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Presentation on theme: "Find your homework sheet to be checked!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Find your homework sheet to be checked!

2 Title: Schizophrenia – biological explanations

3 Schizophrenia – biological explanations
Description Evaluation Application Genetic Biochemical Neural

4 Three explanations- What can you work out from the pictures?
Genetic Biochemical Neural OR normality

5 Neural explanation: three brain areas Negative symptoms
Avolition linked to reduced activation in this area: associated with the brain anticipating a reward Positive symptoms Hallucinations linked to lower activation in these areas


7 Biological explanation- evidence quiz
1-27 All one word answers!

8 Genetic evidence Gottesman (1991) conducted a (1) m………….-……………… of 40 family resemblance studies Data showed a relationhip between the (2) c………………………………. Of the relative and the (3) r……………………. Of developing schizophrenia

9 In twin research Gottesman & Shields (1972) compared the (4) co……………………………. rates for MZ and DZ twins over (5) ………….. years They showed significantly higher (6) co…………………………… rates in the (7) ……………….. twins This shows that the greater the (8) g………………… similarity the greater chance of developing schizophrenia

10 This was also confirmed by other research, Gottesman (1991) found that there was a (9) ………….% (10) c………………………… in MZ twins and 17% in DZ twins

11 Biochemical evidence Dopamine Hypothesis
(11)L-……………………. Is given to (12) p……………………. patients and it can produce (13)s……………………………… like symptoms But only (14)p………………………… ones

12 (15) A………………………. Increases dopamine and can induce (16) p…………………………
(15) A………………………. Increases dopamine and can induce (16) p…………………………. schizophrenia Again this shows (17) d……………………. may play a role in (18) p……………………. symptoms

13 Post-mortem studies and PET scans have also both shown that schizophrenic patients have increased (19) d……………………….. r………………………. This has also been correlated with (20) p…………………… symptoms

14 Neural evidence Negative symptoms
(21) Juc…………….. found a reduced level of activity in the (22) v………………………. Striatum – this suggests that the symptom (23)a………………….. could be explained by reduced brain activity in this area

15 Neural evidence Positive symptoms
(24) Al…………….. found a reduced level of activity in the superior temporal and anterior cingulate (25)g……………… in patients with auditory (26)h………………………. This suggests auditory hallucinations could be caused by (27) r………………………… activation in these areas

16 Check your homework!

17 Genetic evidence Gottesman (1991) conducted a (1) meta-analysis of 40 family resemblance studies Data showed a relationhip between the (2) closeness of the relative and the (3) risk of developing schizophrenia

18 In twin research Gottesman & Shields (1972) compared the (4) concordance rates for MZ and DZ twins over (5) 26 years They showed significantly higher (6) concordance rates in the (7) MZ twins This shows that the greater the (8) genetic similarity the greater chance of developing schizophrenia

19 This was also confirmed by other research, Gottesman (1991) found that there was a (9) 48% (10) concordance in MZ twins and 17% in DZ twins

20 Biochemical evidence Dopamine Hypothesis
(11)L-dopa Is given to (12) parkinsons patients and it can produce (13) schizophrenic like symptoms But only (14) positive ones

21 (15) amphetamines increases dopamine and can induce (16) paranoid schizophrenia
Again this shows (17) dopamine may play a role in (18) positive symptoms

22 Post-mortem studies and PET scans have also both shown that schizophrenic patients have increased (19) dopamine receptors This has also been correlated with (20) positive symptoms

23 Neural evidence Negative symptoms
(21) Juckel found a reduced level of activity in the (22) ventral striatum – this suggests that the symptom (23) avolition could be explained by reduced brain activity in this area

24 Neural evidence Positive symptoms
(24) Allen found a reduced level of activity in the superior temporal and anterior cingulate (25)gyrus in patients with auditory (26)hallucinations This suggests auditory hallucinations could be caused by (27) reduced activation in these areas

25 Other Evaluation – linking to issues and debates
Does this explanation link to nature or nurture? Problems with twin & family research? Why is this not a complete explanation? Problems with the dopamine hypothesis? Why is this not a complete explanation? Would an interactionist explanation be better? (good conclusion to your essay) - link to diathesis-stress model Application – could any of these explanations help people with Schizophrenia? How? Be specific.

26 Application Read the item and then answer the questions that follow.
Use your knowledge of the biological explanations of schizophrenia to explain Ben’s symptoms. Ben comes from a family with a history of schizophrenia, as both his twin brother and father have been diagnosed with the disorder. Ben used to be a keen footballer but has recently quit the team he has been a member of for 10 years; he also seems to have lost interest in his college work and has stopped attending lessons. Ben’s mother is becoming frustrated as some days he refuses to even out of bed and she is also concerned as she found some drugs in Ben’s bedroom when she was cleaning which she does not think are a legal prescription. Ben recently reported to his GP that he has been hearing a voice telling him he is useless and that people outside of his house want to hurt him.


28 Schizophrenia & the brain
(schizophrenic brain longer documentary – 24min: includes ventricles and explanation of prefrontal cortex)

29 Extra clips Synaptic transmission/ dopamine
Brain & schizophrenia (5 min vid)

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