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Unit 15 Insurance 第15单元 保险.

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1 Unit 15 Insurance 第15单元 保险

2 Focus In this unit, we mainly focus on:
Insurance practice in our foreign trade Insurance clauses

3 Warming Up Work in pairs or groups and try to answer the following questions: Why do we need insurance in international trade? If the goods are sold on CIF terms, which party should arrange insurance and bear the expenses, the seller or the buyer? What if the goods are sold on FOB/ CFR terms?

4 Part 1 Talking about the insurance practice
Words & phrases insurance practice loss of or damage to the goods effect / cover insurance insurance cover insurance amount invoice value 保险惯例 货物的灭失或损坏 投保,办理保险 保险险别 保险金额 发票金额 Insurance is an arrangement in which you pay money to a company, and they pay money to you if something unpleasant happens to you, for example if your property is stolen or damaged, or if you get a serious illness We recommend that you take out travel insurance on all holidays. 我们建议您为所有假期都购买旅行保险 保险费;保险金 A premium is a sum of money that you pay regularly to an insurance company for an insurance policy.

5 Part 1 Talking about the insurance practice
Words & phrases premium be for one's account property prestige insurance claim claim settlement agent put in claim survey report 保险费 (费用等)由某人承担 财产 声望,声誉 保险索赔 理赔代理 提出索赔 检验报告 Insurance is an arrangement in which you pay money to a company, and they pay money to you if something unpleasant happens to you, for example if your property is stolen or damaged, or if you get a serious illness We recommend that you take out travel insurance on all holidays. 我们建议您为所有假期都购买旅行保险 保险费;保险金 A premium is a sum of money that you pay regularly to an insurance company for an insurance policy.

6 Part 1 Talking about the insurance practice
Words & phrases insurance company/ underwriter/ insurer 保险公司,保险商 inspection 检验,查看 designate 指定 insurance policy 保险单 insurance clause 保险条款 Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of PICC 中国人民保险公司《海洋运输货物保险条款》 N-UNCOUNT 财产;资产;所有物 Someone's property is all the things that belong to them or something that belongs to them N-UNCOUNT 声望;威望;威信 If a person, a country, or an organization has prestige, they are admired and respected because of the position they hold or the things they have achieved claim: to demand or ask for sth because you believe it is your legal right to own or to have it 要求(拥有);索取;认领

7 Part 1 Talking about the insurance practice
Useful Sentences Do you mind telling me what kind of insurance cover (保险险别)we'll have got for this order? We'll have it covered under All Risks (一切险)as the notebook computers are delicate goods and are likely to be damaged in transit (在运输途中很可能受损). How about insurance amount (保险金额)? The insurance amount will be for 110% of the invoice value (发票金额). N-UNCOUNT 财产;资产;所有物 Someone's property is all the things that belong to them or something that belongs to them N-UNCOUNT 声望;威望;威信 If a person, a country, or an organization has prestige, they are admired and respected because of the position they hold or the things they have achieved claim: to demand or ask for sth because you believe it is your legal right to own or to have it 要求(拥有);索取;认领

8 Part 1 Talking about the insurance practice
Useful Sentences Although our usual practice (惯常做法)is to insure the goods at the invoice value plus 10%, we are prepared to get cover for 130% of the invoice value. But the extra premium (额外的保险费)will be for your own account. Could you tell me under which insurance company (保险公司)our cargo will be covered? You present your formal claim (正式索赔书)in writing to the PICC. N-UNCOUNT 财产;资产;所有物 Someone's property is all the things that belong to them or something that belongs to them N-UNCOUNT 声望;威望;威信 If a person, a country, or an organization has prestige, they are admired and respected because of the position they hold or the things they have achieved claim: to demand or ask for sth because you believe it is your legal right to own or to have it 要求(拥有);索取;认领

9 Part 1 Talking about the insurance practice
Useful Sentences But please note that the claim can only be put in within 60 days after the arrival of the consignment (货物抵达60天内). For this order, insurance is to be covered by you (保险由你方办理), the seller, for 130% of the invoice value against All Risks and War Risk as per Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of PICC. N-UNCOUNT 财产;资产;所有物 Someone's property is all the things that belong to them or something that belongs to them N-UNCOUNT 声望;威望;威信 If a person, a country, or an organization has prestige, they are admired and respected because of the position they hold or the things they have achieved claim: to demand or ask for sth because you believe it is your legal right to own or to have it 要求(拥有);索取;认领

10 Part 1 Talking about the insurance practice
Comprehension Questions: Which insurance cover would Mr. Lee take out for Mr. Ribery's order of notebook computers? Why? Mr. Ribery would like to have the goods insured for 130% of the invoice value. What does that mean? Does Mr. Lee agree to that? Mr. Ribery would also like to have war risk insurance. Why? Can that be done? If something happens, what should Mr.Ribery do to make an insurance claim? Try to summarize the insurance practice.

11 Part 2 Discussing the insurance clause
Words & Phrases China National Machinery Equipment IMP & EXP Corp. 中国机械设备进出口公司 Inc. : Incorporated 有限公司 conclude a deal: 成交一笔业务 automatic reaping machine 自动割草机 counterpart: (职务、地位方面)对当的人;对应的事物 The Foreign Minister held talks with his Chinese counterpart. 外交部长与中国外交部长举行了会谈。 It is not a unique instance , but has its counterpart. 无独有偶. Night is the counterpart of day. 黑夜与白天相辅相成. a person or thing having the same function or characteristics as another

12 Part 2 Discussing the insurance clause
Words & Phrases basic risks: 基本险 FPA: Free from Particular Average 平安险 WPA : With Particular Average 水渍险 All Risks 一切险 additional risks 附加险 TPND:Theft, Pilferage & Non-delivery 偷窃、提货不着险 War Risk 战争险 Strike Risk 罢工险 special additional risks 特殊附加险

13 Part 2 Discussing the insurance clause
Words & Phrases total loss 全部损失 partial loss 部分损失 natural disaster 自然灾害 accident 意外事故 be incidental to: 伴随......发生的

14 Part 2 Discussing the insurance clause
Useful Sentences Your quotation is on CIF basis. How do you cover insurance (办理保险)? Usually, we insure the goods against WPA for 110% of the invoice value (发票金额的110%)with the PICC. OMCC provides coverage of three basic risks (基本险), some additional risks (附加险) and some special additional risks (特殊附加险). The three basic risks are FPA (平安险), WPA(水渍险) and All Risks (一切险).

15 Part 2 Discussing the insurance clause
Useful Sentences Roughly speaking, FPA stands for Free from Particular Average. It covers total losses (全部损失) resulting from both natural disasters and accidents , and partial losses (部分损失) caused by accidents. (平安险承保由自然灾害和意外事故造成的全部损失以及由意外事故造成的部分损失). TPND (偷窃、提货不着险)is an additional risk (附加险), so you have to pay the extra premium. (额外的保险费).

16 Part 2 Discussing the insurance clause
Comprehension Questions: What are the three basic coverages the PICC underwrites ? Why does Mr.Simon require TPND?

17 Oral Practice Individual Work: 1. Substitution Exercises Drill 1 We can insure the goods against ... for ... of the invoice value with PICC . Complete the above sentence by using the following: —WPA; 110% —FPA; 120% —All Risks; 130%

18 Oral Practice Individual Work: 1. Substitution Exercises Drill 2 But could you tell me … the PICC underwrite? Complete the above sentence by using the following: what major risk coverage what minor risk coverage what kind of transportation risk coverage what kind of family property risk coverag

19 Oral Practice Individual Work: 1. Substitution Exercises Drill 3 The buyer is usually required to bear ... Complete the above sentence by using the following: the cost of additional coverage the cost of insurance on FOB terms the cost of special coverage under fire the cost of taking out a special insurance

20 Oral Practice Individual Work: 1. Substitution Exercises Drill 4 I’ll have your insurance coverage changed from … to ... Complete the above sentence by using the following: war & fire; deterioration oil & grease; contamination stranding & sinking ; breakage theft & pilferage; fresh water & leakage

21 Oral Practice Individual Work: 1. Substitution Exercises Drill 5 This may sound complicated, but actually it’s not. You begin by ... Complete the above sentence by using the following: filing a formal claim presenting your claim informing your claim settlement agent obtaining your claim settlement agent’s inspection

22 Oral Practice Individual Work: 2. Practice Sentences
Please insure for us these products at invoice value plus 10% ( at 110% of the invoice value). We’d like to cover our ordered goods against WPA for 120% of the invoice value according to our usual practice. We only cover FPA and war risk. Our goods are very valuable, so I want insure against all risks. We shall shortly be making regular shipments of leather goods to Canada, and shall be glad if you will issue an all risks marine insurance policy for $70,000 to cover these shipments.

23 Oral Practice Individual Work: 2. Practice Sentences
What is the insurance premium for these goods? Can you cover our goods against breakage? We have arranged insurance on your consignment of electric motor cars to be shipped in these ten days. We shall insure the goods on your behalf. Does your company cover all kinds of risks for transportation by sea, land and air?

24 Oral Practice Individual Work: 2. Practice Sentences
⑪If we insure against FPA, can you compensate us for all the losses if the ship sinks? ⑫ Do you cover risks other than W.P.A.? For instance, TPND, Breakage and Fresh Water and /or Rain Damage? ⑬ There are three basic covers, namely, Free from Particular Average, With Particular Average and All Risks.

25 3. Oral Translation Exercises
Oral Practice Individual Work: 3. Oral Translation Exercises 贵公司能为我的这批货保哪些险呢? 请问根据你们常用的CIF价格条件,所保的究竟包括哪些险别? 保险费用按照货物类别的具体情况会有所不同。 保险费是这样计算的。 我们想为这批瓷器投保综合险。

26 Oral Practice Individual Work: 3. Oral Translation Exercises 请将这批货物投保综合险人民币5000元。 我们已经将这些货物按发票金额加百分之十投保综合险。 破碎险是包括在海洋运输货物险之内的,对吗? 只要是在保险责任范围内,保险公司就应负责赔偿。 保险费是多少?

27 Oral Practice Task 1 Pair Work:
Suppose you are inquiring about insurance with your partner about 5 tons of green tea you ordered from him. You would like to buy on CIF basis. He introduces the insurance items offered by People’s Insurance Company of China, especially the coverage of sweating and heating they will insure for such goods.

28 Oral Practice Task 2 Pair Work:
Suppose you have placed a total order for 200,000 square meters of timber, FOB Liverpool. You have decided to have your order covered under With Average, with an additional coverage of rain damage. Now talk to your counterpart about the insurance.

29 Oral Practice Group Work:
1. What factors should be taken into consideration when determining insurance coverage 2. Choose the right coverage for the following items and give your reasons: Cotton piece goods coal electronic toys heavy machinery glassware scooters 3. What items are usually included in an insurance policy?

30 listening

31 Additional materials—
We should take out a marine insurance policy. Do you want an F.P.A policy? We insure W.P.A., F.P.A. and all Risk. What is the amount of insurance? What insurance rate do you suggest we should get? What is the coverage of the insurance? This is outside the scope of the coverage. I’d like to renew the policy. We will have the goods insured as soon as they are shipped. You can be sure that we will have the goods insured as soon as they are shipped.

32 Cont. After loading the goods on board the ship, you must go to the insurance company to have them insured. The loss through breakage was over 30% of the consignment. The risk of breakage is covered by marine insurance. We will accept liability. We can’t pay compensation in this case. You will be paid compensation based on loss of earning. The insurance company refused to admit liability. There are conditions under which the insurance company is not liable. The insurance company is responsible for the claim, as far as it is within the scope of coverage.

33 Cont. I must admit I’m a layman as far as insurance is concerned.
F.P.A. stands for Free of Particular Average, while W.P.A. stands for With Particular Average. We are able to cover all kinds of risks for transportation by sea, land and air. We can serve you with a broad range of coverage against all kinds of risks for sea transport, such as Free of Particular Average, With Particular Average, All Risks and Extraneous Risks. We have to file/loge/make/raise a claim against/with/on you for … It’s obvious that the fruits are no longer suitable for consumption.

34 Cont. Our surveyors stated that it was the inferior material used that caused the quality deterioration. We find that the quality of your shipment is not in conformity with the agreed specifications. The woolen sweaters you delivered do not match the sample we provided. They’re different in design and color. Without a survey report issued by a respectable public surveyor to support your claim, we can’t take your claim into consideration. We wish to settle this dispute fairly, so we suggest that we submit it to arbitration.

35 Dialogue 1: Did you have your warehouse insured?
A: I was told that you bought a new warehouse. B: Actually I bought a second-hand warehouse. A: Did you have your warehouse insured? B: Yes, I did. A: What was the amount of the insurance? B: Two million. A: Who is the beneficiary? B: My son.

36 Dialogue 2: I suppose the policy C136 would suit you best.
A: May I help you? B: Yes. We are a large shipping company, and I’m wondering whether you could offer an insurance policy covering us against fire, accident and theft. A: How many people work in your company? B: 35. A: What is the value of your company? B: 500,000 yuan. A: Well, I suppose the policy C 136 would suit you best.

37 Dialogue 3: Could you quote a rate covering all risks from port to port?
A: I’ll send a consignment of 100 art bags to Shandong. Could you quote a rate covering all risks from port to port? B: Where is the consignment to be loaded? A: It is to be loaded onto the Golden Eagle, which sails from Guangzhou on June 2nd. B: What is the destination port? A: Qindao. It is due in Qindao on June 10th . B: Here is the declaration form, please complete it and return it as soon as possible.

38 Dialogue 4: About $100,000 worth of stock has been badly damaged.
A: A fire broke out in our department store last night. B: I’m so sorry to hear that. What was the cause of the fire? A: Not sure yet. B: Is the damage great? A: We estimated that about $100,000 worth of stock has been badly damaged. B: We’ll send our surveyor to inspect the damage and work out the assessment tomorrow.


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