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Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Sixth Form Induction Assembly Ms Honnor Headteacher “Highly effective leadership has secured rapid improvements in pupils’ progress and attendance.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Our mission To create the best possible Marriotts Sixth Form with you and for you. From a Good to an Outstanding Sixth Form. Every single student reaches and exceeds their potential and leaves us with the qualifications, skills and attitudes that they need to move on to the next stage of their lives. “Whole school priorities for raising standards are implemented quickly and consistently by all departments.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
The next two years … Fantastic effort through Year 11. A huge step up. Ownership and independence. The door to the next stage of your life. Excellence for all, your success is you business. Good luck “Whole school priorities for raising standards are implemented quickly and consistently by all departments.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Marriotts 6TH Form Raising Aspirations by creating a Culture of Excellence Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind “Teachers set homework regularly.” Ofsted 2016
Can you predict the Future?? Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind “Teachers set homework regularly.” Ofsted 2016
Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
“Teachers use their thorough subject knowledge to plan learning that meets the needs of all groups of pupils.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
“The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is outstanding.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Be Kind to Yourself! “The school’s work to promote pupils’ personal development and welfare is outstanding.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
How can we help to make you Awesome Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
57% of all grades at GCE or equivalent were A* or A. 88% of all grades were at A*-C. Our vocational subjects have maintained their 100% pass rate with 88% of students gaining a Distinction* or a Distinction grade. Value Added Academic Qualification data is in line with National data with positive three year trend for A-Level. Vocational Qualification data is excellent and is above National data. 58% of Leavers moved on to Higher Education at their first choice University. “Teachers use their thorough subject knowledge to plan learning that meets the needs of all groups of pupils.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Culture of Excellence Where are we now? Sixth-form provision is good. Leaders have ensured that students follow appropriate courses that enable them to achieve well. As a result, more students than previously are proceeding to higher education. OFSTED 2014 Where do we want to go next? Why? “The value of tolerance permeates all aspects of school life, creating a harmonious and inclusive community.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
OFSTED Outstanding Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else!
Leaders pursue excellence. They improve provision and outcomes rapidly and reduce achievement gaps between groups by monitoring the quality of teaching, learning and assessment as well as learners’ retention, progress and skill development. Learners without GCSE grades A* to C in either English or mathematics follow appropriately tailored courses in English and/or mathematics. The considerable majority make substantial and sustained progress towards grade C or above. Teaching, learning and assessment support and challenge learners to make sustained and substantial progress in all aspects of their study programme. Teaching enables learners who fall behind to catch up swiftly and the most able to excel. Learners are confident and conduct themselves well. They are punctual. They have excellent personal, social and employability skills and undertake high quality non-qualification activities and work experience that matches their needs. Attendance rates are high. Throughout the time spent on their study programmes, learners and groups of learners make substantial and sustained progress from their starting points Progress on level 3 qualifications in terms of value added is above average across nearly all subjects “Pupils receive high-quality, impartial careers advice and guidance.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
6th Form Goals Post 16 WIG’s 2017/2018 To ensure 100% of students leave the sixth form prepared for a future of their choice. To give students the opportunity to develop as a young people and gather multiple life skills. To increase the A level grades achieved at A* - B to at least 35% and 100% A* - E To maintain the Level 3 BTEC grades achieved at D* - D to at least 85% and 100% A* - E To ensure every lesson, every day, good or better this includes learning outside the classroom through private study tasks. “Pupils make informed choices related to options, careers and employment and this leads to good progress in their lessons.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Your Success is Your Business! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Ownership! Your Success is Your Business! “The school makes highly effective use of internal and external resources.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Keys to Success 6th Form Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else!
Hit the Ground Running Expect it to be hard Be proactive in Private study Communicate with Staff/Parents Meet Deadlines Re-cap notes and make revision cards Keep your files organised Time management 6th Form “All pupils are taught how to stay safe online.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Transition from GCSE to A-Level Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
MUCH harder (GCSE B grades often struggle) Higher expectations from staff Greater emphasis on the student Greater independence Stress! Time management is crucial “The jump is big -I found the jump the biggest in Chemistry. You can try warning them until you're blue in the face. Year Eleven students don't listen to the warnings -they're 16, it's in their nature to ignore it all! If they're anything like my group of friends, we all generally agreed that we were the smartest in the year, and that A-Levels wouldn't be that much of a leap for us. However, it was”. “The behaviour of pupils is good.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Transition from GCSE to A-Level Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
GRADE A* A B C D E U A* A B “The behaviour of pupils is good.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Transition from GCSE to A-Level Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
These 6th formers: Attendance Above 96% and are punctual Have organised files and good study skills. Use their Private Study time effectively. Are in school until 5pm working in subject areas. Attend Intervention (weekends/Holidays) Work less than 8 hours out of school. Read around the subject and have a keen interest. Are in the Blue/Green ATL Zones “The behaviour of pupils is good.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Transition from GCSE to A-Level Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
These 6th formers: Have poor attendance below 95% and are often late Don’t have files or files are poorly organised Spend study time watching films or listening to music Leave school at 3.01pm Do not attend Intervention (weekends/Holidays) Work evenings and most weekends often late finishes. Do not have an interest in the subject or enjoy their lessons Are in the RED/Orange ATL Zones “The behaviour of pupils is good.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Your Success is Your Business! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Keys to Success Your Success is Your Business! “Pupils conduct themselves well and show self-discipline.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Keys to Success “The school’s innovative use of music of different tempos, combined with the diligence of staff, leads to high levels of punctuality.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind “Behaviour in lessons is good.”
Overview of Year September 2017 Commence A-Level / BTEC Level 3 courses September 25th 2017 ‘Induction Assignment’ mark and initial review completed September 28th 2017 Deadline for changes to program of study Various times A2 controlled assessments and /or practical units November 2017 One to One Raising Attainment Meetings November 2017 AS/A2 Mock PPE Examinations December 9th 2017 Year 13 UCAS Deadline January Mock Results Day March Pre Public Examinations(PPE) June 27th Y12 A-Level linear internal end of year examinations June/July Y12 Commence university application process (UCAS), or alternative options August End of Year Exam results published September 2018 Year 13 (If Continuation is achieved Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind “Behaviour in lessons is good.” Ofsted 2016
Your Success is Your Business! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Keys to Success Your Success is Your Business! “Pupils respect the learning environment.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Creating a Culture of Excellence Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind “Lessons are calm and purposeful.” Ofsted 2016
Creating a Culture of Excellence
“Pupils’ attainment and progress across eight subjects at key stage 4 are above the national average.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
A-Level Reform New A Level reform has been introduced for ALL courses starting September 2017/8 Linear Subjects – 2 year A-Level Final A level grade based on A level units ONLY. The AS qualification does not count towards the A Level grade. AS available in exceptional circumstances if students have to drop after 1 year. “The most able pupils make good progress in lessons towards their aspirational targets.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Level 3 BTEC Nationals NQF BTEC Level 3 National Qualifications 2 year full time courses 4 Levels of Qualification External Assessment now included (Exams/Controlled Assessments) Extended Certificate = 1 A-Level Foundation Diploma = 1.5 A-Levels Diploma = 2 A-Levels Extended Diploma = 3 A-Levels Most BTEC’s at Marriotts are Extended Certificates “Teachers use assessment information and examination requirements well to plan learning activities that students enjoy and engage in fully.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Target Setting Use ALPS externally generated Based on GCSE Average Point Score (APS) Calculated to produce a minimum expected grade/ALPS target Issued to students/parents before October half-term & data shared with subject staff Progression towards target grades regularly monitored-first reporting November All students set challenging Alps grades (Top 25% of students in the country with similar GCSE APS) “Teachers have high expectations of how students present their work.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Post 16 Bursary Initial letter will be given to students on Friday 25th Eligibility explained in the letter Level 1 and Level 2 Bursary available Full information pack and application form available from Mr Illingworth Deadline for applications and evidence – Friday 9th October Payment dependent on meeting terms of student contract Bursary money is for student to help with their study – Travel, Uniform, Trips, Learning Resources etc. “Different groups of pupils are challenged and make good progress.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
UCAS – Why Higher Education Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Increase potential earnings Better career prospects Benefit the wider community Social and cultural reasons More independence, self-confidence and responsibility Personal challenge Broadens interests and knowledge It can be immense fun! “Use of feedback explains to students what their strengths are as well as how to improve their learning.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
The UCAS Journey “Students’ personal development is strong and they are well prepared for the next stage of their education or career.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
UCAS Tariff Points Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind “16 to 19 study programmes are met comprehensively.” Ofsted 2016
Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Apprenticeships What is an Apprenticeship? An apprenticeship is a work-based training programme. It aims to equip the apprentice with nationally recognised vocational qualifications and work-ready skills. Employers use apprenticeships to train new or current employees. An apprenticeship programme is a mixture of both on-the-job and off-the-job training that is provided entirely by the employer or through a partnership with a learning provider. Most apprenticeships usually last between one and four years. Apprenticeships are open to those over the age of 16. “Teachers skilfully use their strong subject knowledge and rich variety of questioning techniques.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Levels of Apprenticeships Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
1. Intermediate Apprenticeships Intermediate Apprenticeships are the first level of apprenticeships and the most common. 325,500 people started an Intermediate Apprenticeship in 2011/12. Typical entry requirements: Usually two or more GCSEs (grades A*-C) or equivalent. Alternatively, applicants might have to sit a numeracy and literacy test. 2. Advanced Apprenticeships Advanced Apprenticeships are a step above Intermediate Apprenticeships, and are designed for more challenging roles and developing advanced skills. There were 185,800 Advanced Apprenticeship starts in 2011/12. Typical entry requirements: Five GCSEs (grades A*-C) or equivalent, or an Intermediate Apprenticeship. 3. Higher Apprenticeships A more recent addition is Higher Apprenticeships. These have received a £6million injection of funding from the government and they are a great option for those looking for alternatives to university. In 2011/12, 3,700 people started a Higher Apprenticeship, but this number is rapidly on the rise. Typical entry requirements: A minimum of two A-levels or equivalent, or an Advanced Apprenticeship “Different groups of pupils are challenged and make good progress.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Your Success is Your Business! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
Key to Success Your Success is Your Business! “Different groups of pupils are challenged and make good progress.” Ofsted 2016 Marriotts School: Why go anywhere else! Aim High. Work Hard. Be Kind
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