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for Small, Micro and Very Small Enterprises (SME’S)

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1 for Small, Micro and Very Small Enterprises (SME’S)
2008/9 GUIDELINES for Small, Micro and Very Small Enterprises (SME’S) This quick guide has been designed and developed to assist small companies with basic skills development requirements



4 Completing the combined Workplace Skills Plan and Implementation Report
*Note that only Skills Development Levy Paying Companies need to complete the Workplace Skills Plan and those that are Non Levy Paying complete the Non Levy paying SME Registration Form Field Details required Company Name As provided to the South African Receiver of Revenue Skills Levy Number As provided on the EMP201 (South African Receiver of Revenue) Documentation SDF Name Contact person between your company and the BANKSETA. A separate registration form is required for SDF registration. CIPRO Number Company registration number, as provided by the Companies and Intellectual Property Registration Office. Postal Address Self explanatory Telephone numbers Details provided for the Contact Person /SDF Total number of staff As at 1 April 2008 Banking Details In order to disburse a Grant, Audit requirements state that we must have verified Banking Details. If your company is still paying the Skills Development Levy (SDL) You must provide a blank cancelled cheque or copy of a bank statement with this submission.

5 Completing the combined Workplace Skills Plan and Implementation Report, Cont’d
Field Details required Employee Name Provide each employee name, employed at your company on 1 April (Eg 2008/9 reporting will require information on 1 April 2008) Race Indicate the employees race as: Black/Coloured/Indian/White Gender Indicate the employees gender as: Male or Female Age Indicate the employees age on 1 April, in the given reporting year Disability Status Indicate the employee's type of disability. i.e. Visually impaired, Physical disability Highest Education Indicate the employees highest level of education on 1 April, in the given reporting year Job Title Indicate the employees job title as agreed within your business operation

6 Completing the combined Workplace Skills Plan and Implementation Report, Cont’d
Field Details required Type of training which took place 2007/8 This is to indicate training that happened per employee, eg If they attended 5 Micro Finance workshops and Excel course detail : F and C A = Customer interface, B = Financial Skills, C = Information Technology, D = Legislation Implementation, E = Management & Leadership, F = Micro Finance related You can indicate more than one area per employee. Cost of training Provide a Rand amount. All costs, such as transportation, books, member fees etc can be included. If training was free of charge you may indicate by R0.00

7 Completing the combined Workplace Skills Plan and Implementation Report, Cont’d
Field Details required Type of Intervention: Indicate the type of training interventions: You can indicate more than one area per employees. Refer to table below Type of learning Typical delivery mode Typical learning site Typical learning achievements Theoretical/ Institutional (instruction only, formal assessment by institution) Face-to-face instruction Distance learning eLearning Universities Colleges Schools ABET providers Degree Diploma Certificate Theoretical & Practical (practical with employer / simulated work environment) AND supervised learning in workplace/ simulated environment Universities of Technology (previously known as Technikons) Occupational learning institutions Technical degree/diploma/ certificate Professional degree Occupational/Professional Experiential learning after theory (formally assessed by professional body) Structured workplace learning with coaching Workplace Occupational or professional experience formally recognised through registration/licensing

8 Completing the combined Workplace Skills Plan and Implementation Report, Cont’d
Field Details required Type of Intervention: Indicate the type of training interventions: Type of learning Typical delivery mode Typical learning site Typical learning achievements Occupationally directed learning Occupationally directed instruction & work-based programme (formal contract in place) Instruction and experiential learning Institution and workplace Trade certificate Certificate Work-based learning Occupationally directed & work-based programme (no formal contract required) Skills programme (structured, supervised experiential learning, may include institutional learning) Workplace (may have some institutional learning) ABET Provider Credits awarded for registered unit standards (where applicable) Structured information sharing Occupationally directed instructional programmes (not usually formally assessed ) Workshops Seminars & conferences Short courses Institution Conferences Meetings Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Attendance certificates Credits against unit standards (where applicable) Informal work-based learning Work-based only, not usually formally trained or assessed On-the-job informal training Other life experience Workplace Increased understanding of job and work context, enhanced skills and improved performance

9 Cost of total training spend (Incl Vat) R
Completing the combined Workplace Skills Plan and Implementation Report, Cont’d Field Details required Cost of total training spend (Incl Vat) R Provide the cost of training intervention/s. Even if paid for by a sponsor or third party, EG the BANKSETA SME Training Voucher Project 2007 Workplace Skills Plan for Training Planned between 1 April 2008 and 31 March 2009 Identify the Critical Strategic Skill Priority Areas for planned training interventions : A = Customer interface, B = Financial Skills, C = Information Technology, D = Legislation Implementation, E = Management & Leadership, F = Micro Finance related This is to indicate training that has been identified for the employee, from 1 April 2008 to 31 March 2009, in the given reporting year eg: If they need to obtain a couple of computer skills (Word and Excel) and keep up to date with Micro Finance legislation and requirements, you would detail : Micro Finance once and IT once Training needs can change from time to time – If the business changes direction or a new computer system is introduced Authorisation section & Signoff Needs to be signed and dated by the SDF and the Owner, even if they are the same person.

10 Completing the combined Workplace Skills Plan and Implementation Report, Cont’d
Important points Contact the BANKSETA SME Services Department for any additional support, enquiries regarding Skills development or related matters Fax the completed form to us on on or before the 30 June 2008 Print a copy for your records Keep records of all training that has taken place Keep copies of related invoices, receipts and certificates per employee

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