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Energy and electricity

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1 Energy and electricity
Write a definition for the following words: Heat____________________________________________________________________________________________ Temperature______________________________________________________________________________________ Radiation Thermal ________ is the transfer of ________ energy. All objects _____ and absorb radiation. The ______ an object the more energy it radiates. Different materials transfer heat at different rates. ______ surfaces give out more thermal radiation than ______ surfaces. black emit heat white hotter radiation Convection Convection is the transfer of heat energy in ________ and ________. Draw an arrow on the diagram to show the convection current. What are the 3 methods by which heat can be transferred: ________ ________ ________ Potassium permangenate (purple crystals) Conduction Conduction transfers heat energy in solids. Thermal conductors are good at transferring heat e.g. ________________ ________________________________ Thermal insulators are materials through which heat is not easily transferred e.g. __ heat Energy and electricity What can be done to reduce heat loss in the home? _____________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What type of energy do you find in all energy transformations? ________________________ Name the different types of energy: _______________ Draw a sankey diagram to show the energy transfer in a 60J light bulb in which of 54 is wasted as heat: What energy changes are shown in the pictures: ___________ Not all energy is changed into useful forms. What is the equation for efficiency:

2 Energy and electricity
Calculating the cost of electricity The different energy resources have different advantages and disadvantages summarise some of these in the table: If electricity cost 2p per kilowatt hour, how much will it cost to cut a large lawn with a 1500w mower that takes 3 hours? Energy and electricity Resources Advantage Disadvantages In the national grid what is the role of step up and step down transformer? Step up transformers_______________________________ _______________________________________________ Step down transformers_____________________________________ What renewable energy resources are there? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What things do you need to consider when choosing an energy resource?__ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fill in the boxes to show the energy changes that occur at each stage in a power station: boiler turbine generator transformer

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