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June Leadership Webinar

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Presentation on theme: "June Leadership Webinar"— Presentation transcript:

1 June Leadership Webinar

2 Howdy! RPT Chair Tom Mechler

3 Victory Chair Commissioner George P. Bush

4 Victory 2016 Victory Leadership Team Victory Block Walks!! Chairman
Commissioner George P. Bush Director Ash Wright Deputy Director Ann-Marie Birdwell Victory Block Walks!! July 23rd August 13th It is a good idea to make sure your CEC understands this structure.

5 TRCCA President Janet Jackson
Welcome! TRCCA President Janet Jackson

6 TRCCA Leadership Officers Regional Directors Vice President
Jack Barcroft (Coryell) Secretary Marian Knowlton (Atascosa) Treasurer Benny Folgeman (Former Polk) Assistant Treasurer Ken Batman (Hardin) Member At Large Paul Reiger (Brazos) SREC Liaison Denise DeLara (Ellis) Legislative Chair Bill Fairbrother (Williamson) Immediate Past President Carl Tepper (Former Lubbock) Regional Directors Big Bend Bob Rose (Jeff Davis) Central Russell Hayter (Hays) East Dwayne Wright (San Jacinto) Hill Country Teresa Beckmeyer (Mitchell) North Reggie Smith (Grayson) Panhandle Terry Harman (Randall) South Mike Bergsma (Nueces) Upper Gulf Coast Sheila Faske (Orange) It is a good idea to make sure your CEC understands this structure.

7 2016 Primary!

8 Upcoming Dates & Deadlines
June 13th – ***First possible day to hold Organizational County Executive Committee Meeting (RPT Rule 8d) ***Must be held between June 13th – July 28th ***14 day notice required before the meeting by US Postal Mail ***Subject to change in the RPT Rules on the 2016 RPT State Convention National Convention is July 18th – 21st June 22nd – Deadline for county chair to deliver notice of persons elected as party officers following the runoff primary election to state chair and county election officer. (Sec (a))

9 Upcoming Dates & Deadlines
July 13th – Deadline by which former county chair must transfer party bank accounts and records to new county chair; it is a Class C misdemeanor if the former county chair fails to transfer the records.  (Sec )

10 Public Office Candidate Filings
Filing Status needs to be changed for local candidates on the SOS website. Lee Harris Bexar Jim Wells Brazoria Karnes Cameron Liberty Eastland Limestone Erath Nueces Galveston Yoakum

11 General Election

12 Republican Nominee for General Election
Nominee for General Election Ballot Vacant by August 26th Deadline to fill by August 29th District Executive Committee Must be called by the State Chair if involving more than one county!

13 Exclusive Content

14 Exclusive Content RPT Website Enter Password: victory247
Scroll to the bottom of the page Click on  Exclusive Content Enter Password: victory247 Only for SREC Members & County Chairs DO NOT GIVE OUT THE LOGIN INFORMATION PUBLICLY

15 Basic Republican Party Structure


17 Republican National Committee (RNC)
Membership RNC Chair –Reince Priebus RNC Vice Chair – Sharon Day 3 Members for each state State Chair – Tom Mechler National Committee Man – Dr. Robin Armstrong National Committee Woman – Toni Anne Dashiell National Committee Members are elected at the State Convention in presidential election years Election RNC Chair and Vice Chair elected by RNC Members

18 Republican Party of Texas (RPT)
Membership State Chair – Tom Mechler State Vice Chair – Amy Clark Chair and Vice Chair are elected every two years at the State Convention 62 State Republican Executive Committee Members (SREC) 1 man and 1 woman from each State Senate District (31 Districts) Elected every two years at the State Convention Cannot serve more than 4 consecutive terms (8 years consecutively) Other Non Voting Officers Secretary – elected by the SREC General Counsel and Assistant General Counsel – appointed Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer – appointed Sergeant-at-Arms – appointed Chaplain – appointed Historian – appointed It is a good idea to make sure your CEC understands this structure.

19 County Republican Party
County Executive Committee (CEC) County Chair Precinct Chairs Selection Elected by voters during the Primary election in even numbered years May also be appointed by CEC Term of office is two years Appointment to fill Vacancies Vacancies can be appointed following the appropriate method at any time.

20 Organizational Meeting

21 Organizational Meeting
You must hold an organization meeting to be held between June 13th and July 28th (RPT 8d and TX election code ) **Cannot be held during the Republican National Convention Notice A hardcopy must be sent through US Postal Mail to all members of the executive committee within 14 days prior to the date of the meeting Must include Time Date Location of Meeting Name(s) of person calling the meeting Agenda A copy of the proposed bylaws for the biennium

22 Organizational Meeting
Officers Local Party officers do NOT have to be precinct chairs ONLY the County Chair and precinct chairs are eligible to vote on statutory matters Secretary Recognized by state law in certain instances to act on behalf of the county chair when authorized Treasurer Send in reports to the Texas Ethics Commission (TEC) and the Federal Election Commission (FEC) Vice Chair State law does NOT recognize authority of a vice chair

23 Organizational Meeting
Filling Precinct Chair Vacancies A County Executive Committee (CEC) shall, by a majority vote at their organizational meeting, adopt a bylaw and/or rule for filling vacancies on the CEC (RPT Rules 8h) The CEC may appoint/approve the nomination of anyone who meets the requirements to fill the position of precinct chair The person must live in the precinct and be affiliated with the Republican Party Either by voting in a primary runoff election or by taking an oath of affiliation ***Party officers are NOT required to take oath

24 Organizational Meeting
Executive Committee Meeting Quorum (RPT Rule 9) Non Statutory Business and filling vacancies (RPT Rule 9a) At County or District Executive Meetings ¼ of the membership, excluding vacancies shall constitute a quorum Statutory Business (RPT Rule 9b) A quorum for conducting statutory business (called for by the TX Election code) shall consist of those members present Updating Contact Information At any time if officers or precinct chairs are elected to fill vacancies please forward their information to RPT (RPT Rule 8g) You will be sent a spreadsheet of precinct chairs from your county of who we have on file at the moment, please make any updates and send back to RPT

25 Organizational Meeting
Send CEC Bylaws to RPT Congrats HAYS COUNT After your CEC passes your bylaws them to Mikenley at

26 Bylaws & Best Practices

27 County Party Bylaws Committees Officers Outline Officers and Duties
Officers may also be precinct chairs Officers are not required to be precinct chairs Unless officers are ALSO Precinct Chairs they are NOT counted in a quorum or allowed to vote (State Law) Committees Standing vs. Ad Hoc

28 CEC Officers – County Chair
The presiding officer and official spokesman Shall perform duties required by the State Law, RPT Rules, & County Bylaws Shall be an ex-officio member of all county Standing and Special Committees A member of the Texas Republican County Chairmen’s Association There is a common misconception that if someone holds a Precinct Chairmanship and no one files, the position carries over to the next term. The term of office ends after the two year period. One must file again or be elected by the newly elected CEC. The same applies to Party Officers.

29 CEC Officers County bylaws should outline the following:
Method of Selection Appointed by County Chair Appointed by County Chair and Confirmed by CEC Elected by CEC Requirements for Service Must be a Precinct Chair Not required to be a Precinct Chair Must not be a Precinct Chair Voting & Quorum Unless the Officer is also a Precinct Chair they CANNOT vote and are not counted in quorum! There is a common misconception that if someone holds a Precinct Chairmanship and no one files, the position carries over to the next term. The term of office ends after the two year period. One must file again or be elected by the newly elected CEC. The same applies to Party Officers.

30 CEC Officers – Vice Chair
Vice Chair is not a position recognized by State Law County bylaws should outline the following: Duties & Responsibilities The Vice Chair cannot automatically assume the office of County Chair Since the Vice Chair was not elected directly by voters statutory authority cannot be transferred to them A Vice Chair CANNOT Call CEC meetings Even for the purpose of filling a vacancy in County Chair – state law gives authority to the Party Secretary or if the Secretary fails to act a percentage of precinct chairs. Accept ballot applications Conduct ballot drawing Conduct election canvassing There is a common misconception that if someone holds a Precinct Chairmanship and no one files, the position carries over to the next term. The term of office ends after the two year period. One must file again or be elected by the newly elected CEC. The same applies to Party Officers. NO

31 CEC Officers – Secretary
County bylaws should outline the following: Voting & Quorum Unless the Secretary is also a Precinct Chair they CANNOT vote and are not counted in quorum! Duties & Responsibilities Keep minutes of all CEC meetings and keep past minutes on file A Secretary, as allowed by law, CAN Call CEC meetings for the purpose of filling a vacancy in County Chair as outlined by state law Accept ballot applications There is a common misconception that if someone holds a Precinct Chairmanship and no one files, the position carries over to the next term. The term of office ends after the two year period. One must file again or be elected by the newly elected CEC. The same applies to Party Officers.

32 CEC Officers – Treasurer
County bylaws should outline the following: Duties & Responsibilities Keep systematic financial records Prepare financial reports for CEC meetings Comply with applicable State & Federal statutes regarding collection, recording, & reporting of contributions and expenditures Even if your county does not meet reporting requirements you should ALWAYS collect and record contribution and expenditure information. Texas Ethics Commission – could audit your county even if you do not meet the threshold requirements There is a common misconception that if someone holds a Precinct Chairmanship and no one files, the position carries over to the next term. The term of office ends after the two year period. One must file again or be elected by the newly elected CEC. The same applies to Party Officers.

33 Trainings

34 August Training – Austin, TX
When & Where Saturday, August 6th at the Wyndham Garden in onI-35 & Woodward. Training Content Choose your training track Rural County Suburban/Urban County SREC Topics Victory & Strike Force Fundraising & Compliance GOTV & Recruitment SREC Committees & Meetings “Ask the Experts” Panel Much more!

35 August Training – Austin, TX
RSVP Eventbrite link Hotel Reservation Visit Select Reservations, Click Special Rates and Codes, Enter the following code: RE If you would like to book your room(s) over the phone, please call , and ask for the “Republican Party of Texas Fall Training.” PLEASE NOTE: The deadline to book a room with this discounted rate is JULY 8th, 2016. Rooms and Rates: Standard Rooms $109.00/night Executive Kings $119.00/night Casitas Suites $129.00/night

36 Unite to Win Trainings

37 Unite to Win Trainings When & Where August 13th Corpus Christi
SD 22 East Side August 20th Houston Montgomery County SD 22 / Hood County MORE ON THE WAY!

38 Party News

39 Candidate Resource Committee (CRC)
What is the CRC? SREC Committee that helps to fun lower ballot races Successful Record 2014 – 67% rate! Stretch the Money $25 = 5 campaign signs $100 = 2,000 push cards $1,000 = 500 piece mailer Deadline Extended! August 1st Paperwork Exclusive Content SREC or County Chair Distribute paperwork to candidates Referral Required!

40 New County Chairman's Checklist
Financial Records- Transfer all existing bank account associated with the County Party to the new chairman Obtain the EIN Number from the IRS Primary Election Finance Information must be transferred along with all other Party financial records County Executive Committee The most current CEC member list should be handed over to the incoming chairman Online Communication Social Media All and Social media information should be transferred Headquarters All utility bills and keys should be updated Fundraising Username and Password for the TEC and FEC A donor list should be transfered

41 New County Chairman's Checklist
Special Projects Any details concerning planning, contracts, regulations, printed materials and contracts should be transferred to the new Chair Primary Election All ballot applications are public record and by state law must be kept for 2 years minimum SOS Account Information and Password should be handed off Employer Identification Number (EIN) Obtain number from previous County chair If you do not already have one, apply with the IRS Send Letter to IRS updating your contact information ***Forms for these are all located on the Exclusive Content section of the RPT website

42 2016 Precinct Chair to RPT Have NOT submitted
Anderson Angelina Archer Armstrong Austin Bandera Baylor Bee Bell Bexar Blanco Borden Bosque Brazoria Brazos Brewster Briscoe Brown Burnet Callahan Cameron Cass Castro Coke Collin Comal Comanche Concho Cooke Crane Dallam Dallas Deaf Smith Delta Donley Eastland Ector Erath Falls Fayette Floyd Fort Bend Gaines Galveston Gillespie Glasscock Goliad Gray Grayson Gregg Grimes Hansford Hardin Harris Harrison Haskell Henderson Hill Hood Hopkins Howard Hutchinson Jackson Jasper Jeff Davis Jefferson Jim Wells Johnson Karnes Kaufman Kendall Kenedy Kent Kerr Kimble Kinney Kleberg Knox Lamar Lamb Lampasas Lavaca Lee Leon Liberty Limestone Lipscomb Live Oak Llano Loving Lubbock Lynn

43 2016 Precinct Chair to RPT Have NOT submitted
Madison Marion Martin Mason Matagorda Maverick McCulloch McLennan Menard Midland Milam Mills Mitchell Montague Montgomery Moore Morris Motley Nacogdoches Navarro Newton Nolan Nueces Palo Pinto Panola Parker Parmer Pecos Polk Potter Presidio Rains Randall Real Red River Reeves Refugio Robertson Rockwall Runnels Rusk Sabine San Augustine San Jacinto San Patricio Schleicher Scurry Shackelford Shelby Sherman Smith Somervell Stephens Sterling Stonewall Tarrant Taylor Terry Titus Tom Green Travis Trinity Tyler Upshur Upton Uvalde Val Verde Van Zandt Victoria Walker Waller Ward Washington Wharton Wheeler Wichita Willacy Williamson Wilson Winkler Wise Wood Yoakum Young

44 Precinct Chair Recruitment
Abbott Campaign Staff Regional Directors San Antonio – Sarah Saiz East – Steffen Carrillo Southeast – Drew McCall South – Moises Molina Central – Caitlin Baalke West – Abby Spencer North – Matt Birdwell Deputy Political Director Richard Costello Contact for Precinct Chair Recruitment

45 SREC News Pictures needed from: SREC 2016 Meeting Dates
3rd Quarter – September 9th & 10th in Austin, TX 4th Quarter – December 2nd & 3rd in Austin, TX Pictures needed from: Melanie Flowers, Jan Duncan, Fernando Trevino, Denise DeLara, Chuck Wilson, Lisa Sprinkle, & Paul Braswell New Officers Additional Assistant General Counsel – Art Martinez de Vara Historian – Wayne Thorburn It is a good idea to make sure your CEC understands this structure.

46 Vacant County Chairs Vacant Counties Baylor Brooks Foard Sherman
San Saba Zavala

47 RPT Staff David Zapata Abby Sinclair Ainslie Ellis Lydia Elseth
Leaving David Zapata Abby Sinclair Ainslie Ellis Lydia Elseth Jayce Jetton Cody Davis

48 RPT Staff Movin’ on Up! Mike Joyce – Communications Director
Jared Campbell – Finance Coordinator Ann-Marie Birdwell – Deputy Victory Director Mikenley Heller – Organization Assistant Joining! Ash Wright – Victory Director Demetrious Moreno – Victory Engagement Dir Houston – coming soon Dallas – coming soon

49 Next Leadership Webinar Monday, July 25th @ 6:30p

50 Republican Party of Texas
Cassie Daniel Republican Party of Texas Senior Director of Party Organization & Training – o – c – f Mikenley Heller Republican Party of Texas Organization Assistant – o – f

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