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FALCON 2008 Executive Director’s Report

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1 FALCON 2008 Executive Director’s Report
Major Accomplishments / Key Partnerships FALCON presentation to AIHEC Presidents Beginning of regular communications w/AIHEC leadership Input to Farm Bill Developing Tribal Leaders Research Curriculum Cooperative agreement: NCAI PRC for $65K/3 yrs. In 3rd year: curriculum developed, pilot phase complete, final product soon. Strategic Plan Development Ongoing process started in 2008. FALCON Committee Structure Conference Planning, Teaching, and Extension committees formed.

2 FALCON 2008 Executive Director’s Report
Membership Vote: The Process Occasionally, FALCON requires a formal vote by its membership to elect new officers or to make other important decisions. FALCON’s bylaws stipulate that each 1994 land grant institution may cast one vote, and that each 1994 institution’s voting representative be designated by the institution’s president. On April 30, 2008, 1994 presidents were asked to confirm and/or assign their FALCON voting representative. The FALCON Executive Team developed the ballot based on input from the 2007 FALCON Business Meeting, and other input gathered throughout the year. A Web-based vote was conducted during October 23-30, 2008. 18 of 30 voting representatives cast a ballot.

3 FALCON 2008 Executive Director’s Report
Membership Vote: The Results 1. Including 2008, the annual FALCON conference will have been held in Las Vegas, NV, for four years, in conjunction with the IAC/INCA Agricultural Symposium. Some FALCON members have consistently argued against Las Vegas as a venue due to its expense and perceived negative character. Further, while initially cost-effective, the IAC/INCA conference partnership has become increasingly expensive to FALCON, and coordinated scheduling has become more complex. The partnership will be further challenged in 2009, as FALCON will want greater autonomy to celebrate the 15th year of tribal college land grant status. Recommendation: The Executive Committee recommends that the 2009 FALCON conference be held in Washington, DC, so that it retains greater control, and so that its relationship with USDA and other federal agencies can be strengthened. What city would you prefer host the 2009 FALCON Conference?


5 FALCON 2008 Executive Director’s Report
Membership Vote: The Results 2. The current practice of holding the FALCON conference in early December conflicts with finals week for some institutions, and there have been requests to move the conference date. Recommendation: The Executive Committee recommends that the 2009 FALCON conference take place in October to reduce the conflict with exams and to take advantage of new fiscal year funding. Please rate your preferences for the month when the 2009 FALCON Conference should take place.


7 FALCON 2008 Executive Director’s Report
Membership Vote: The Results 3. The current practice has been to hold the FALCON conference from Saturday through Tuesday. This had reduced the amount of classtime conflicts for faculty, but requires working through a weekend. Recommendation: The Executive Committee recommends that the current practice of Saturday through Tuesday remain as the days for the 2009 FALCON Conference. Assuming a four-day conference, please rate your preference for the days of the week that the 2009 FALCON Conference should take place.


9 FALCON 2008 Executive Director’s Report
Membership Vote: The Results 4. Registration fees are used to support conference meeting facilities, speaker's expenses, materials, as well as coffee and refreshment breaks. Costs continue to rise for basic conference operations conference registration fees were $200 per person. Recommendation: The Executive Committee recommends that a registration fee of $300-$399 per person be charged for the 2009 FALCON Conference. About how much would you be willing to pay per person for FALCON Conference registration?


11 FALCON 2008 Executive Director’s Report
Membership Vote: The Results 5. At the 2007 FALCON Membership meeting, a motion was passed to add a student-related organizational goal to the FALCON mission. It was recognized that students are one of the most important stakeholders in the tribal college mission. Recommendation: The Executive Committee recommends that the following goal be added to the FALCON Mission Statement: "FALCON provides opportunities for tribal college students to grow personally, academically and professionally." Please indicate if you agree with the addition of the student goal above.


13 FALCON 2008 Executive Director’s Report
Membership Vote: The Results 6. The FALCON name stands for "First American Land-grant College and Organization Network." This name was approved by vote in Since then, many have experienced difficulty in remembering and articulating the full name, and some have even found it humorously cumbersome. Recommendation: The Executive Committee recommends keeping the well-known FALCON acronym, but changing the full name to "First American Land-grant Consortium." Please indicate if you agree to change the FALCON name as recommended.


15 FALCON 2008 Executive Director’s Report
Emerging Issues / Challenges (Implementing the FALCON Strategic Plan) Fostering the AIHEC Relationship Legislative initiatives (e.g., Research RFA) Financial sustainability: the Federal Budget & the Economy FALCON Leadership Development: Strengthening the FALCON Committee Structure Providing value to our members

16 Federal Budget Update

17 1994 Budget Priority Themes for FY 2010 and beyond…
Sustainable Natural Resource Management Includes programs in natural resource management, environmental sciences, water supply and quality, range management, community-based horticulture (i.e. community gardening), and renewable energy production. Health and Wellness Includes programs in understanding diet-related illness (diabetes, obesity, hypertension, etc.) nutrition, disease prevention, health disparities, and behavioral health. Community-based Economic Development In addition to 1994s serving as employers and in many cases the sole center for workforce training, they provide programs in critical areas including: micro-enterprise development, entrepreneurship, rural development, household financial education, home ownership, and workforce preparation.

18 FY 2011 is a big budget year. First “true” Obama budget year…
First year of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)… First year of NASULGC BAC priority themes approach… …will set the tone for the future.

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