance of Islamic death rituals
Describe Muslim funerals Muslim funerals are simple and reflect the Muslim belief that Allah is great and death is the beginning of life after death There should be no loud crying at death because Muhammad (PBUH) said that this helps the devil to enter the house

146 4.4 – The meaning and significance of Islamic death rituals
What happens before death? If it is known that someone is dying, relatives and friends should be with them and say the Shahadah (Kalima) to them and recite special verses from the Qur'an which Muhammad (PBUH) recommended as giving grace to the dying This should ensure that they die peacefully and will have no trouble on the day of judgement

147 4.4 – The meaning and significance of Islamic death rituals
What happens immediately after death? The body should be prepared for burial by close relatives of the same gender The contents of the stomach should be squeezed out, and the body wrapped in white cloth (if the deceased has been on hajj, the ihram should be used) leaving the face uncovered The body is washed to remove all the impurity caused by sins

148 4.4 – The meaning and significance of Islamic death rituals
What happens at the funeral? The body should be taken to the mosque where janazah prayers are said The prayer leader stands in front of the body, which should have its head pointing to the right and its feet to the left of the prayer leader who should be facing the Qiblah Often the prayer leader gives a short talk about the deceased and then Salah is made with everyone standing in rows; there is no prostration at janazah prayers

149 4.4 – The meaning and significance of Islamic death rituals
What happens at the burial? This should take place as soon as possible, preferably within 24 or 48 hours of the death Cremation is not allowed The coffin must be buried by facing the Qiblah of the Ka'bah Prayers are said as the coffin is lowered into the grave The headstone should be very simple, as all Muslims are equal, especially in death

150 4.4 – The meaning and significance of Islamic death rituals
Describe the mourning On the 3rd day after death family and friends meet in the house of the deceased to read from the Qur'an and say special prayers for the deceased Widows spend 4 months and 10 days in mourning called Iddah and then after this, they can get remarried

151 Back to Section 4 homepage
4.5 – The meaning and importance of Muslim attitudes to drugs and alcohol Back to Section 4 homepage Previous section Next section

152 4.5 – The meaning and importance of Muslim attitudes to drugs and alcohol
Why are drugs and alcohol forbidden? Drugs and alcohol are forbidden in Islam because they are injurious to health and cause Muslims to lose sight of their main goal, which is to please Allah

153 4.5 – The meaning and importance of Muslim attitudes to drugs and alcohol
Why are drugs and alcohol forbidden? Drugs and alcohol are forbidden in Islam because they are injurious to health and cause Muslims to lose sight of their main goal, which is to please Allah

154 Back to Section 4 homepage
4.6 – The implications of Muslim laws on dress when living in a western society Back to Section 4 homepage Previous section Next section

155 4.6 – The implications of Muslim laws on dress when living in a western society
What are the implications of wearing Muslim dress in a western society? Wearing the veil has become a political issue in some countries and has caused many people to question weather banning it against a woman’s basic human rights Many feminists and others consider that the hijab is oppressive and unfair to women Many Muslim women wear the hijab as an expression of their identity and commitment to Islam and not through a desire to be seen as different. Wearers can receive abuse in some situations and yet choose to wear the hijab despite this danger because they are sure of the reasons they are wearing it Many Muslim women believe that by wearing the hijab they are interpreting the teaching of the Qur'an in the best possible way by fulfilling Allah's command to dress modestly

156 Back to Section 4 homepage
4.7 – The implications of Muslim laws on food when living in a western society Back to Section 4 homepage Previous section Next section

157 4.7 – The implications of Muslim laws on food when living in a western society
What are the implications of these rules for Muslim? Some areas do not have Halal butchers or shops that sell Halal food Some schools do not provide Halal food for Muslim students Many service stations on motorways do not have suitable food for Muslim travellers Halal restaurants are quite difficult to find on some areas

158 Back to Section 4 homepage
4.8 – The implications of Muslim laws on riba and gambling when living in a capitalist society Back to Section 4 homepage Previous section Next section

159 4.8 – The implications of Muslim laws on riba and gambling when living in a capitalist society
What do Muslims believe regarding riba? Riba is charging interest on a loan It is forbidden in Islam as it takes money form the poor and gives it to the rich This is against all the principles of the Ummah and Zakah, and can cause difficulties in a society that has an interest-based, capitalist economy

160 Why is gambling forbidden in Islam?
4.8 – The implications of Muslim laws on riba and gambling when living in a capitalist society Why is gambling forbidden in Islam? Gambling wastes money that could be spent on the family Very few people win in gambling Gambling is addictive and can cause many problems for families and society ‘Get rich quick’ is against the spirit of Islam Allah has said nobody should have what they have not earned

161 4.8 – The implications of Muslim laws on riba and gambling when living in a capitalist society
What are the implications of these law for Muslims? It can be difficult to buy property, yet renting often seems simply to make a landlord rich for not much work If using a credit card, it should be paid off each month sp that no interest is paid Those with any spare money should give interest free loans to anyone in need Saving money should only be done in an ethically based investment Money gained through exploitation of others should be given to charity

162 Back to Section 4 homepage
4.9 – How and why some Muslims are involved in working for social and community cohesion Back to Section 4 homepage Previous section Next section

163 4.9 – How and why some Muslims are involved in working for social and community cohesion
Why do some Muslims work for social and community cohesion? Muslims are taught in the Qur'an and by the example of the prophet (PBUH) to be tolerant of the rights of others The Qur'an teaches that there should be no compulsion in religion, so Muslims believe that all people should be free to practice what religion they choose When Muhammad (PBUH) went to Medina and set up the first Muslim state, he established a constitution that included all the different groups – Jews, Pagan and Muslims.

164 4.10 – How Muslim organisations help to relieve poverty in the UK
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165 4.10 – How Muslim organisations help to relieve poverty in the UK
Give 4 examples of what an Islamic organisation does to relieve poverty It distributes Zakah and Sadaqah locally to support families on low incomes It helps widows and orphans financially It organises the collection of unwanted furniture and distributes it to those in need, free of charge It has a volunteer service that provides home help and respite through carers and visitors for the elderly who live alone and people who are ill at home or in hospital

166 Back to Section 4 homepage
4.11 – The reasons why Muslim organisations work to relieve poverty and/or suffering in the UK Back to Section 4 homepage Previous section End of PowerPoint

167 Why do Muslims help others?
4.11 – The reasons why Muslim organisations work to relieve poverty and/or suffering in the UK Why do Muslims help others? Muslims believe that Allah had created everyone equal and therefore no-one should be rich at the expense of others Care and compassion for others is part of showing one’s love for Allah Faith in Allah is not just about belief but also about action

168 Why is it important for Muslims to help others?
4.11 – The reasons why Muslim organisations work to relieve poverty and/or suffering in the UK Why is it important for Muslims to help others? Obeying Allah is the most important thing for any Muslims, and Allah has commanded that they should give to charity and care for the needy Muslims wish to become closer to Allah. Muhammad (PBUH) said that an ignorant person who is generous is closer to Allah than someone who is full of prayer but mean Muslims believe that on the last day they will have to explain how they have used the gifts (especially wealth) that Allah has entrusted to them Giving will be rewarded by Allah Giving Zakah purifies everything a Muslim owns Islam is a brotherhood – Ummah – and all Muslims should share with each other Muhammad (PBUH) always helped other people in need and Muslims should follow his example

169 End of RE Revision Back to first slide

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