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MSc Financial Mathematics MSc Corporate and Financial Risk Management

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Presentation on theme: "MSc Financial Mathematics MSc Corporate and Financial Risk Management"— Presentation transcript:

1 MSc Financial Mathematics MSc Corporate and Financial Risk Management
Course Introduction

2 Welcome! Dr Qi Tang Reader in Mathematics Thank you for joining us!

3 Course Convenors Dr Qi Tang Dr Bertram Düring Pevensey 3, 5C25
Dr Bertram Düring Pevensey 3, 5C8

4 Course Co-ordinator Andrew Robinson Andrew Robinson
Postgraduate Co-ordinator School Office Andrew Robinson Postgraduate Coordinator

5 What to expect Lectures Workshops and computer lab sessions
Attendance and Engagement is compulsory Important: new requirement of at least 80% attendance Access to lecturers and tutors on personal level

6 MPS School Office: open 9am-5pm every weekday (9:30am-5pm on Tuesdays)

7 Most of your coursework will be handed in to the School Office

8 Getting your coursework ready to hand in
Good Bad!

9 This is your ID card: you will need it to hand in your work!

10 Or, out of hours, use the drop-box situated outside to the left of the School Office

11 Collect your marked work during lectures or see your lecturer in their feedback hour, which is advertised on their webpage and on their office door

12 Here are the pigeonholes for your post
Here are the pigeonholes for your post! They are located in the post room off the foyer Please check them weekly

13 Student Spaces Keep the kitchen clean!
Range of spaces provided by MPS (idea being copied elsewhere in Uni) Students participated in their creation: colour, furnishings, facilities, naming Kitchen: tea, coffee, milk provided in term time – as well as a dishwasher Dedicated room for Postgrads: 3C20 MSc computer lab & study space Please respect these facilities, and take care of them. Keep the kitchen clean!

14 … as well as the Pevensey 2 foyer

15 … and the kitchen: tea and coffee supplied during term time!
Find it in Pevensey 3, on the ground floor corridor

16 Student Reps Play an important role in improving everyone’s learning experience in the School Represent fellow students at a subject level and sit on University committees Work in partnership with School staff to make changes and maintain good practice Get to improve their own skills and employability Receive support and training It’s easy to nominate yourself and be elected as a Student Rep – for more information, go to DEADLINE for nominations Monday 2 October 2017 CHECK!!

17 Module Selection Please complete the module selection form for your course then get it signed by convenors: Dr Tang or Dr Düring then hand in at the School Office until the end of week 1 if you realise you do really not want to take a module, there is time to change your choice, but only until the end of week 2! Please note we cannot guarantee any module choices/changes as these are subject to availability (e.g. number of students in the module) and timetable clashes Your timetable is generated from the module choice form by the School Office

18 Academic Misconduct Our university promotes academic integrity: values include honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility There are strict rules on plagiarism, collusion, personation, misconduct in unseen exams, fabrication of results These are severe offences and may result in harsh penalties! Consult university webpages for more details and guidance, and ask lecturers and convenors if unsure

19 Your MSc Dissertation In the spring term module "Topics in Financial Risk Analysis” you will produce the outline (2000 words) of your dissertation In June, after your outline has been marked, you will be assigned a supervisor in Mathematics, depending on the specific area of your dissertation In the summer term and summer vacation period you write and submit the dissertation (15000 words)

20 Academic and Personal Support
Student Life Centre (Bramber House): can help you with many issues including personal concerns affecting study progress, well-being, financial problems, … Student Support Unit: specialist advisors who work with students who may need support at the university due to a long term condition. Skills Hub: online study skills resource for all students Academic Development Support Unit: their services are available free of charge to all full-time international/overseas students completing a full degree, offer English language and study skills support

21 Exceptional Circumstances (EC)
EC is for missing or impaired assessments if something sudden, unforeseen, serious and temporary has affected those assessments. An application for EC must be started within 7 days of the assessment deadline on Sussex Direct. Evidence is essential and must be uploaded within 21 days of the deadline. Evaluation of evidence is confidential. If accepted, you may get the opportunity to take a resit exam to replace the lost mark (but no zero-weighting). Long-term illness: reasonable adjustments are made through the Student Support Unit (not Student Life Centre). These are not the same as Exceptional Circumstances.

22 Visit the Departmental Postgraduate Webpages

23 Handouts Course handbooks: available here and on line
Module Option Forms: available here and on line – make sure you pick the right course and read the detailed instructions carefully Enjoy your course!

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