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Review Game – Tuesday, January 17, 2017

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1 Review Game – Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Trashketball Review Game – Tuesday, January 17, 2017

2 Mrs. Rivette’s Rules One Member from each team comes up to “duel” for the correct answer A question is posted on the board. The student will buzz in using their flashlights. Whoever answers correctly first has the chance to shoot for points.

3 The Restoration

4 During the Restoration, what was restored?
Peace Theater

5 What was a major tragedy in England following the restoration?
Fire Plague Civil war

6 The Civil Wars before the restoration were between
Parliamentarians and Royalists

7 Had been living in exile, but was asked to return to rule England.
Charles II

8 Took the crown after his brother’s death, but was asked to step down because he was a Roman Catholic. James II

9 Replaced the Roman Catholic Monarch. Husband and wife who ruled jointly.
Mary and William

10 These people wanted an absolute monarchy in England
Who were the royalists?

11 Another name for the Bloodless Revolution
What is the Glorious Revolution?

12 This time was referred to the Age of Reason because it emphasized…
Facts and logic

13 Two authors who wrote satire during this time were…
Pope and Swift

14 Who wanted to abolish the monarchy completely?
Who were the parliamentarians?

15 A more serious type of satire. Ex. “ A Modest Proposal”

16 Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England
Who was Oliver Cromwell?

17 A person who keeps their car impeccable, but whose house is a mess is an example of

18 “I’m so hungry, I could eat a horse!” is an example of…
Overstatement / Exaggeration / Hyperbole

19 A period in English history when the writing represented the Latin Classics
What is the Neoclassical Period?

20 This form of writing became popular during the 18th century.

21 Satire that is meant to be light-hearted and fun, such as “Rape of the Lock”.
What is Horatian?

22 Rape of the Lock

23 What is Hampton Court? Where the queen lives

24 What is the “little engine” in the Baron’s hands?
What are scissors?

25 Why does Belinda shout the first time?
She wins the card game.

26 What are the women doing at Hampton Court before the card game?
The Women are gossiping

27 Other than love, what causes the Baron to cut the hair
The smell of coffee.

28 How do the slyphs intervene?
They blow back her hair Make her turn around

29 Why does Ariel give up on Belinda?
He knows that she loves the baron

30 What does Belinda do during the story that is smart?
She throws snuff in the Baron’s face.

31 How do we know the Baron loves Belinda?
He hopes to burn alive in Cupid’s flame.

32 How does the ending of the story feed Belinda’s vanity?
It will have eternal fame.

33 Exaggeration is used for comic effect when…
Belinda threatens the baron with a hairpin.

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