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The History of Baseball

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1 The History of Baseball
Brian Wulf and Troy Ericson

2 The Origin Story (Supposedly)
Original Story: Abner Doubleday invented the game known as baseball in Cooperstown, New York, during the summer of 1839 Later became a Civil War Hero, while Baseball evolved into America’s Past Time Later, these facts turned out to be false. Doubleday was in West Point in 1839 Never claimed to have anything to do with the sport In 1907 a special commission created by a former Major League Player (A.J. Spalding) didn’t use strong evidence. Spalding created this story to bring more people to Cooperstown until the Hall of Fame opened.

3 The Real Origin Story Games resembling Baseball date back to 18th century Most direct ancestors are rounders (a children's game brought by early colonists) and Cricket Variations of the game were adapted during the American Revolution era The games became more popular in newly industrialized cities in the mid-19th century In 1845 a group of New York med founded the New York Knickerbocker baseball club Alexander Joy Cartwright would write out a new set of rules that would form the basis for Modern Baseball The rest they say is history.

4 The First Game Ever Played
Up until the 19th Century Baseball was an amateur’s game In 1869 the Cincinnati Red Stockings played the first official game versus the Great Westerners of Cincinnati The Red Stockings would end up winning the game 45-9 This was the first win of their perfect season of 57-0

5 The Formation of the National League
Five Years after the first game was played William Hulbert formed the National League of Professional Baseball Clubs. Was created to replace the NAtional Association (which he believed was mismanaged and corrupt) The League had 8 Original Members The Boston Red Stockings (now the Atlanta Braves) The Chicago White Stockings (now the Chicago Cubs) Cincinnati Red Stockings (now the Cincinnati Reds) Hartford Dark Blues (No longer Existent) Louisville Grays (No longer Existent) Mutual of New York (No longer Existent) Philadelphia Athletics (No longer Existent) St. Louis Brown Stockings (No Longer Existent)

6 The Formation of Major League Baseball
In 1901 Baseball expanded. The American League was founded by Ban Johnson The American LEague had 8 original teams as well Baltimore Orioles (Went bankrupt and was replaced in 1903 by the New York HIghlanders, who later became the New York Yankees) Boston Americans (Now the Boston Red Sox) Chicago White Stockings (Now the Chicago White Sox) Cleveland Blues (Now the Cleveland Indians) Detroit Tigers (Has not changed since 1894) Milwaukee Brewers (Became the St. Louis Browns, which was later changed to the Baltimore Orioles) Philadelphia Athletics (Now the Oakland Athletics) Washington Senators (Now the Minnesota Twins

7 Culture of Baseball Beginning of Baseball
White Working men Municipal Areas Culture Evolved on April 15, 1947 Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier Played 1st base for the Brooklyn Dodgers Now the game has a number of different cultures Latin Culture Asian Culture American Culture

8 The Evolution of the Workplace
The later years of the Industrial Revolution overlapped with the beginning of baseball as it is known today. The Revolution changed the way factories and the workplace operated People began to “go to work” rather than providing for themselves Things became more efficient and new, standardized ways of doing things were invented This applied to baseball as well - it influenced the creation of rules and specializations such as positions It was easy for people to catch on because they were used to the new way of doing things thanks to the Industrial Revolution’s effect on their day jobs and overall working lives. Overall, life had rapidly changed for working Americans, and they needed more than work in their lives.

9 Baseball on the Rise - Our National Pastime
The new workplace of the 19th century was very demanding and baseball gave people a way to enjoy time outside after their factory shifts were over. People spent countless hours working indoors at a time when working conditions were still developing In order to enjoy time outside after the long day, fans and players relied on baseball This started in open fields where people could enjoy the game without worrying about work Baseball breathed life into the common American and became our National Pastime.

10 The U.S. became bigger, yet smaller
By 1900, the US population had reached over 75 million 5x higher than just 100 years earlier. At the same time, trains and steamships improved transportation while the telegraph and eventually the telephone enhanced communication. It was easier to get the word out about baseball, as well as safer and faster travelling Wages increased, allowing more people to watch or play baseball This gave more opportunity to teams to join bigger leagues and play at better fields, with more fans Eventually, baseball became what people did for fun with family and friends The fans consumed baseball at a rapid rate Fans began to take the game even more seriously when teams began to compete for championships They also stayed entertained by keeping score, gambling, and by the onset of promotions

11 Rapid Growth and Obsession Meant Changes and Issues
The 1919 Black Sox Scandal and other rumors of payoffs and lack of effort Lead to Rule 21, since then, gambling has halted, with the exception of Pete Rose The business of baseball has turned fans against each other Branch Rickey decided to desegregate baseball By the 50s, it was common for teams to relocate if they felt it was right. Other attempts (and allegations) of gaining competitive advantage: Corked bats Pine tar Steroids Data thieving Countless others

12 Positive Technological Advances
Equipment Improvements gloves, bats, protective gear Sabermetrics Tommy John Surgery Instant Replay For the fans: All modern communication technology like radio, TV, internet Statcast K Zone

13 Works Cited “Who Invented Baseball?” A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 18 Sept. 2015 “The Cincinnati Red Stockings Played the First Professional Baseball Game 146 Years Ago.” Major League Baseball. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Sept. 2015 “National League of Baseball is Founded.” A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 18 Sept. 2015 A&E Networks Television, n.d. Web. 18 Sept

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