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Building Blocks of Geometry

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1 Building Blocks of Geometry
1. Opener a) Evaluate: for b = -4 b) Simplify: c) Simplify: d) What was the most popular boy name in 1998 (the year you were born)? What was the most popular girl name? Michael & Emily

2 POINT An undefined term thought of as a location with no size or dimension.

3 LINE An undefined term thought of as a straight, continuous arrangement of infinitely many points extending forever in two directions.

4 PLANE An undefined term though of as a flat surface that extends indefinitely along it’s edges.

5 COLLINEAR On the same line.


7 COPLANAR On the same plane.

8 LINE SEGMENT Two points and all the points between them that are collinear with the two points.

9 END POINTS The point at either end of a segment or an arc, or the first point of a ray.

10 CONGRUENT Identical in shape and size.

11 BISECTS To divide into two congruent parts.

12 RAY A point on a line, and all the points of the line that lie on one side of this point.

13 3. Classwork Which tennis balls are coplanar? Which tennis balls are coplanar? Which sets of three are [source: Discovering Geometry]

14 4. Classwork We’re laying the groundwork for geometry right here. Setting ourselves up so we can talk this language.

15 5. Notes Equal Congruent What we CAN write: Ex: What we CAN’T write: =
Numbers AB - length Congruent Shapes What we CAN write: Ex: What we CAN’T write:

16 6. Notes H B D A You wanna say that two segments are congruent, you mark it in with cut marks. You wanna KEEP saying that segments are congruent, you keep on marking it up. C G F

17 7. Classwork Write down every congruency statement. H B D A C G F

18 8. Notes Midpoint: The point on a segment that’s the same distance from both endpoints. D is the midpoint of BC H is the midpoint of FD A is the midpoint of DE

19 9. Practice

20 * See Q1 Homework Assignments Paper in your binder
Homework #1 Q1 * See Q1 Homework Assignments Paper in your binder

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