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Presentation on theme: "SSC -A SLAN CD16 CD14 CD3-CD19-CD56 CD123 HLA-DR CD33"— Presentation transcript:

1 SSC -A SLAN CD16 CD14 CD3-CD19-CD56 CD123 HLA-DR CD33
Supplementary Figure S1 SSC -A SLAN CD16 CD14 0.37% 0.11% 9.07% 0.29% 0.09% 0.36% 0.12% 8.95% 0.30% 0.07% Identification of APC subsets with the exclusion markers (lineage-mixed) without the exclusion markers (lineage-mixed) CD3-CD19-CD56 CD123 HLA-DR CD33 0.16% 0.13% 0.18% Identification of antigen presenting cell (APC) subsets in a peripheral blood (PB) sample from a healthy donor, stained without and with the “dendritic cell exclusion cocktail” (CD3-CD19-CD56 lineage-mixed markers). Panels in the left show the different populations of circulating APC, identified according to the gating strategy described in Fig 2. Panels in the right show that staining of T-, B- and NK-cells (pink, red and light purple events depicted in the upper-right panel) with the lineage-mixed markers (CD3, CD19 and CD56) does not significantly improve the selection of the different monocyte and dendritic cell subsets, as the relative percentages (from leukocytes) are similar for all APC subpopulations with and without the DC exclusion cocktail. Colour codes for the APC subsets: dark purple and orange dots represent mDC and pDC, respectively; yellow dots correspond to cMo, iMo are painted in green while blue dots correspond to both SLAN- (light blue dots) and SLAN+ (dark blue dots) ncMo.

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