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Axial Skeletal System.

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1 Axial Skeletal System

2 Hematoma: a blood clot which fills the space of broken bones
Hematoma: a blood clot which fills the space of broken bones. Area will be inflamed and swollen Fibrocartilage callus: these fibers form and tie ends of bones together. 4 steps to bone repair

3 3. Bony callus: osteoblasts produce spongy bone and later a bony callus that joins the broken bones together. 4. Remodeling: osteoblasts build new compact bone and new medullary cavity Bone repair continued

4 Skull = Cranium and facial bones
3 parts

5 1. Cranium: made up of 8 bones separated by sutures.
Infants have fontanels which is an opening between cranial bones. Will close by 2 years old to form suture lines. Frontal (1) Parietal (2) Occipital (1) Temporal (2) Sphenoid (1) Ethmoid (1)

6 On the temporal bone External auditory meatus- (ear canal)
Mandibular fossa-articulates with mandible Mastoid process-holds neck muscles Styloid process-attachment for tongue muscle & larynx Zygomatic process-cheek bones On the temporal bone

7 2. Facial bones (14) Maxillae-upper jaw (2)
Palatine bones-roof of mouth (2) Zygomatic bones- cheeks(2) Lacrimal bones- (2) Nasal bones- (2) Vomer bone- forms nasal septum (1) Inferior nasal concha-supports mucous membrane (2) Mandible-lower jaw (1) 2. Facial bones (14)

8 3. Hyoid bone U-shaped bone
Only bone in the body that does NOT articulate with another. Anchors the tongue 3. Hyoid bone

9 1. Foramen- a round opening through a bone
1. Foramen- a round opening through a bone *the larges in the body is the Obturator foramen(pelvis) and foramen magnum (base of skull) 2. Fossa-a depression; often shallow 3. Meatus-a tube-like passage through a bone 4. sinus- a cavity or hollow space Openings in the skull


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