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This week... Our topic for the Spring term is Brave Britain!’

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1 22.02.16 This week... Our topic for the Spring term is Brave Britain!’
This week our learning has been focused on ... This week... Parents comments: Class assembly this Thursday 25th February at 2.40 Phonics This week the revisited sounds are I/ie/igh as well as oo/ue. Please play any of the phonics play games using these sounds, such as the treasure chest game in phase 3 and 5 or the Obb and Bob game in the same phase. Challenge for home: One of the objectives for the end of the year is for the children to be able to spell the days of the week. Please visit the game at and practise ordering the days of the week. The children are then asked to write out the days of the week in their home learning book. Literacy This week the class have started a new unit of work learning about fantasy texts. They have retold the story of ‘Carlton and the Magic Trainers’ and will begin to change the events to their own story ideas. You can watch the story at home at: In Numeracy We are beginning the week by learning how to tell the time to the hour and half hour and then later in the week we will be comparing weight. Now is a good time to ask you child the time whenever an analogue clock shows the hours or half hour. You could also use language such as minute, second, day, week, month, long hand, short hand. In humanities we are beginning to compare cold and hot places in the world. We are also learning about famous historical people that have been brave and visited extreme locations. We will begin by learning about the expedition of Captain Robert Falcon Scott and his trip to the South Pole. Maybe you could find your own facts about him to share with the class.

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