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Asset Planning & Optimization Capital Renewal Strategies

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Presentation on theme: "Asset Planning & Optimization Capital Renewal Strategies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Asset Planning & Optimization Capital Renewal Strategies
Title page of first call presentation. The title of your presentation should be a captivating call to action that reflects the challenges and opportunities facing your prospective client. Maximum: 3-4 words. Suggested Speaking Points Thank you for the opportunity to introduce our selves to you. I’ve prepared a short presentation and would be happy to answer your questions as I go through it. September 27, 2005

2 Agenda Typical Needs The Approach The Outcomes
The agenda for this presentation. Suggested Speaking Points In my brief presentation, I’ll be providing an industry snap shot and sharing with you how other companies are handling some of the very same challenges that you are. I’m going to spend a little time introducing our company and our approach to facility asset renewal, leaving plenty of time for questions and general discussion at the end.

3 Today’s Environment On-going building deterioration
Shrinking capital renewal allowances Reduced operational budgets Desire for extended building life Changes resulting from occupant demands This slide demonstrates Ameresco Canada’s knowledge of the industry and starts to frame the problem for the audience. Suggested Speaking Points Canada has an aging infrastructure. This challenge faces both the public and private sector. Our research shows that the facility condition index is poor for x per cent nationally. Poor means an FCI of between 10 and 20 per cent. The facility condition index is calculated by dividing the maintenance backlog of a facility by its replacement value. Renewal requirements escalate rapidly when a building gets to 30 years of age. The current cost to maintain assets: $2 per square foot (Source: xxx, year) Most organizations are paying somewhere in the range of 30 cents per square foot more than is necessary for operating expenditures (utility) because of aging assets, deferred maintenance due to current budget/cash problems. Unfunded liability is estimated to be growing at $x million per week across all sectors.

4 The Age Profile Unplanned future risk affecting capital renewal & operational budgets Currently affecting deferred maintenance & renewal budgets Basis for funding practices Area The slide further demonstrates the challenge of age, the need for renewal and the impact of deferred renewal. Suggested Speaking Points This slide shows quite graphically why a strategic plan is required to allocate capital effectively. Construction Year

5 Strategic Objectives Balance renewal needs with available funding
Convert energy waste to help fund capital renewal Develop proactive asset management strategies Goal: Infrastructure Preservation Asset Sustainment Capital Renewal Management

6 $$$ $$ $ Maximizing Asset & Renewal Strategies
Quantify Needs (Ops/Cap) 5 Year Capital Plan Develop Asset Framework Energy Savings / Strategies Evaluate Solutions / Strategies Present Business Case IMPLEMENTATION $$$ STRATEGY / SOLUTION NEED $ $$ Project management Project delivery Relate to Renewal Plan Monitor results Manage Capital Plan New opportunities [The first slide is meant to have a direct and immediate impact on the audience.] Here's what DukeSolutions can do for you. 4

7 Quantifying Need Establish Renewal Needs /Operational Needs
Develop a capital planning framework / process Asset Condition Assessment Process Assess operational / organizational needs Establish 5-year/25 year Capital Plan Establish outputs / reports

8 Building Condition Assessment
ELECTRICAL Power & Distribution Interior Lighting Exterior Lighting Emergency Power Fire Alarm System Comm / IT systems Security Systems Clock Systems MECHANICAL Heating Systems Ventilation Systems Air Conditioning Plumbing/Drainage Building Controls Fire Prevention PROPERTY / SITE Roadways / Driveways Paving & Walkways Retaining Walls Landscaping Fencing Underground Utilities ARCHITECTURAL/ STRUCTURAL Roofing, Windows, Ext. Doors Foundation & Exterior Walls Flooring & Ceilings Interior Walls/Doors/Millwork Painting & Window Coverings Accessories & Equipment

9 $ Unfunded Liability Cumulative Cost vs. Funding
[The first slide is meant to have a direct and immediate impact on the audience.] Here's what DukeSolutions can do for you. 4

10 Step 2: Strategies / Solutions
Establish Renewal “Reduction” Strategies to Reduce Risk and Capital Renewal Liabilities Establish strategies that reduce renewal need Present solutions that outline full range of operational solutions and increased revenue opportunities Create effective business plan Develop communication plan

11 “Strategic Opportunities”
Increased Revenue Awareness / Communication Strategies Internal request for additional funds Re-allocation of funds Internal renewal strategies – cost reductions Energy optimization Accommodation / Asset Consolidation Maintenance Management Bulk purchasing Renewal offsets Etc.

12 $ Unfunded Liability Cumulative Cost vs. Funding
[The first slide is meant to have a direct and immediate impact on the audience.] Here's what DukeSolutions can do for you. 4

13 $ Reduced Unfunded Liability Cumulative Cost vs. Funding
[The first slide is meant to have a direct and immediate impact on the audience.] Here's what DukeSolutions can do for you. Renewal Reduction 4

14 (Longer Term Operational Optimization)
Cumulative Cost vs. Funding Reduced Liability $ Renewal Reduction (Longer Term Operational Optimization) [The first slide is meant to have a direct and immediate impact on the audience.] Here's what DukeSolutions can do for you. 4

15 Step 3: Implementation Solutions
Establish Process to Effectively Implement the Asset Strategies Implement renewal strategy based on asset optimization plan Leverage operational savings to create additional renewal /capital Monitor and measure results based on overall renewal plan

16 Strategic Outcomes Outcomes arising from this plan:
Defensible decision making Optimal use of capital dollars Management of risk associated with capital renewal Aligns with organizational objectives Assists with Revenue optimization Maximizes energy optimization strategies Provides leveraged solutions incorporating energy savings [The first slide is meant to have a direct and immediate impact on the audience.] Here's what DukeSolutions can do for you. 4

17 Partners in Asset Planning and Capital Renewal Strategies
Closing slide Suggested Speaking Points Thank you for giving us the opportunity. Ask for the next meeting. Suggest bringing Tim Dettlaff to make a more technical presentation on the asset renewal approach. Partners in Asset Planning and Capital Renewal Strategies Thank-you!

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