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The Annual Plan 2010/11.

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Presentation on theme: "The Annual Plan 2010/11."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Annual Plan 2010/11

2 Introduction These slides are a verbatim write up of the work undertaken by the Board at its Away Day at Ickworth in December They have been edited for brevity and clarity but none of the meaning or substance has been altered. We will use these as the basis for our Board Development session on the 24 February 2010 The slides have been placed on a secure area of the Trust website for the Board to edit and make suggestions and observations as appropriate in advance of the development session. Access details will be sent separately A reminder of the timeline for the production of this year’s Annual Plan is given in the final slide Following further work at our Board Development Session on 24 February 2010, the agreed vision statements and strategic objectives will be used as the basis for the meeting with the Board of Governors on 17 March 2010 The Annual plan will come to the Board for final approval on 26 May 2010

3 Sample Vision Statements
Here are sample vision statements: We enable people to transform their lives by bringing together the management of long term conditions and specialist mental health services Enabling people (with mental health and other long term conditions) to transform their lives by promoting health, wellbeing, recovery and choice We put people first and provide them with a choice of the highest quality services aimed at promoting health, well-being and recovery, delivered by people who want to make a difference. 3

4 DRAFT 2020 Vision We are a managed care organisation. We have brought together a range of long term conditions and specialist mental health services across the East of England. We have established a new relationship with patients and their families based on choice and partnership . We offer a range of services (some delivered by other providers) from which patients can choose to enhance their quality of life and achieve their goals We are at the forefront of the shift from in patient to home based care though : peer support workers with an advocacy, mentoring and advisory role for patients, internet based advice for patients and clinicians , patient owned records monitoring and other technologies based in the home We manage integrated pathways involving a range of health and social care providers from the public, private and voluntary sectors. We provide services beyond the boundaries of Cambridgeshire because of our investment in technology and use of care protocols. These services are delivered in partnership with and are well integrated into the local healthcare system. We are running a range of national franchises in association with other providers for specialist elements of integrated care pathways

5 DRAFT 2020 vision 50% of our staff are now peer support workers/experts by experience Staff have access to decision support and expert systems at the point of care through a computer screen, PDA’s, mobile phones The first point of contact for patients is through a ‘virtual’ clinician. Accessed through a TV screen, it has replaced other forms of triage and gives access to our own and other services, and expert advice We are now actively involved in prevention of mental health and other long term conditions. We have developed targeted prevention pathways for at risk individuals: in schools, workplaces, the armed forces, prisons, hospitals and for those with complex needs . Early intervention services for children and families are now available including parenting support for pre school children. Our important areas of research include understanding of the basis for vulnerability to mental illness, early detection to avoid chronic disability and the later consequences of psychoactive drug abuse We are aligned very closely with Neuroscience because of research developments in the prevention and treatment of mental illness

6 Strategic Objectives We deliver care that is effective and safe and which is a first class experience for clients Every client will receive personalised care Every client will have their own advocate or case manager Services will be delivered by a workforce with a broader and more flexible range of skills Assistive technology will enable people to live at home for longer There will be a greater emphasis on prevention through a focussed well being programme targeted at those at most risk. We achieve financial stability through Growth, Acquisition and Savings We will acquire one or more community health service providers We will provide services across a wider geographical area We will develop our role as a major R&D partner We will expand our specialist mental health and care services We will deliver our savings programmes

7 Strategic Objectives We provide better care through world class research and knowledge management We will exploit the potential for exemplary care and innovation through the integration of the clinical, research and education functions We will develop new methods to capture population intelligence in order to inform the development of new services and products We will measure the effectiveness of our service delivery Our Staff, Estate and Technology We will develop a technology structure within CPFT that is closely aligned with R&D particularly tele health and which facilitates self learning, improved patient care and a sustainable environment We will rationalise estate within CPFT in order to dispose of under utilised and inadequate facilities and make our estate comparable to the very best that private health care has to offer. We will increase the skills and knowledge levels of our staff through the use of technology in order to break down professional boundaries, provide well motivated, flexible and knowledgeable staff who will provide long service. We will develop a flexible Board Structure responsive to growth We will adopt a strategy based on only recruiting the best available talent

The Process THE STRATEGIC AND ANNUAL PLANNING PROCESS No TASK TIME PERIOD 1 Board of Directors review market analysis and operating context November 2 Discussion with Board of Governors regarding annual plan process and operating context December 3 Board of Directors review Vision, develop Strategic objectives 4 FBRC review FY11 draft operating budget 24 February 5 Board of Directors approve FY11 operating budget 31 March 6 Board of Directors/Board of Governors joint session regarding Strategic Priorities and Annual Plan 17 March 7. Divisions develop Operational Objectives and Divisional Business Plans for next three years 8 Three Year Strategic Plan agreed by Board of Directors 26 May 9 Submit Three Year Strategic Plan to Monitor 31 May

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