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1.2 Points , lines Planes In Geometry there are 3 undefined terms

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Presentation on theme: "1.2 Points , lines Planes In Geometry there are 3 undefined terms"— Presentation transcript:

1 1.2 Points , lines Planes In Geometry there are 3 undefined terms

2 NO Size NO L,W,H Marks only a location Use a dot
Point NO Size NO L,W,H Marks only a location Use a dot

3 Point- Notation P You represent it with a point and a Capital letter

4 Goes forever in both directions
Line Goes forever in both directions

5 You name a line with 2 letters and the line symbol on top of it EX.
Line Notation You name a line with 2 letters and the line symbol on top of it EX. A B C

6 Line segment * A line segment has two endpoints Notation:

7 Ray * has only 1 endpoint * Goes forever in one direction Notation:

8 Name the following in 2 different ways using the correct symbol and letters. 1. 3. 2.. 4.

9 Plane. Has length and width. It’s flat
Plane * Has length and width *It’s flat *It’s represented by a 4 sided figure * You need at least 3 points to make a plane

10 Plane-Notation *You name a plane with an Italic Capital letter Ex.

11 Intersections 2 lines intersect in a _____________
2 planes intersect in a ______________

12 Opposite Rays A X M

13 Collinear. Collinear means on the same line Ex. Collinear. Ex
Collinear * Collinear means on the same line Ex.Collinear Ex.Non-Collinear

14 Coplanar * Coplanar means in the same plane Ex.

15 Homework Pg 18 #1-22 all 27-29,51

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