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Scott Pauls Department of Mathematics Dartmouth College

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1 Scott Pauls Department of Mathematics Dartmouth College
Math 3, Fall 2014 Scott Pauls Department of Mathematics Dartmouth College Lecture 1 - 9/15/2014

2 Contact Information Scott Pauls 303 Kemeny Hall (but, mail through canvas is preferred) I’ll announce office hours later in the week. Lecture 1 - 9/15/2014

3 Introduction to the course
Administration and course repository: Texts: Stewart’s Calculus 7th Edition Khan Academy videos ( Homework: Khan Academy practice problems WebWork ( Exams: Two midterms (October 14, November 4) Final Exam (November 21) Lecture 1 - 9/15/2014

4 Logistics: Preparing for class
Class preparation will take most of your time outside of class. It includes reading, watching short video lectures, and doing practice problems and quizzes. Lecture 1 - 9/15/2014

5 Logistics: WebWork The information I get from your practice problems helps me produce effective activities for class. We’ll focus on places where students are stuck, confused, and/or struggling. Most classes will focus substantial time on problem solving, most often using WebWork problems. Lecture 1 - 9/15/2014

6 Logistics: After class
After class, students review materials, practice problems again, and complete any WebWork problems left unfinished from class. Concurrently, students prepare for the next class period. Lecture 1 - 9/15/2014

7 Problems -> Mastery Class Time
Prep: Reading Videos Problems Prep: Reading Videos Problems Review: Reading/Videos/ Notes Problems -> Mastery Class Time Review: Reading/Videos/ Notes Problems -> Mastery Class Time Lecture 1 - 9/15/2014

8 Course Grading Scheme Percentage Class preparation 5%
KA practice problems and quick quizzes WebWork 10% Mastery of KA exercises by the end of term Midterm 1 20% Midterm 2 Final Exam 30% Total 100% Lecture 1 - 9/15/2014

9 Course Grading Scheme Percentage Class preparation 5%
KA practice problems and quick quizzes WebWork 10% Mastery of KA exercises by the end of term Midterm 1 20% Midterm 2 Final Exam 30% Total 100% Lecture 1 - 9/15/2014

10 Outcomes There are two major learning outcomes for the course:
Students will be able to generate solutions to unfamiliar problems. Students will be able to identify areas in mathematics and other fields where Calculus is useful. Lecture 1 - 9/15/2014

11 Generating solutions to unfamiliar problems
Three levels – low, medium, and high. Low level pieces are basic definitions, concepts, and techniques. These are the fundamental pieces that we spend most of our time learning, discussing, and applying. Lecture 1 - 9/15/2014

12 Generating solutions to unfamiliar problems
Lower level objectives: Define terms Describe techniques Apply these to simple applications Content mastery: by the end of the course, achieve mastery in all Khan Academy skills associated with the course. Lecture 1 - 9/15/2014

13 Generating solutions to unfamiliar problems
Mid-level objectives: Students will be able to decompose problems into more easily approachable components. Students will be able to match problems with effective techniques of solution. Students will be able to combine different techniques to solve complex problems. Lecture 1 - 9/15/2014

14 Generating solutions to unfamiliar problems
Higher-level objectives: Students will be able to discriminate between competing methods of solution. Students will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of methods, techniques, and algorithms in different contexts. Students will be able to explain and interpret the results of techniques in the context of the problem they are trying to solve. Lecture 1 - 9/15/2014

15 Applications of Calculus
Throughout the course, we will explore different applications of the ideas and techniques we learn. From these examples, students will learn how to recognize problems in other fields where calculus might be an appropriate tool. Lecture 1 - 9/15/2014

16 Evaluation of the course
Does this course structure work better than a course with “traditional” lectures? So far, the evidence points to a fairly strong yes - Freeman et al., PNAS 2014 We will be evaluating our results in the context of past versions of math 3. To that end, we will occasionally collect data from you concerning your progress in and attitudes towards the course. Today, we began with the Attitudes Towards Mathematics Inventory (ATMI). We’ll take this now and again at the end of the course to gauge how this class impacts your attitudes towards mathematics. Please use your Dartmouth id (e.g. d1258y4) to identify yourself. Believe it or not, this allows us to blind the data! Lecture 1 - 9/15/2014

17 Next Steps 1. Sign up for Khan Academy with your first and last name as your user id. 2. When you get the welcome from WebWork, log in and make sure you understand the system. 3. Do class preparation assignment #1 by Tuesday at 2pm. This first assignment is light on the KA work so our first class time will be mostly Q&A – if you have questions that arise, please mail them to me from within Canvas. Lecture 1 - 9/15/2014

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