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American Presidents PART 1 (who is who game or Card Game)

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Presentation on theme: "American Presidents PART 1 (who is who game or Card Game)"— Presentation transcript:

1 American Presidents PART 1 (who is who game or Card Game)
Make sure you know Include pictures of people President number Political Party When he was a president What important event happed under his precedency that affected the country. More interesting facts Presidents George Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Madison James Monroe John Quincy Adams Andrew Jackson Martin Van Buren William Harrison John Tayler Include On The Card Game A picture of each person in Front of the Card. Important Facts on the back of the Card. MAKE THE CARDS with hard material. You can print out the picture and facts and paste them on a cardboard or ticker paper that the regular paper. C Create index Cards Put the information that you need to know and memorize it

2 American Presidents PART 2 Games (who is who game or Card Game)
Make sure you know Include pictures of people President number Political Party When he was a president What important event happed under his precedency that affected the country. More interesting facts Presidents James Knox Polk Zachary Taylor Millard Fillmore Franklin Piece James Buchanan Abraham Lincoln Andrew Johnson Ulysses S. Grant Rutherford Birchard Hayes Card Game Include On The Card Game An card with a picture of each person Facts and other Interesting Facts on the back of the Card MAKE THE CARDS with hard material. You can print out the picture and facts and paste them on a cardboard or ticker paper that the regular paper. Include On The Board Pictures Brief Description. (Font Size no less than 24) Other Interesting Facts Create index Cards Put the information that you need to know and memorize it Who is Who Game

3 American Wars PART 1 (who is who game or Card Game)
Make sure you know Why was the main reason(s) for them to fight? Who fought against who? When and where did the wars take place? Who were the major players? (people) Who won? What did they win? Land, etc. American Wars French and Indian War American Revolution Barbary War Card Game C Include On The Card Game An card with a picture of each person Facts and other Interesting Facts on the back of the Card MAKE THE CARDS with hard material. You can print out the picture and facts and paste them on a cardboard or ticker paper that the regular paper. Create index Cards Put the information that you need to know and memorize it Who is Who Game

4 American Wars Make sure you know Card Game Who is Who Game
American Wars PART 2 (who is who game or Card Game) American Wars War of 1812 Seminole Wars Mexican-American War U.S Civil War Make sure you know Why was the main reason(s) for them to fight? Who fought against who? When and where did the wars take place? Who were the major players? (people) Who won? What did they win? Land, etc. Card Game Include On The Card Game An card with a picture of each person Facts and other Interesting Facts on the back of the Card MAKE THE CARDS with hard material. You can print out the picture and facts and paste them on a cardboard or ticker paper that the regular paper. Create index Cards Put the information that you need to know and memorize it Who is Who Game

5 Important people in U.S History PART 1 (who is who game or Card Game)
war Paul Revere William Dawes John Parker Benjamin Franklin Margaret Corbin John Paul Jones Francisco Marion Genera Charles Cornwallis Make sure you know Why the person is important to US History? What did they do for the country? More interesting facts Write at least 4 questions of each person Include pictures of people Card Game Include On The Card Game An card with a picture of each person Facts and other Interesting Facts on the back of the Card MAKE THE CARDS with hard material. You can print out the picture and facts and paste them on a cardboard or ticker paper that the regular paper. Create index Cards Put the information that you need to know and memorize it Who is Who Game

6 Important people in U.S History PART 2 (who is who game or Card Game)
Make sure you know Why the person is important to US History? What did they do for the country? More interesting facts Write at least 4 questions of each person Include pictures of people Famous people Queen Elizabeth I Sir Walter Raleigh Pocahontas Metacomet William Penn Equiano William Pitt Pontiac Card Game Include On The Card Game An card with a picture of each person Facts and other Interesting Facts on the back of the Card MAKE THE CARDS with hard material. You can print out the picture and facts and paste them on a cardboard or ticker paper that the regular paper. Create index Cards Put the information that you need to know and memorize it Who is Who Game

7 Important people in U.S History PART 3 (who is who game or Card Game)
Make sure you know Why the person is important to US History? What did they do for the country? More interesting facts Write at least 4 questions of each person Include pictures of people Famous people King George III Richard henry lee Samuel Adams Crispus Attucks Patrick henry Daniel Shays Alexander Hamilton Napoleon Bonaparte Tecumseh Card Game Include On The Card Game An card with a picture of each person Facts and other Interesting Facts on the back of the Card MAKE THE CARDS with hard material. You can print out the picture and facts and paste them on a cardboard or ticker paper that the regular paper. Create index Cards Put the information that you need to know and memorize it Who is Who Game

8 Famous Johns in U.S History (who is who game or Card Game)
Make sure you know Why the person is important to US History? What did they do for the country? More interesting facts Write at least 4 questions of each person Include pictures of people Famous people John Cabot John Smith John Rolfe John jay John Hancock John Paul Jones John Gast John Parker John Adams John Quincy Adams John Tayler Card Game Include On The Card Game An card with a picture of each person Facts and other Interesting Facts on the back of the Card MAKE THE CARDS with hard material. You can print out the picture and facts and paste them on a cardboard or ticker paper that the regular paper. Create index Cards Put the information that you need to know and memorize it Who is Who Game

9 Important Documents in U.S History PART 1
Magna carta Navigation acts Proclamation of 1763 Townshend acts Tea act Intolerable act Olive branch petition Declaration of independence Make sure you know Why was the document created When Who Where Include pictures of the document More interesting facts Card Game Include On The Card Game An card with a picture of each person Facts and other Interesting Facts on the back of the Card MAKE THE CARDS with hard material. You can print out the picture and facts and paste them on a cardboard or ticker paper that the regular paper. Create index Cards Put the information that you need to know and memorize it Who is Who Game

10 Important Documents in U.S History PART 2
Treaty of Paris Treaty of Ghent Ordinance of 1785 Articles of confederation Virginia plan New jersey plan Constitution Bill of rights Manifest Destiny Make sure you know Why was the document created When Who Where Include pictures of the document More interesting facts Include On The Card Game An card with a picture of each person Facts and other Interesting Facts on the back of the Card MAKE THE CARDS with hard material. You can print out the picture and facts and paste them on a cardboard or ticker paper that the regular paper. Create index Cards Put the information that you need to know and memorize it Card Game

11 Abolitionist (who is who game or Card Game)
Make sure you know Why the person is important to US History? What did they do for the country? More interesting facts Write at least 4 questions of each person Include pictures of people William Lloyd Garrison Sarah and Angelica Grimke Sojourner Truth Harriet Beecher Fredrick Douglas Card Game Include On The Card Game An card with a picture of each person Facts and other Interesting Facts on the back of the Card MAKE THE CARDS with hard material. You can print out the picture and facts and paste them on a cardboard or ticker paper that the regular paper. Create index Cards Put the information that you need to know and memorize it Who is Who Game

12 The Five civilized Tribes (who is who game or Card Game)
Cherokees Creek Seminoles Chickasaw Choctaw Make sure you know Why the tribe is part of to US History? More interesting facts Write at least 4 question of each tribe Include pictures of people Card Game Create index Cards Put the information that you need to know and memorize it Include On The Card Game An card with a picture of each person Facts and other Interesting Facts on the back of the Card MAKE THE CARDS with hard material. You can print out the picture and facts and paste them on a cardboard or ticker paper that the regular paper. Who is Who Game

13 United states From the 13 Colonies to now Game
Areas of United States Ohio River Valley Louisiana Oregon Country California and Utah Texas Florida. Make sure you know How did we get each part of the land: by purchase, war, annex, etc. Presidents that helped obtaining the land More interesting facts Create index Cards Put the information that you need to know and memorize it Include On The Card Game A picture of each person on Front of the Card. Important Facts on the back of the Card. MAKE THE CARDS with hard material. You can print out the picture and facts and paste them on a cardboard or ticker paper that the regular paper. Card Game

14 Famous Supreme Court Cases Game
Marbury V. Madison McCulloch V. Maryland Gibbons V. Ogden Dred Scott V. Sandford Worcester V. Georgia Make sure you know A biography which will including Brief description of the case Who won the case Include pictures of people More interesting facts Create index Cards Put the information that you need to know and memorize it Include On The Card Game An card with a picture of each person Facts and other Interesting Facts on the back of the Card MAKE THE CARDS with hard material. You can print out the picture and facts and paste them on a cardboard or ticker paper that the regular paper. Card Game

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