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Writing Job Application Letters and Résumés

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Job Application Letters and Résumés"— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Job Application Letters and Résumés
Laura Grossenbacher

2 All writing tasks come down to a question about the AUDIENCE.
Who is in your immediate audience for the job application and résumé? What do those people know? What are they like? What will they expect?

3 Secondary audiences should be considered.
Who might be in your more remote audience for the job application and résumé? What can you do to anticipate their needs and concerns? What are they likely to do with your materials?

4 Should you have more than one résumé?
Crafting “Objectives” lines General objectives vs. more specific objectives Broad statements of personal qualities

5 Recruiters today have resources that can tell them much more than your job letter and résumé. . . .
Be aware of your own online presence – and manage it as best you can. Look for discrepancies between your online persona and the person reflected in your résumé.

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