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Presentation on theme: "MBA CLASS CONTENT AND TEACHING EFFECTIVENESS"— Presentation transcript:

Student’s Perspective

2 Who asked to participate?
Current MBA students Participants solicited through the MBA Student Association Respondents 21 Number of instructors who were assessed by students: 25

3 WHAT TO ASK? Faculty and course content evaluation tool used in Senior Executive Development in organizations across the globe and across sectors: Countries USA China Turkey Europe Sectors Aerospace Retail Grocery Operations Medical Device Manufacturing Hospital System

4 Metrics 1 – 5 scale plus comments

5 Degree the instructor demonstrated mastery of the subject both from the theoretical and applied perspectives. 1. Instructor has the education and has done research in the field. The knowledge communicated however did not seem to align with the current business environment. 5. Instructor was able to discuss theories and practices from both historic development and current business applications

6 Degree the instructor was able to clearly explain theory and practices.
1. - Instructor was knowledgeable about the subject matter but was unable to explain critical information in a manner that I could understand or apply. 5.- Instructor has clearly master the subject matter and was able to explain it in a manner that was easily understood both from a theoretical and application perspective.

7 Degree the instructor was able to connect to the class in a way that they demonstrated genuine commitment to my learning and development. 1- Instructor was technically knowledgeable but lacked the ability to connect to the class on a personal level. This caused me to leave the class with the feeling that the instructor did not genuinely care about my learning and growth. 5- Instructor was technically knowledgeable and made the effort to connect with the class in a manner the showed genuine caring about my learning and growth

8 Value you place on the content of course when thinking about your career.
1- The course contributed very little to the knowledge, skills, abilities and behaviors I need to demonstrate to future or current employers. 5. The course provided an experience that provided me knowledge, skills, abilities and new behaviors that I will be able to use throughout my career.

9 What Students Want- Themes in Student Feedback
CONTENT Current material Applied knowledge and practices with less pure theory. Many classes devoid of any real organizational applications Bring in outside content experts to supplement faculty knowledge More rigor. Please teach as a graduate class not a slightly upgraded undergraduate class Far to technical for a general MBA program Teach actionable skills Make material applicable to our future. We are not going to work for Google or Apple.

10 INSTRUCTION STYLE More interaction with class- less formal lecturing and talking at students. Take time to explain the why a theory or concept has value Avoid death by power point Manage pace of the time together Hold Individual student accountability for their performance. Limit group scoring. Fail those who do not perform Bring excitement about subject to the course Provide consistent feedback on how student is performing rather than end of semester grade


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